chapter twelve part two

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Before you read this just letting you know that this chapter is really cheese if you read it . hey guys so the crossover book was been reschedule for later after this book is done but you will get a new roleplay book and it's called The Secret Life of The Phoenix Alliance .

Now for chapter
Neko's POV

Shadows said " Neko .... " I said " yea Phe ". Shadows said " ...(tears started to fell down her face ) " I said " hey ... ( I wiped a tear away with my thumb ) Phe are you really ok ?". Shadows placed her head and my shoulder and said " no ... I was really scared about dieing ... And losing everyone I care for " her tears hit my left arm. I started to run my fingers though her hair . the next thing I knew was Shadows fell asleep on my shoulder. I placed her head on the pillow . I whispered " Shadows you will not die with me and the others around ". I was lucky that Shadows didn't hear me . ( the image at the top of the page is what Neko's rooms looks like )

The next day Neko's POV

I slept on the guess room since Shadows was sleeping in my room . I knocked on the door and asked " Shadows are you awake ?" there was no answer and then Shadows said  " Neko ... Neko ... No .... No!" I ran in the door and saw Shadows was sitting up in the bed . I sat down on the bed and asked " Shadows are you ok ?" Shadows said " yea just a night terror " . a night terror with me in it .... I asked " Shadows do you want to talk about it ?" Shadows said " no I'm fine .... You know  I'm going to train today since the cafe is closed " . I was about to say something when Saruhime said " my king you have a meeting right now " .

2 hour later Shadow's POV

I was training when someone asked " Shadows are you ok ?" my sword hit one of the training dummies. I said " I'm great " . I had to train hard to regain my powers . ?? Said " should you be training right after you lose your powers ". I said " I will train until my body can't stand ". The person did not answer me back . I had the dummies about 500 times . I left my sword up and my sight became blurry but I snapped back and went back to training... I will get my powers back even if it takes my a week to do it . there was no one training so I was alone . I was about to hit the dummy when someone's arms wrapped around me . I saw a black glove on the left hand . I whispered " Grim " The person said " you guess right " . Grim was the one kidnapped me , and Grim was the one who cut my lip ... Was Grim the reason I passed out ? .  Grim said " Shadows I know I'm last person you want to see but look at me please " I turned around and said " Grim ... " Grim pulled me into a hug and said " I'm so sorry ... What I did to you was wrong " . I places my hands in his chest and said " Grim you had no control and I understand you didn't mean to kidnap me or attack me (  Grim let go of me and grabbed my arm tightly .)  Grim let go of my arm " . Grim's eyes was pour black . I tried to break free but his grip was not letting  me move . Grim said " Phoenix you will die " . I saw blood on my arm.... .

Neko's POV

I was reading when I heard a scream , I got up and ran to the balcony  and saw Shadows and Grim . Shadows yelled " GRIM STOP YOUR HURTING ME !" . wait what , I used my powers  to teleported near Shadows and gave Grim an uppercut . Grim let go of Shadow's arm and I trapped him in a prism of maze . I turned around and asked " Shadows are you hurt ?" of course she hurt you dummy .. Shadows showed me her arm . I touched it lightly and started to heal it . Shadow's eyes was light almost white from fear . I said " don't worry Shadows I make sure he never hurts you again " . I turned around to face Grim but it was not Grim but Zola . I said " I see you up to no good Zola " . Zola said " Neko .. Crap I'm died I'm ?" I said " ( in an angry voice ) YOU'RE HELL RIGHT .. YOU ARE CHARGED WITH ONE COUNT OF KIDNAPPING AND FOR HURTING ONE OF MY FRIENDS " . I made the prism close in on him to point that he was trapped in a card . Shadows hugged me from the back and said " Neko I was so scared " I felt Shadows shaking . I turned around and hugged Shadows.

Later that morning Shadow's POV

I was sitting at the beach . the sun hitting my face , My hands was still shaking from the this morning , all of a sudden a black gem appeared in front of me . I felt Grim reaper magic from the gem . I touched it and it  teleported me  to the dungeon under the castle. I asked " Grim are you here ?" Grim said " Shadows ... Black bolt " a bolt of lighting came out of a cell . I ran over to the door and said " Grim don't move " Grim said " I don't have a choose " the door was iron so I use a ragging black twilight it would hit the door and kill Grim too . Crap , what can I do ... I looked back at Grim and saw his shirt stain with blood. No .... What my comet shard spell would work.  I said " Comet shard " the shards broke the door . I ran in  and said " Grim stay with me " . Grim said " I will try " . I sat down on my knees and pulled Grim on my lap . I said " Grim ". Grim said " Shadows you have to heal it " . I said " but Grim your shirt " . Grim said "( his voice was now showing pain ) I didn't care about that .... ". I had no choose but to heal his cut . I placed my hand lightly on the cut and said " Star life ". Stars came out of my hand and started to heal Grim . Grim don't die on me please don't die .. The cut was finally healed , Grim sat up and hugged me now this is the real Grim
I hugged Grim back . I don't realised that Grim was hugging tightly ( as a friend) I started to run my fingers though his hair . Grim started to cry . I said " Grim ... Everything is fine I promise " . Grim said " thanks for being here Shadows " . I said " I will be if you need me " .

(Saturday ) The next day Shadow's POV

I was writing stuff down when Belle walked in and asked " lady Shadows ( I looked up from the my paper work ) I was thinking maybe we could started allowing dragons in the cafe ... If that's ok with you " I said " sure we can start doing that today " . Belle said " thanks lady Shadows " . I went back to my papper work . I was about to sign my name when I heard a plate drop . I ran out and saw Yan panicking. I said " here let me help you Yan " . I started to clean up the broken plate , Yan was blushing of embarrassment . I said " Yan .. It's fine " Yan said " thank you Lady Shadows for helping me clean this mess up " I said " no problem Yan " . the cafe just opened just we got our  handful today and I mean a handful . we was busy until closing . I was walking home when I heard someone playing the piano . the music was coning from Grim's house. I walked in and heard him playing the piano

(The video above is what Grim is playing) (play video )

Grim had stopped playing. Holy mother of dragon .. He played so lovely. Grim stood up and walk towards the door to his music room  . Crap I need to hide before I could hide Grim opened the door. Grim asked "  Shadows how long have you stood there ?" I said " since you started playing " I was trying so hard to to blush. Grim asked " did you like it ?" I said " I-I-I loved it " crap I shuttered a bit .

Oh snap DOES SHADOWS LIKE GRIM ? . or DOES GRIM AND NEKO LIKE SHADOWS ? let me know who you think likes Shadows ..

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