chapter eight

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Previous in chapter seven part two :  I went to the healing room and saw Death lying on the bed .I sat in the chair next to the bed and said " Death is me Shadows ... please answer me " a small tear hit my lap . Death said " ( in a weak voice ) Shadows I will always answer you " . I started to cry with tears of joy and asked " Death how do you feel ?" I don't not what else to say or ask .. Death said " weak but I will fine " Death slowly opened his eyes , Darkness tackled Death , I don't answer him . I just hugged him .

Now for chapter eight
The next day Shadow's POV

Today we are heading to the beach . I was getting a bottle of water when there was a knock at my door I said " come in " Neko opened the door and said " good morning Shadows " I said " good morning Neko " I grabbed a water bottle and put it in my bag . we started to walk to the beach . we met up with Slayer and Felina but no Death. Where is he ? . Neko said " ok this training is going to push you past you limits " four training dummys appeared  in front of us and Felina said " you need to go pass 100 % of you magic limits " Neko handed us a gem and said " this are Summonlit gems let him be one with you and you powers will regain after this training " the gem went in me and I felt it saving some of my powers . I started to lose control of my aura ... I whispered " I can't lose control " Neko asked " Shadows are you ok ?" I had to lie . I said " I'm f" before I said fine Felina said " You not telling the truth to him " she was faces to Slayer. Neko looked back at me and asked " are you lieing to me ?" I whispered " yes " his voice sound like he was anger me .  Neko  yelled " YOU ARE LIEING TO ME !" I ran to the woods in tears . all I remember was tripping on a stick and hitting  my back on a tree .

??'s POV

I was on Reaper when Reaper asked " hey Rider is that a human there in the woods ?" I looked down and saw a human against a tree .I said " Reaper go down " Reaper landed near the clearing . I jumped off Reaper and run over to human but it was a girl . I summoned an orb of talking and said " Gladiuos  come in " Gladiuos said " ( still half asleep ) what Grim ?" I said " we have a warrior knocked out in the winter woods and she is hurt badly " . Gladiuos said " ( more awake now ) bring her here now !" I said " ok ok sheesh " I made the orb disappear . I cleared the snow from her face and saw she had a tear . I picked her up in a bridal style and took her to Reaper's saddle . we went in the air , * an hour later * Reaper landed near the base , Gladiuos was standing outside with Night Fear and Lizzie . I got off Reaper with the girl in my arms . Lizzie said " let's take her to my room for now " I went to Lizzie's room , I placed the girl on the bed and went out of her room . Gladiuos asked " may I ask the story for the girl ?" I said " me and Reaper was flying when he saw a body under a tree and we went closer to find the girl " . Gladiuos gave me a look like " really Grim " . Gladiuos said " well it look like she is not  fr" before he could finish speaking Lizzie run out and said " guy she is from the Neko Dragon warriors team " both me and Gladiuos looked at each other and back at Lizzie , Gladiuos asked " Lizzie are you sure ?" Lizzie said " yes she has the tattoo of the Neko Kingdom Dragon Warriors or NKDW ". I asked " what should we do then ?" . Lizzie said " first we need to heal her up and then you two can take her back to them " . both me and Gladiuos said " what wait " . Lizzie said " you two heard me .. and Grim you and Gladiuos you two will need to train ASAP " . she was not our leader but she acts like one . me and Gladiuos went to the training area. Gladiuos summoned his axe while I pulled my sword out from its case . * 4 hours later * we had trained for 4 hours , I went to Lizzie's house . 

Shadow's POV 

I slowly opened my eyes and felt something on my head . A rag .. where I'm . ?? said " your up thank the dragons " I asked " where I'm ?" ?? said " welcome to my house ... my name is Lizzie and may I ask you name ?" I said " Shadows " Lizzie said " nice to meet you Shadows " there was a knock at the door , Lizzie said " come in " the opened and a guy walked in , he wear a black glove on one hand . at least I could tell . ?? asked " Liz is she how is she feeling ?" Lizzie said " good I'm going to get some water " she left the room and the guy stayed in the room . I asked " may I ask who you are ?" he said " Grim my name is Grim and the one who saved you " . I said " nice to meet you Grim ( I sat up but quickly grabbed my shoulder ) " Grim sat down next to me and said " here " he moved my hand and started to heal my shoulder . I saw his aura forming around his hands . I asked " Grim may I ask what type of powers do you have ?" Grim said " Grim Reaper and dark " . his aura was a midnight black . Grim asked " Shadows can I ask you .. what kind of powers do you have ?" I said " light .. more like sun " .Grim finished healing my shoulder and said " you hit the tree really hard " Grim got up from the bed while Lizzie walked in with a tray of food , besides food was a new pair of clothes . Lizzie said " here ( setting the tray next to the bed ) when you feel better come joins us outside ok " I said " ok " they left the room . * 20 minutes later * I was fixing the top of the pair of clothes that Lizzie gave me . when I looked in the mirror I saw that my was brown and not blonde .  (the picture at the top of the page is what Shadow's is wearing and image her eyes are half blue half green ) . I walked out of Lizzie's room and went outside . it was snowing . Grim asked " how do you feel Shadows  ?" I said " better since I ate something and this cold weather is not getting to me " another guy walked over and asked " if I may ask why was you in the winter woods ?" I said " I had to get away from my place in the Neko kingdom and I think the king is mad at me anyway " . the other boy said " oh my name is Gladiuos " . I said " hi Gladiuos my name is Shadows " we went to the training area , Gladiuos summoned his weapon . wow an axe . Grime pulled his sword out . I summoned my sword . we started to train when Lizzie walked over , Lizzie said " Shadows you Grim and Gladiuos need to go to the Neko kingdom " Neko ... I started walking backwards until I walked right into Gladiuos . Grim asked " Shadows are you ok ?" I said " I can't go back there " Gladiuos put his hands on my shoulders and said " we are going with you so you won't have to see the king " he said something under his breathe . I said " ok I will go " Gladiuos and Grim called they dragons . Lizzie said " Shadows you will ride with one of them ". I had to choose only one them.

Cliffhanger and part 1 of chapter eight . chapter eight part two is next .

Hey guys so in the last part "  Update " I said that there was only two parts left well not any more 4 more parts to this story and I wanted to thank someone for helping me out and being there for me and  giving me the ideas for this part . I say thank you Neko for helping me out :3 and sorry for short chapter the next one will be longer and more action packed .

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