chapter seven part two

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Felina asked " Neko how is he ?" Neko said " he is resting ..... I tried to scene for his powers but I could not find them .... it's like his powers are turned off or something is blocking me from finding them " . Felina said " Shadows is with Nova and Winter Star ... Slayer what was it that you said that Shadows said " Slayer said " Shadows told me that he was there when her mom and dad was killed by something " Neko said " HIM that what she told me and the fact that he was a NIGHTMARE WARRIOR " a nightmare warrior it could have been not HIM ... Slayer said " if he is after her than we need to protect her before he does find her " . Neko said " I told her that but she wants to protect us this time like she knows what moves/ spell he will do on her if he does his hands on her " . Felina said " but first we need to make sure that both her and Death is at their full powers " , that name carried though out the woods and a small orb of purple light appeared next to me . The orb disappeared and showed a witch ,
I'm doing ok ... I mean this is really hitting me hard .

Now for Chapter Seven Part Two
Neko's POV

Nova came back and didn't talk to us . I went to the balcony and felt the cold air on my face , Slayer walked out and asked " was it right for us to talk about Shadows and Death in they are not here ?" I said " I mean I feel bad about talking them so no it was not right to ..... Slayer what's our plan if HE does come after her ?" Slayer said " I don't know " . the woods was quite and snow started to fell on the ground . Slayer went back in , I stood there looking out towards the woods . Felina walked out and said " Neko come in it's getting cold out here " . I went in and saw Slayer unpacking his bag .

the next day Shadow's POV

I opened my eyes and sat up . wow this bed was really soft , Darkness was still sleeping I got out of the bed and went to the living room , Nova was in the kitchen . I said " good morning Nova " . Nova said " good morning Shadow ... how did you sleep ?" I said " better thx " I sat down at the table near the window . Nova said " Shadow if you want to go see him you can " I got up and said " thx " I went to the healing room and saw Death lying on the bed .I sat in the chair next to the bed and said " Death is me Shadows ... please answer me " a small tear hit my lap . Death said " ( in a weak voice ) Shadows I will always answer you " . I started to cry with tears of joy and asked " Death how do you feel ?" I don't not what else to say or ask .. Death said " weak but I will fine " Death slowly opened his eyes . his was dark brown almost black . Death eyes met mine . Death said " Shadows please don't cry " I wiped away a tear and said " sorry I just glad you are feeling better " . Nova knocked on the door and asked " Shadow is he up ?" I said " yea ... Death I have to go bye " Death smiled at me and I smiled back at him , I left the room Nova went in , I went to the living room . Neko , Slayer and Felina was talking . I went outside to the balcony and felt the sun of my face . I never realized that I could heal from the sun light until now . Neko walked out and asked " how are you holding up Shadows ?" I said " better now that I know that Death is going to be fine soon .... I'm sorry if we late for the thing you had to do " I placed my hands on the rail of the balcony and Neko said " no is fine besides I want to make sure that everyone is at full powers when we leave here ". I looked out towards the winter woods and heard something crying for help . I closed my eyes and tried to listen in more but It was faded so I couldn't tell where it was coming from . Neko asked " Shadows is something wrong ?" I said " I think someone needs help " my eyes was still closed but I could tell where Neko was standing . I listen a bit more and heard " help can someone help " I did not know I could do this but my eyes showed me a little girl trying to save a little dragon that fell in a cave and can't get out . I opened my eyes and called Darkness . Darkness asked " yes Shadow ?" I said " I need you to fly please " Darkness flew off the balcony and went into his full form . Nova , Slayer and Felina ran out to the balcony and Slayer asked " is everything ok ?" I said " someone needs help and I going to help them " Winter Star was in her full form and said " Slayer , Felina on me .. Neko Shadow on Darkness while Nova stays here and makes sure that Death is ok " me , Neko got on Darkness while Felina and Slayer got on Winter Star . we followed the sound . I closed my eyes and tried to see where they was again , it showed me them again and this time it showed me that the dragon was hurt . I opened my eyes and looked over the side , I saw the young girl . I said " Darkness land you too Winter Star " . Darkness and Winter Star landed near the little girl. Felina got off Winter Star and asked " we are here to help .... Is everything ok ?" . The young girl said " no .... I was walking my mom's youngest dragon when she fell in and I can't reach her " Felina asked " what is her name if I may ask ?" the young girl said " she does have not a name so I call her Abigail " I got off Darkness and started to pet him . the dragon said " can you please hurry .... my wing is hurting really bad " I looked next to the cave and saw a tunnel near it . I went over to it and jumped in Neko , Slayer and Felina yelled " SHADOWS !" I said " I'm fine you guys I going to see if I can find a way to her from here " . Neko was above the hole and said " please be safe in there " ( aww again caring scene ) I said " I will " I walked away from the hole and said " hey Abigail can you hear me ?" the little dragon said " yes please hurry " I could not see a thing ... until my aura came and lit up the cave . I started to walk when small rock hit me in the nose . I asked " Abigail can you see a light ?" the little dragon said " I can see a blue light " my aura was blue , I said " I'm near you stay still please " . the little dragon said " ok " I got closer and heard Felina's voice . I saw a little white dragon I guess she is a snow or icy dragon . I said " hi Abigail " the little dragon said " yeah I'm going to better " I moved the rock from her wing . when I touched her wing I saw five swords . one of them had a golden crown on it . the image went away , Felina asked " Shadows are you ok ?" . I said " yea I'm fine " what was that ., we made it to the hole that Neko told me to be careful at . I said " Neko take Abigail and get her wing looked at " Neko used his magic to left Abigail to him . Neko asked " what about you ?" I said " don't worry I will find a way out soon " . before I could move the rocks fell around me . I was clearing the dust when Neko yelled " Shadows !" I said " I'm ok ... the rock only made me trapped but I ( I felt pain going though my body ) .. " I stopped talking because my hand started to hurt . I turned my hand over and saw that my had a cut in it . Neko said " hang on I'm coming down " Neko used a spirit spell and appeared near me . he touched me hand softly since my hand was bleeding it was the same hand that I had a wrap on ( in chapter Six ) . Neko used his spirit powers to teleported us on the ground , Felina and Slayer ran over. I was trying so hard not to scream from the pain , Felina started to heal my hand . Slayer gave Abigail to the little girl . my hand was healed . I said " thank you Neko and Felina ( I looked over at Slayer who was upset ) and you too Slayer " . Slayer smiled and gave me a thumbs up . the little girl said " thank you guys so much for saving her " I said " no problem ... do you need someone to see you home ?"
The little girl said " yea thanks " Slayer said " me and Felina can take her home " Winter Star lower her head and Slayer , Felina and the little girl got on Winter Star and went in the air . while me and Neko got on Darkness and went back to Nova's house *an hour later * Slayer and Felina made it back to the house . I was standing out on the balcony . ?? Asked " Shadows how are you doing ?" . I said " good but worried about something " There was quite in the air when all of a sudden I felt something / someone hugging me . I turned around and saw Death hugging me . I hug Death back . I close my eyes and just hugs him. Death said " I know you would want a hug " . I don't answer him . I just hugged him . we stopped hugging each other and went back inside . everyone was getting they thing together. Darkness tackled Death. Death said " Darkness .... How long have you been here ?" Darkness said " for a while now but I can't wait to see home again " . Neko said " nether can I ... " me and Death started to pack our bag *4 hours later * we made it back to the Neko kingdom , Saruhime said " my king I'm glad you are back " . I started to rub the back of my neck . I stopped rubbing my neck , Neko asked " Saruhime is everything ok ?" . Saruhime said " I wanted to make sure that you got home safely ." I went back to my house . I'm glad to be home .

Hey guys so chapter eight is next I hope you like it .

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