Chapter 7 : Xiao Yang and Xiao Yue

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The two eggs hatched. Inside there were two little mystical beasts. In the golden one there was a little crow enveloped in golden flames and in the silver one there was a little white rabbit, soft and with big ruby eyes.

Master, master.

Nalan Xi suddenly heard in her head two voices of two children. She turned around to see who was calling her, but other than Ye Ling and the two little beasts there wasn't anyone else.

Here, master. Down here.

She looked down and saw the two little beasts waving their little claws at her. She crouch down to take the little two beasts in her embrace.

"Why do you call me master?" She asked at the two little beasts. They looked at each other for a moment in confusion.

Because you're our master?

"Ye Ling do you know something?" Nalan Xi already knew that these two didn't know anything from their confused faces, so she directly asked Ye Ling.

"Because you just formed a contract?" He said not understanding why asking a question such a simple.

"Contract? When?" Nalan Xi already had a guess but she stull asked it.

"When you dropped your blood." He rolled his eyes and replied. This time he has a very stupid master, don't know what the Nine Heavenly Pagoda found special of her.

Nalan Xi glared at him, just by guessing she knew what he was thinking.

After understanding the situation, Nalan Xi turned again to the two little beasts.

"From now on you'll be following me. I'll give you names. You'll be Xiao Yang." She pointed at the little crow. "And you'll be Xiao Yue." This time she pointed at the little rabbit.

The two were really happy of tha names she gave them.

"Now tell me, what are you two?" Nalan Xi asked. She have to know what these little beasts are, they have a too powerful aura and they're still infants, they're not that simple.

I'm a Golden Crow* and the last one still alive. I'm an Celestial Beast so my aura is stronger than the Godly beasts. Said Xiao Yang.
I'm the Jade Rabbit* and I'm also a Celestial Beast. Said Xiao Yue.

In the Starlight Continent the mystical beasts also have different ranks:
- Low
- Middle
- High
- Saint
- Godly
- Celestial
Each rank is divided into 10 levels:
- From level 1 to level 3, the mystical beast just brokethrough and is still a low grade beast
- From level 4 to level 6, the mystical beast is a middle grade beast
- From level 7 to level 9, the mystical beast is a high grade beast
- Level 10, the mystical beast is at the door of a new breakthrough and is a peak grade beast
Once a beast entered the Celestial rank they would obtain a Celestial Body becoming Celestial beings and they aren't called mystical beasts but Celestial Beasts.

Nalan Xi looked astonished at them after hearing what they are. Celestial Beasts are legendary beings. In this continent the highest rank mystical beast is a Saint rank high grade beast.

How many centuries hasn't appeared a Celestial rank beast! And before her there are two of them!

Nalan Xi heard of them in the Chinese mythology. The Golden Crow is a divine beast which symbolizes fire and the Sun. In mythology, there were originally ten Suns in the form of ten Goden Crows. One day they went on a rampage and scorched the earth, which lead to the godly archer Houyi slaying nine of them to put an end to the crisis. And the Jade Rabbit is a divine beast which symbolizes the Moon. In mythology, it's a rabbit that lives in the moon. It accompanies the moon goddess Chang'e and produces the elixir of life by pounding medicinal herbs.

A/N The Golden Crow (金乌 jinwu) - also known as the Sun Crow (阳乌) or a Three-legged Crow (三足乌) - is a divine beast which symbolizes fire and the Sun.
The name I gave, Xiao Yang (in Chinese 小阳) is from the letter 小 (little) and the 阳 of 太阳 (sun) so his name is Little Sun.

The name I gave, Xiao Yang (in Chinese 小阳) is from the letter 小 (little) and the 阳 of 太阳 (sun) so his name is Little Sun

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The Jade Rabbit (玉兔) - also known as the Moon Rabbit (月兔) - is a divine beast which symbolizes the Moon.
The name I gave, Xiao Yue (in Chinese 小月) is from the letter 小 (little) and 月 (moon, but it also means month) so his name is Little Moon.

The name I gave, Xiao Yue (in Chinese 小月) is from the letter 小 (little) and 月 (moon, but it also means month) so his name is Little Moon

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