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Allie's POV

The next morning i'm woken up by a loud knocking on my door, I groan and grab the nearest pillow to place over my head to block out the noise. After a few more minutes of knocking I give up and slip out of bed before going to open the door. "Well don't you look lovely" Nate says with a smile, it takes me a bit of time to realize that i'm just wearing his old Minnesota hockey shirt that falls to my thighs, my eyes widen in panic. Before I can react anymore Nate steps forward and places his hands on my hips, "I love seeing you in my old shirts" he explains, I blush, "why are you here this early?" I ask "I wanted to say good morning before going to practice" he replies, "you didn't have to come here to say that, you could've texted me" I explain, "where's the fun in that? plus I would've missed seeing you like this" he says while checking me out, "oh shut up" I tell him with a shove, he keeps a tight grasp on me as he pushes me backwards into my apartment, "what are you doing?" I ask with a laugh, "I don't want anyone to see my girl like this" he replies before placing a quick kiss on my lips. "I really gotta go, coach will kill me if i'm late" he tells me, "okay see you later for our dinner" I exclaim with a smile as I watch him leave my apartment. I start getting ready for work knowing that I won't be able to fall asleep anymore.

After a long day at work editing a bunch of covers I get back to my apartment and head straight for my room, I drop my bag and go to my bathroom ready for a nice hot shower. I take off my clothes and step into the shower letting the hot water relax my tense muscles. Once i'm all washed I step out of the shower and wrap a towel around my body while walking into my bedroom. I end up pulling on my Powerpuff Girls pjs knowing that I won't be seeing anyone tonight, I smile as I sit on my couch in the living room and turn on a movie as I wrap a blanket around myself. As I get myself comfy there's a knock on my door, I whine not wanting to get up from my comfy position on the couch, the knocking stops and I sigh happily, a few seconds later it resumes, I throw my head back and get off the couch keeping the blanket wrapped around my body as I shuffle to the door. 

I swing the door open, Nate is standing there dressed up nicely, I curse realizing that I completely forgot about our dinner. "I totally forgot" I say feeling guilty, "If it makes you feel better I still think you look amazing in those pjs" he tells me with a smile, "oh shut up Nate, I look like i'm ready to have a sleepover with 8 year old girls" I say, "do you just want to stay in tonight?" he asks me, "would you be mad if I said yes" I reply sheepishly, "not at all, I would take any opportunity to just relax with my favourite girl" he tells me, "you're the best" I explain, "I try" he says, "let me just go change out of this and into something comfier and i'll be back" he adds, "sounds good, i'll keep the door unlocked so you can just walk in when you're ready" I explain, he smiles in response and loosens his tie as he goes back towards his apartment.

I end up back on the couch pressing play on the remote to resume my movie, I get so focused on the movie that I don't hear the door opening. I jump slightly when hands come on my shoulders, I turn slightly and see Nate smiling down at me, "sorry thought you heard me coming in" he says while coming over to sit next to me on the couch, "it's okay, I got really into this movie" I explain. "You're watching the Spongebob Movie, how are you so into that" he exclaims, "what's your point, i'm basically a child on the inside, you should remember this about me" I say with a laugh, "you're right Allie," he tells me before throwing his arm across my shoulders pulling me to his body. I lean into him with a smile and place a hand on his t-shirt clad chest as I look back at the TV where the movie is playing. Nate runs his fingers up and down my arm making me relax into him, I end up falling asleep at his relaxing gesture not being able to stay awake during the movie.


Something heavy holds me down as I try to wake up the next morning, I open my eyes seeing a muscular arm holding my waist, I turn slightly and see Nate fast asleep, no shirt in sight. I turn around so that i'm facing him, a smile appears on his face and he squeezes my waist gently. "Morning sleepyhead" I say to him, he opens his eyes, "morning beautiful" he replies before lowering his lips onto mine for a quick kiss. I pull away after a few seconds, "I've missed waking up to you next to me" I say with a smile, " I couldn't agree more" Nate exclaims. He suddenly rolls onto his back bringing me with him so that i'm straddling his waist, my hands are placed on his bare chest as I laugh. "I will never get tired of hearing your laughter" he explains while running his hands up and down along the sides of my torso. "Well if you keep making me laugh you won't ever be without that sound" I tell him as I run my fingers across the ridges of his chest and down to his abs. I feel him tense under my touch before relaxing, "If you don't stop that I won't be able to let you leave this bed" he tells me, I look up and into his eyes to notice that they've darkened with lust, "who said I wanted to leave this bed" I reply mischieviously. Nate groans at my words and his hands tighten around my waist keeping me firmly planted on his waist. I lean down and start pressing kisses to his chest going lower one kiss at a time, I stop at the waistband of his sweatpants and tilt my head up slightly looking at him, he sits up and grab my chin in his hand as he pulls my lips to his as I stay on his lap. We end up reuniting in the closest way possible that morning, completely forgetting about all the things happening around us.

What feels like hours later there's a loud knock on my door, I groan as I stay wrapped in Nate's arms, "stay, it's probably nothing" Nate exclaims with a pout, "I have to, it's could be something important" I reply to him as I get out of bed and slip on some sweat pants and a hoodie, pulling my hair into a ponytail as I walk out of the bedroom and towards the front door. I swing the door open and see Austin standing there, "hey" I say, "hey Allie, I was wondering if you've seen Nate, he isn't in the apartment" he asks me, "actually..." I start, "who is it Allie" I hear Nate yell, "is that..." Austin asks with wide eyes, I bite my lip and blush, "yeah, we watched a movie here last night and ended up falling asleep" I explain as I hear Nate's footsteps approaching. An arm comes around me from behind , I turn slightly and see Nate, "you didn't tell your roommate where you went, he was worried" I explain to him, "I'm sure he enjoyed having the place to himself for one night" he says, "said roommate is standing right in front of you" Austin interjects, we both face him, "sorry Austin, I should've given  you a heads up about our movie night" I tell him sheepishly, "it's fine Allie, I know you guys were probably reconnecting" he exclaims while wiggling his eyebrows knowing what we ended up doing at the end of the night, I blush and both men laugh, "shut up you two" I exclaim while bringing my hands up to cover my red face. Nate tightens his arm around me and kisses my head gently, "right I was here to tell you that there's a team thing tonight that we have to go to" Austin explains to Nate, "okay, i'll just grab my things and be back at our place to get ready" he replies, "bye Allie, see you around" Austin tells me, I peek through my fingers with a smile, "bye Austin" I say and he laughs as he walks away. 

Once we're back in my apartment Nate goes back to the bedroom to grab his t-shirt, phone and wallet, I follow him not bothering with any other tasks. We go back to the front door and Nate slips on his shoes before pressing a quick kiss to my lips, "talk to you later Allie" he says, "bye superstar" I reply as he walks out of the apartment. I change into some jeans and a t-shirt figuring that I should take some of this Saturday to go get some things done at work. After a few hours of editing I go back to the apartment and flop onto my bed not even bothering to change into my pjs, I end up falling asleep without another thought.  

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