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A/N You guys are going to hate me for this chapter, but it will be worth it in the end.

Allie's POV

I woke up that morning not knowing that it would be the last time I would see Nate for a very long time. It's probably a good thing that I was able to enjoy that morning and afternoon with Nate.


Me and Nate stay wrapped in each others arms on the bed that morning as he peppers kisses up and down my neck making me giggle and squirm in his arms. "Allie stop moving you aren't making my situation any better" Nate explains his voice heavy with sleep, "oops" I say while turning towards him and placing my hands on his bare chest. "I could get so used to this" he tells me while gently putting his hands on my lower back, "i'm going to 100% agree with that" I add with a smile. "Can we just stay here all day?" he asks, "nope because Becca put a lot of planning into the going away party for you guys" I reply while getting out of the bed leaving Nate lying there alone.

As I make breakfast in the kitchen at Nate's place, I think about the envelope sitting on the counter at my parents place, I shake my head to stop thinking about what sits in the envelope. "Mmmm it smells amazing out here" Nate explains as he walks up behind me and places his hands on either side of my hips as I turn the bacon in the pan in front of me, "and this is only one part of breakfast" I say as he kisses my cheek before opening the fridge to get orange juice for the two of us. A few minutes later the bacon and pancakes are done so I put some on our plates and put the plates on the little dining room table where Nate is already sitting while looking down at his phone. He looks up at me with a smile when I sit across from him, "so I have some news" I say ready to talk about the contents of the envelope that keeps coming up at the back of my mind, "i'm all ears" he replies while focusing on me, I open my mouth to start, but Nate's phone starts ringing interrupting our moment, I close my mouth as he checks who's calling, "I have to take this Allie, I'll just be a second" he tells me, I nod as I watch him leave the room. I sigh as I eat my breakfast knowing that now I won't want to say anything about what's going to happen. He comes back into the room with a smile, "who was that?" I ask, "just my parents saying that they're going to be at the party tonight" he replies, "that's great news!" I exclaim with a smile, "yeah...what did you want to tell me?" He adds, "oh it's nothing important" I reply, he shrugs and goes back to his food.

Later we end up taking a walk around the neighbourhood enjoying the nice weather. Nate slings an arm across my shoulders as we walk into the nearby ice cream shop, "why don't you go get some seats, I'll take care of the ice cream" Nate explains while squeezing my hand, "okay sure" I reply and walk to one of the tables near the window. He slides into the seat across from me a few minutes later and hand me a cone topped with mint chip ice cream, "you're the best" I say with a smile, "I try" he replies before licking his scoop of chocolate ice cream. We spend a few more hours just sitting there talking and enjoying each other's company. "We should go get ready for the party" I say while getting up from my seat, "you're right let's go before Becca starts calling" he replies as we walk out of the shop hand-in-hand.

I hear a squeal as me and Nate walk into the party, I turn and see Becca coming towards us with a smile on her face. "Hey guys" she says with a smile, "help yourself to the food and drinks" she adds before walking away to greet some other people. We walk over to the crowded beverage table and I grab a can of Sprite, Nate grabs a beer before turning back to me, he goes to say something but someone calls his name. Nate wraps an arm around my waist and takes me with him to the people who called his name. Once we get to the group of people Nate introduces me, I smile at each person and say hi. After a few minutes I tell Nate that I'm going to get some food, "okay, I'll meet you there soon" he replies before kissing my head gently and letting me go. I get to the food table and I start loading up the plate I grabbed, "hey girl" I look up and see Becca come up to me, "hey" I reply with a smile, "I couldn't help but notice that Nate is pretty happy" she explains, "why wouldn't he be?" I ask, "well I know that if I told Dylan I was going on exchange for a year overseas he would not be a happy camper" she replies, I bit my lip and avoid making eye contact with her, "oh my god you haven't told him" she adds, "there hasn't been a good time to tell him" I say, "you have to tell him, this is a big deal" Becca explains, "I know but I'm scared that this will be the end with him going to Boston and me being in London" I tell her, "you don't know that, Nate might be willing to try the long distance" she replies with a gentle hand on my arm. "You're probably right, I'm going to tell Nate now" I say, "tell me what?" I hear a deep voice say behind me, I tense up and Becca slips away leaving us alone.

I take Nate's hand and pull him somewhere quieter to explain my news. "I have some news" I start, Nate nods, "a few days ago I got an envelope and it informed me that I have been accepted into an exchange program that takes place all of next year" I add, I watch his expression carefully, "when did you apply for this?" He asks, "the end of September, my prof thought it would be a great opportunity for me" I reply "why didn't you tell me when you applied?" He asks, "I didn't think I would get in and I didn't think it would be a big deal at the time" I exclaim while biting my lip nervously, "you didn't think it mattered to your boyfriend, who was in it for the long haul?" He tells me looking hurt, "no it's not that, I just finished my freshman year Nate, any opportunities are good ones for me and what I want to do in the future" I say, "where is the exchange?" He asks, "London, England" I reply. "You're going to be a whole ocean away from me and you didn't think it would matter?" He responds exasperated, "neither of us knew that it would get this serious at that point of our relationship" I tell him, "you should've said something Allie! I'm going to be in Boston next year and I really need you here" he exclaims while running his fingers through his hair, "I can't just say no, this is huge for me, it's so hard to get into this exchange, I can't just drop everything and follow you to Boston" I say with determination, "we can try the long distance thing" I add, "we both no it's not going to work Allie" Nate interjects, "it was just a suggestion Nate, this is not ideal for either of us but our passions are taking us to different places" I say, "I just wish you would stay" Nate tells me, "you know I can't do that" I exclaim while looking up at him. Nate grabs me and places a kiss on my lips, I relax into him and have the feeling that this is a last kiss between us. I pull away feeling the dread in my heart, "I will always love you Allie but we shouldn't hurt each other more that necessary, I think it's a good idea to end it here before it's too late" he explains to me before stepping away from me, "I'll always love you too" I reply as I watch him walk away back to the party my heart breaking as I sink to the ground. The rest of the night is a blur as I try to forget about Nate.

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