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Allie's POV

My phones vibrates with a notification as I walk to my class, I take it out and see that it's a text from Nate,

N: There's a post game skate tonight with friends and family, wanted to bring you with me

A: I'm so down for that

N: Perfect, you can just wait by the locker room after the game

A: okay see you tonight, love you

N: love you too

I slip my phone back into my pocket with a smile on my face as I walk into my class. The class goes by quickly as I doodle in my notebook not paying attention to what is being said by the professor. When I finally hear the professor dismiss us I pack up all of my things and basically run out of the room. I decide to stop at the on campus coffee shop to get a drink, I get my usual caramel latte before sliding into a booth at the back of the shop and taking out my laptop to get started on some assignments that are coming due. Before I know it a few hours have passed and I hear my stomach growl in hunger, I shut my laptop and rest my glasses on top of my head so that I can rub my eyes. Put all my things back into my backpack before sliding out of the booth and going back to the coffee shop counter to buy a sandwich to go. I make my way to my next class as I eat my sandwich while walking to the correct building.

I get to the right lecture hall and I throw away he empty sandwich wrapper before walking in to find a seat. "Over here Allie" I hear I look around and spot Kasey waving at me, I smile and sit in the seat next to her. "So Nate invited me to the friends and family skate happening after the game tonight" I tell her, "girl that boy loves you so much" she exclaims with a smile, "I would hope so, since I love him to" I reply with a laugh. She opens her mouth to reply but the professor starts speaking interrupting our conversation. The rest of class consists of writing notes and occasionally whispering about me and Nate. " I need to find myself a boy like that" Kasey explains as we walk out of the hall together, "i'm sure one of Nate's many teammates would be willing" I reply while nudging her, "I'm not really into the sporty type" Kasey tells me. I laugh at her comment as we walk back to the dorms.

***** ***** *****

Before I know it i'm sitting in a seat in the arena watching the Gophers warming up before puck drop, I smile as I watch the guys skating around the ice. The horn goes off signifying the end of warmups, as the players go off the ice Nate catches my eye and winks at me, I blush and wave, he laughs and is gone. Once the zamboni is done flooding the ice the lights come on as the skaters return to the ice for opening face-off. I bite my lip as I watch Nate approach center ice, he smirks at the opposing team player meeting him for the face-off. The puck drops and the crowd yells with excitement, I smile and follow the action in front of me.

The second period starts with the game tied at 2 and the crowd has gotten even louder knowing that the game is so close. I bite my lip nervously as the action starts, I try to follow the plays my head turning from side to side as players skate by. Suddenly the whistle blows and people are yelling about something happening in the corner across the ice, I stand up and see two players holding each others jerseys with their gloves and sticks on the ice. They turn and I see my boyfriend's last name, my eyes widen as I watch, the two are talking to each other and Nate takes a swing connecting to the other guy's cheek, I cringe and then the opposing team's player retaliates with a punch catching Nate at the side of the head, I bite my lip nervously hoping that Nate doesn't get too beat up. The refs finally pull apart the two players and I release a breath relieved that it's over, both guys skate over to their penalty boxes and I see Nate spit out some blood from his mouth.

When the game is finally over and the Gophers have won 4-2 I make my way down to the locker rooms to wait for Nate so that we can get to the post game skate. I lean against one of the walls and take out my phone to check my social media, I hear a wolf whistle so I look up, a guy from the other team is starting at me with a cocky smirk on his face. I roll my eyes and look back down at my phone ignoring him, "it's not nice to ignore people" I hear a deep voice tell me, I look up and see the guy who wolf whistled in front of me, "it doesn't matter if I don't know the person" I reply with sass, "leave her alone Jack, go find some other girl to mess with" I hear someone say, the guy turns, "how nice to see you Becca" he replies sarcastically, "it's not nice to see you" the girl says, the guy, Jack, rolls his eyes before leaving me alone. "Thanks" I say to the girl Becca, "no problem, he doesn't know how to stop, he's such an idiot" she exclaims before smiling, I laugh. "You're Nate's girlfriend right?" she adds, "yeah, how did you know?" I ask, "word travels fast around here" she replies, "i'm Becca, one of the other girlfriends" she explains to me with a smile, "I'm Allie" I tell her while smiling, she surprises me with a hug, "we are going to be such great friends" she adds happily before letting me go, "I'd like that" I say.

After a few minutes of chatting with Becca the locker room door opens and Nate walks out, I  gasp at the bruise forming on his face, I run up to him and pull his face down towards me, he cringes, "are you okay? I saw the fight" I exclaim worried, "I'm fine Allie, it's just a bruise" he explains to me with a smile as he put his hands on my waist gently, I run my thumb over the bruise gently as I bite my lip, "I just need to put ice on it" he adds as he brings a hand up to cradle my face, "I was just worried" I tell him, "I know" he replies before pecking my lips gently and pulling away. "You guys are the cutest" I hear Becca exclaim, Nate looks over with a smile, "hey Becca, it's been awhile" he tells her, "you got that right Nate" she says as I move to Nate's side so that I can see her as well, "you coming onto the ice with us" Nate asks her, "yeah Dylan convinced me" she explains, "see you out there" I say to my new friend, she nods and Nate brings me into the locker room to put on my skates.

When we finish with the skates I drag Nate through the player tunnel and back to the ice, "slow down beautiful" he exclaims with a laugh, "I just can't wait" I tell him as I step onto the ice happily. Nate follows me onto the smooth ice and takes my hand in his as we skate around  together, I smile up at him for a second before looking ahead. I watch as a little boy skates over to Nate, he has a look of concentration on his face as he gets to us, Nate comes to a stop, "hey buddy" he tells the boy with a smile, "hi Nate, want to skate around with me?" he asks, my boyfriend looks over at me as if to ask permission, "go ahead I don't mind" I say and the both of them smile at me. I watch as Nate crouches down to the little boy's height and tells him something, I watch with a smile as they skate down the ice at full speed dodging people.

Once Nate finishes with the little boy he comes back to skate with me, "that was so nice of you" I say commenting about him skating with the boy, "all of us were that age and we know what it's like so we always take the time" he explains with a shrug, "it makes me love you even more" I tell him, he comes to a stand still and I do the same looking at him confused. "I love you so much Allie" he says I smile and he leans down pressing his lips to mine while wrapping his arms around my waist, my hands come to his chest as I relax into him. He pulls away after a bit and we continue skating around the rink, eventually we are the only ones left on the ice. "We should probably go, it's pretty late" I say, "you're right, let's go before someone gets mad at us" Nate replies before we skate to the bench and walk down the players tunnel to get to the locker room.

***** ***** *****

When we finish at the arena we end up at Nate's place, I immediately go to get some ice from the freezer to put on the bruise growing on his face. I go to the couch where Nate's sitting to give him the ice, "you're the best" he says once I sit next to him and hand him the pack of ice. I kiss him uninjured cheek and lean into him happily, "c'mere beautiful" he says before using his free arm to bring me onto his lap, I push up my glasses as I look at him with a smile. His arm stays around me, "let me" I say bringing my hand up to the ice he's holding against his face, Nate lets me keep the ice on his face as he moves his newly free arm to wrap around me as well. "I could definitely get used to this" he tells me as he moves a stray piece of my hair behind my ear, I blush and he smiles at my rosy cheeks. I lower my head making my hair fall over my face like a curtain to hide the redness, Nate lowers the ice from his face, bringing my hand down with it, I look up at my boyfriend curiously, "let's take a break from that" he tells me as he puts the ice on the side table next to the couch. He gently brings his hands up to hold my face as he places his lips on mine gently, my hands go to his shoulders as he deepens the kiss tangling his fingers in my hair.

He stands up and lifts me with him, keeping our lips locked as he carries me somewhere, I'm suddenly dropped onto a bed, I squeal and laugh as I look up at Nate. He smiles down at me, "you're so beautiful" he exclaims making me blush, the bed dips as Nate climbs over me with a hand on either side of my head. I look up at him while biting my lip, "you're killing me Allie" he adds with a groan, I release my lip and bring a hand up to his neck pulling him towards me to close the distance between us. We get wrapped up in each other, our surroundings fading away throughout the night.

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