chapter five

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Previous in chapter four : We ran outside and saw the city was under attack , I turned around and there was a dark monster standing in the door way , the next thing I knew was I was not able to move like the shield took over me . I said " Felina ( that is not my voice ...shut up) I have to go I will be back be the start of the party " .

Now for chapter 5
Raven's POV

I was flying with out Shadows on my back . I saw Neko's sword case and landed near the others with fear in my eyes . Slayer asked "  Raven is everything ok ?" I said " ...... Shadows she is in ......TROUBLE !" Slayer said " wait what ... Felina you said she had to go somewhere " Felina said " yea but I didn't know she was going in trouble " Death walked over and asked " is something wrong ?" everything went quite . I yelled "  ...... Shadows she is in ......TROUBLE !" Death asked " then why are we standing around and not saving her ?" Neko called Elements . Slayer and Felina got on me while Neko and Death got on Elements , we took to the air . I used my night speed to get there , both me and Elements landed . 

Slayer's POV 

me , Felina , Death and Neko got off the dragons . Neko was in his warrior form . he had wings and his hair was orange . I summoned my shield and pulled my sword form it's case . Raven said " I last talked to her in the third last classroom window " Neko said " ok we know where to start looking for her " we went in the school . the building was going to fell soon maybe an a year or so . Death had his sword in his hand . everyone was ready  to fight . we made it the classroom where Raven last saw her . Felina said " guys .. look " there was huge claw mark on the wall near the window . I turned around and saw more of them like she was putting up a fight . Death had his eyes cover so I could not tell if he was mad or sad . I mean he  sound mad back at the Neko kingdom . we left the classroom and Neko stopped and yelled " EVERYONE DOWN !" we ducked as an arrow flew above us almost hitting me in the head . we stood back up and saw a person aiming an arrow at us . we was not only ones here , the person fired the arrow but Death blocked it with his shield . I said " thank Death " Death said " let me take care of this one " . Death sword changed it a bow and he shot an arrow and killed the person . I never knew Death was good at bow and arrow but I surprised he would kill someone . Death's bow changed back into the his sword . we went back downstairs to the gym and saw one of the monsters , Neko took the led on this one . three more appeared . all of us started to fight them , after fighting the monsters I saw out of the corner of my eye a stone block in the middle of the school's gym , me and Death went closer . Death jumped on the stone block and said " by the look of the cut in the middle of the stone there was a sword here " . he jumped down , where are you Shadows ? I heard a growl of a monster . all of us turned and saw an army of monsters . Felina called her dragons . Neko's wings started to get some gold on them . we fought the monster after monster there was about 100 of them . the monster stopped and disappeared . Neko said " ok that is really wired .. why would they disappeared like that " . a finger appeared by the door way it look like a girl . I yelled " SHADOWS !" the person disappeared and said " so you are the four who care for this girl .. how weak she has never had friends and will a warrior her whole life " that was not shadows ... Death yelled " THEN SHOW YOURSELF !" the person appeared right in front of me . it was her but her eyes was black not her normal color . I said " shadows I know you are there " she started to fight me , Death took a hit for me but he keep fighting with me , Felina and Neko . Shadows disappeared to redraw her powers . I know she is still in there . Shadow said " ( in her real voice ) I won't hurt them .. they are my family " she thinks of us like that . another voice said " I should let me in control you again so they can die " Shadows yelled " NOO !" she appeared in front of Death and started to fight him  . Death blocked the attack and said " you guys .. it's the shield ... It controlling her .. " everyone started to fight her . Felina hit the shield and almost broke the shield . I said " like Death said only together are going to get her back " both me and Neko hit the shield . it broke but she was not herself , Death put his sword back in the case and hugged Shadows . I yelled "  DEATH !" 

Shadow's POV 

I was about to fight when Death hugged me . I dropped my sword and hugged Death back . Death said " please Shadows come back to us " tears was felling down his face , we stopped hugging and the evil spirit came out of me . I grabbed my sword and said " I'm super ( super x5 ) sorry I hurt you guys " Neko said " it's over yet " we started to attack  the evil spirit . I said " guys move " I summoned a huge orb of light . I yelled " YOU WILL NEVER HURT MY FRIENDS EVER AGAIN ...... RAGGING SUN BLAZE !!!!!" I shot the orb at the spirit and killed it . we left the school . Death was being healed by Felina . I could not stop myself from attacking them . I started to cry but Slayer hugged me . Slayer said " hey everything is going to be ok .. I promise " I hugged Slayer back . we stopped hugging . we got on the dragons and went back to the base . everyone went to the festival . I got off Raven and started to cry again . Neko walks over to me and hugs . Neko said " it's okey it's wasn't your fault " I hugged Neko back and feel my eyes changing to back to my normal ones . Neko let's go of me and says " now there there " he wipes away my tears . I started blushing a deep red almost a ruby red . I said " Neko " Neko said " yes Shadows " he smiles at me . I smiled back at him and said " thank you " I slowly close my eyes .. and almost fells asleep but trys to stay awake for the party . Neko lifts me in a bridal style and says " it been an eventful day for you .. you need some rest " he carried me to my room  . I fell asleep in Neko's arms . 

Neko's POV 

I placed Shadows in her bed and tucked her in . I said " sleep well Phoenix " I left the room and headed to the party  . Slayer said " hey Neko what took you " I said " I had to make sure Shadow made it her house ok " Felina said " speaking of house that where Death went .. to his house " I glad we saved Shadows .

The next day (still in Neko's POV )

I went to check on everyone , I went to Death's house first since he was closer to the castle . I said " Death " Death opened his window and said " well good morning king " I allow him to call that ... sometimes . I asked " how are you feeling ?"  Death said " fine ( he looks at his shoulder ) I'm fine , about it ....still hurts " I said " I thought Felina healed it " Death said " she did but the pain is still there " I said " I'm going to check on the others bye " Death said " bye Neko " I went to Slayer's house , Slayer and Felina was training together . Elements shot a small rock at them but Slayer blocked it before it could hurt Felina . Felina said " thx Slayer " Slayer smiled and said " your welcome ( he looks over at me ) hey bro " they walked over and I said " hey guys I see that you two are training " Slayer said " yea we need to ready just in case for a fight again " they went back to training now for Shadows . I was away from Slayers's house when my tattoo started to glow .  ( the tattoo at the top of the page is what it looks like )  I rolled up my shelve and saw my tattoo glowing a light blue and green but how . I remember that Shadow's eyes changed color when she had her new sword in her hands . all of sudden I heard a scream . I ran to Shadow's house and heard her crying from her I guess she left the window open . I went in and went to her room . Raven was with Death and Darkness so I knocked on her bedroom door .  I opened the door and saw Shadows was hugging her legs  . I walked in and sat on her bed , I asked " Shadows .. are you ok ?" she didn't answer . she moved her head " no " . I placed my hand on hers and asked " do you want to talk about it ?" Shadow said " yes .. if you don't mind me talking about it " I said " I don't mind " I moved my hand while Shadows moved her legs . Shadow's eyes had tears in them . Shadows said " I had a nightmare but it was about me fighting you and our friends ... and then the night showed me about my mom and dad was  killed by HIM ( more tears started to fell down her face )  I " Shadows stopped talking and looked at me . tears run down her face . I pulled her in a hug and she hugged me back . I started to blush a little but she could not tell . I asked  " sorry to bring it up but who is HIM you said before ?" Shadows said " he was a  NIGHTMARE WARRIOR  my father fought him a long time again which he won but the men spirit came back and killed my parents .. I was only 6 years old " . her tears slowed down a little . I said " Shadows if he is after you then we are here to protect you " Shadows said " all of you saved me and now it's time I have to protect you guys " Shadows looked at me with fire in her eyes . she let go of me and got up . but she was way to weak to even stand up , she grab the wall of her room . I got up and stood in front in her . I said "  you are in no way to fight even with your new sword I won't allow you to hurt yourself " . I raised my voice a little to make sure she knew I was here for her .   

hey guys this is a note for my readers - whatever is CAPS is really imported for the next chapter and this is a cliffhanger .. I know three of them in a row sorry guys but you guys are loving this book .. I really glad you all love it .  who do you think he is ? .

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