Months later...

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Annie's POV

It had been 7 months, and im due soon. I havent posted, or done anything on social media since i announced i would take a small break, and focus on my compant i own. Well me and Hayley own. It is called, 'Caleb's Stuff' focused on our brother we lost years ago. I found out i would have a baby girl. I thought of Clara, so i will name my baby, Clara. I want to celebrate him, and he was always so cheerful, positive, and anything i hope my child to become. I know it is a girl, but I wanted to have C as her first letter in her name.

Chicken Girls has stopped until next year, because of some arrangements. Also known as, me, and my baby. I want to keep my baby private. And away from fame. I have announced i wont be singing for a while, but i dont even know when i will start to sing.

A few days later.

I woke up, and saw my water broke. I called Hyaley, and she called the ambulance since she doesnt have her driver licenes, and the baby was coming quick. And, i was bleeding. They came in 5 minutes, and helped me. I ended up having the baby in my room, and, after 30 mintues of pushing, Caleb came into the world. I cried, and everyone was waiting the the living room downstairs. Only Brooke, hayley, and Mads were in the room with me.

After, the amulance brought me to the hospital. Everyone drove there, while Hayley, Caleb, and i were driven to the hospital in teh ambulance. When we arrived, i was placed into the recovery room, and they tested me and Clara.

After a few hours, it was 5am. The doctors said i was done with testing, but still had to stay in the hospital for a week, since i was bleeding after birth. And other stuff. As i was holding the sleeping Clara in my arms, i saw the green in her eyes, it was suttle, but clearly there. She had a suttle bit of hair, and it was a bit curly. She looked like her father. I heard a knock, and i said come in.

"Hey," they all said. It was the cast!

"How are you feeling?" Mads asked as she carried Kya.

"Good, great." i replied still looking at Clara.

"So, do you want to introduce us to her?" Rush asked, and everyone else nodded.

"Yes, of course. This is, Clara Justice Leblanc." they all cheered, and we all smiled.

"Annie, can i hold her?" Hayley asked.

"Of course." i said. Hayley sat on the chair beside my hospital bed, and i gave her Clara.

"Is it bad if i say she looks like," Hayley stopped.

"It's fine if you say she looks like Hayden. Thats what i thought." i said, and could tell they were shocked.

Clara started to cry, "Um, i didnt do anything!" Hayley said as if she made her cry.

"You didnt do anything. She is just a bit fussy. Here." Mads said, and took Clara. "Aww, Caden...." Mads whined.

"Mads, we can barley handle Kya." Caden said, and we all laughed

"Pweese! Look at that baby face." Mads said, and started to pout.

"Mads, you have a baby right here." Hayley said, and Kya was on her lap.

"I know" Mads said in defeat.

Mads gave me Clara back, and everyone was so happy for me. I decided to take a photo, and i just feel like. Hayden probably lost all contact of me.

Brooke took a pic of me, Hayley, and Clara. Caption: So lucky to have the best family ever. Meet Clara Justice Leblanc. Born 2:56 am. Im the happiest person when Im with Hayley, and my baby. BTW, Im taking a break from music just for a little bit, but am continuing to act, and play Rhyme in Chicken Girls. Love y'all!

Comments started to blow up about how Hayden wasnt there, or Clara's last name wasnt Summerall. I just turned off teh comments. Everyone else took pics and held Clara. They all posted saying like, " So happy for Annie! She gave birth to the most spectacular baby. Clara Justice Leblanc" they also turned off the comments too.

"So, im starving!" I yelled as Caden held Clara.

"Well, let us get you some food." Hayely said, and they all left leaving me, Clara, Mads, Brooke, and Caden. I got a dm from someone.

"WHo's that?" Mads asked.

I read the name, Bratayley. "Hey Annie! Are you ok? We're visiting in three weeks. Love ya"

I replied, "Love ya too!" I smiled, and texted Hayley the good news.

I was happy, with my friends, family, and baby. Everything was just perfect!

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