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Allie's POV

 A few weeks have passed and Nate has basically moved into my apartment with half of my drawers filled with his clothes and my closet holding his suits for game nights. It's one of Nate's off days before leaving for a two week road trip with the Bruins so we're cuddled on the couch watching some TV. My legs are in Nate's lap and he gently massages my calves as I keep my focus on the sports highlights being shown. He hits a tough spot on my leg and I groan in satisfaction as he digs his fingers on the sore muscle, I look over at him and see the smirk on his face, "oh calm down, you would make the same noise if I massaged a sore muscle for you" I tell him, "speaking of sore muscles my shoulders have been a bit stiff" he explains while letting go of my leg, I sit up on the couch and point to the spot on the floor in front of me, "c'mere, i'll help" I say with a smile, he does as I say sitting in front of me on the floor. I gently place my hands on his shoulders and start to dig my fingers into his skin relieving the tension, his head falls back as he groans, a chill runs down my spine at the noise, I keep my composure and continue relieving the tension in his shoulders, "you're the best girlfriend and the best masseuse" he tells me, "I try my best" I exclaim before planning a kiss on the top of his head. 

A few minutes later Nate's phone vibrates, he gets off the floor and grabs it off the counter before checking what it says. "What is it?" I ask curiously, "your surprise is ready" he replies with a smile, I jump off the couch smiling, "what's the surprise?" I exclaim, "you'll see" he tells me before taking my hand and dragging me out the door of the apartment. Once we're in Nate's car he holds up a bandana, I roll my eyes but take it and tie it over my eyes, "you're such a dork" I say, "yeah but you love me anyways" he exclaims as I hear him start the car, "that's true" I reply. What feels like hours later but was only about 15 minutes the car comes to a stop, "can I take this off?" I ask him, "not yet" he replies, I hear shuffling and a door close, after a few seconds my door opens and a hand takes mine, "if you manage to hurt me I will kill you" I tell Nate as he helps me out of the car. 


After a whole bunch of walking Nate pulls me down to sit, "wait here for a sec" he tells me, I nod as I wait. "Okay, you can take off the bandana" I hear Nate yell, I slip the fabric away from my eyes, I gasp at the sight in front of me, candles are placed on the ledge of the players bench and standing on the ice of TD Garden Nate smiles at me with his hands behind his back, I stand up from the bench and walk towards my boyfriend, I step onto the carpet that is rolled onto the ice, which goes all the way to Nate. "What is all of this?" I ask him as I walk up to him, "I know we've only been together again for a month and a bit but I can't imagine being without you, after years of being apart I still feel the same way about you and I don't want to lose you again" he says as he gets down on one knee, I bring my hands up to my mouth as I feel tears welling up in my eyes, "I guess all that i'm asking is if you would make me the luckiest man in the world by becoming Mrs. Carter and to go through anything and everything with me?" he finishes with a huge smile on his face and a diamond ring in his hand. "Oh my god yes, of course" I reply as tears fall down my cheeks, Nate stands and slips the ring on my finger before cradling my face in his hands and pressing a kiss to my lips, my hands go to his waist as we enjoy our moment. I hear clapping so I pull away from Nate, I see Austin and Kelly on the bench, Austin is holding up a phone, which I assume caught the proposal on camera. 

We end up leaving from the rink a few minutes later, Austin and Kelly clean everything up much to my complaints. Nate parks at the apartment building and we go back to our place, once I slip off my shoes I turn to my new fiance, "I love you so much" I say, "I love you too Allie" he replies before wrapping his arms around my waist, I bring a hand up to his jaw and gently run my fingers across the slight stubble growing, he smiles at the gesture before bringing his head down to kiss my lips. Nate suddenly hoist me up onto the kitchen counter as he continues kissing me, I wrap my arms around his neck keeping us as close as possible. Nate pulls away a bit and starts kissing down my neck, my fingers tangle in his hair as I try to catch my breath, my legs wrap around his waist tightly, he pulls away again and places his hands under my thighs lifting me as he walks towards the bedroom, I place my lips on his not wanting to stop, he groans as he gets into the room and shuts the door with his foot before pressing my back to it. We spend the next few hours celebrating our engagement.


Later that evening I Skype my mom to tell her the news, Nate is sitting with me as we wait for her to answer the call. When her face appears I smile, "hi sweetie" she says to me, "hi mom" I reply, "hi Mrs. Peller" Nate interjects, "how are you guys holding up?" she asks, "we're actually doing really great" I start, "we have something to tell you" I add while bringing my hand up into the camera's view, she gasps when she notices, "oh my gosh" she exclaims, "we're engaged" I say, "oh my goodness, my baby is getting married" she replies before calling my father in the background, Nate squeezes my waist making me look over at him, "i'm so happy about this" he explains, "i'm the happiest girl in the world" I reply. "Look at them, aren't they just the cutest" my mom exclaims happily making me look at my parents, "i'm happy for the two of you" my dad explains with a smile, "thanks dad" I tell him while smiling. "When are you thinking of getting married?" my mom asks, "we haven't thought of it, Nate proposed today so there hasn't been much time" I explain, "you guys should aim for a summer wedding since Nate still has the end of the NHL season to get through" she replies, "mom how did you know Nate plays in the NHL?" I ask her shocked, "i'm offended that you didn't think I would be keeping tabs on the boy that has had my daughter's heart since college" she replies, "mommmm stop embarrassing me" I tell her while blushing, "can you blame her, she doesn't want you stuck with some douche" Nate says with a laugh, "see he understands" my mom exclaims while gesturing to my fiancé. "Okay whatever, it's getting late we should go, we both have busy days tomorrow" I explain to my parents, "good night you too" my mom replies with one last smile before disconnecting the call. 

Once we get into bed I sigh happily, "i'm sorry about my mom, she can be a little over enthusiastic" I explain to Nate as he comes next to me, "I don't mind, I love her either way because she's your mom" he tells me as he kisses my head. We snuggle up close to each other, "I love you" I say as my eyelids start closing from exhaustion, "I love you too" Nate tells me as he tightens his grip on me, I fall asleep with a smile on my face as I replay today in my head.

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