The Meeting

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Annie POV

Its been a week since we rerecorded Dancing On The Ceiling. Me and Hayden haven't gotten into any fights besides one when I couldn't find my shoe. But it was more of me yelling at him, and him just pretending to care. But I still love him. 

I woke up, and Hayden wasn't next to me. Clara spent the last few nights at her friends house because she has a pool. Even though Clara cant swim because of her leg. But I still let her go because I know her dad from a show we did together. I got up from bed, and saw I only had my bra and underwear on. I grabbed my lavender silk robe, and put it on and tied it around my body. 

I brushed my teeth, combed my hair, and headed downstairs. I saw Hayden making breakfast with just his shorts on. I bit my lip, and sat on the counter next to him.

"How was your sleep?" He asked as he put the pancake on a plate. 

"Great, with you." I responded as I looked from my phone.

"It wasn't fun sleeping with you. You kick too much." he joked, and I playfully punched his arm.

"Whatever. But, today we have that meeting." I said as I got off the counter and grabbed the juice from the fridge. 

"What meeting?" He asked as he set up the table. I grabbed the cups, and put them on the table.

"For a new show? It called, 'Chicken Girls 2: A Different Time'. Its something about like, TK comes back and  times are different. I don't know the details. But there will be throw backs and stuff. They really haven't decided the MAIN theme of the show yet." I explained as I grabbed the plates from the cabinet. 

"Well,' he started as we sat down. "It isn't decided yet. Maybe we will start it. Maybe we wont. But, we are recording after the meeting." I nodded, and set up my plate with a pancake, fruit, granola, and a cream biscuit. 

We ate, and talked. But then the doorbell rang. "It's ok babe. I'll get it." I said, and went up to get the door.

I opened the door, and saw Mads with her youngest. Maya and Lucie. "Hey, can we come in?" Mads asked, and I let her in. 

Mads looked terrible, so I said to the girls, "Um, go to the kitchen girls. Uncle Hayden has pancakes and breakfast." as soon as I said that, they ran to the kitchen. "What wrong?" I asked, then Mad burst into tears.

I brought her into my guest bedroom upstairs, and she was still in tears. Tears rolling down her face as she cried into my shoulder. "Mads, calm down. What happened?" I asked, lifting her chin up.

"M-me. And Caden, w-we. We're getting a divorce." as soon as she said that, I was shocked. She kept on crying, and crying into my shoulder. 

After about 20 minutes of her crying, she stopped, and fixed herself up. "DO the kids know?" I asked as she combed her hair.

"Kinda. Me and Caden got into a huge fight. And then, he just said its better to get a divorce. And I couldn't agree more. The girls all saw it, and heard everything! Caden ran out with all his stuff in his hand, and left. Slamming the door making pictures fall off the wall." she explained. But all I thought was how? They seemed perfect. "It wasn't perfect. We fought every night when the girls were asleep. We pretended to be fine." she somehow read my mind. "No I don't read your mind. You are just too obvious." she added as she put her hair on a side low ponytail. 

"What do they think about it?" I asked as she sat back down.

"They know that we're getting a divorce. They're older now. And they understand what's happening." she explained, and tried not to cry.

"When was the last time you saw Caden?" I asked.

"Last night. The girls slept in my room, and I just cried myself to sleep." she said as I rubbed her back. 

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