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No one's POV
During break time, Robin isn't with the others. She knows that Davis and Odalie are still probably practicing and Tal isn't around because he needs to catch up with his school, but she has no idea where Anthony is. So she sat on a table alone. She took a sip of her cappuccino. When suddenly someone sat along with her, "hey girl, what are you doing all alone here?" When she looked up it was Poppy. "Oh uhm, hi, actually my friends are busy, I think? And Tal isn't around and I know for sure you know that since you guys are friends." She said. "Mmhhm, it's a good thing that Poppy is here to keep you company" said Poppy with a smile. Robin laughed, "by the way, girl, I'm sorry about Rigo, he's really a jerk" said Poppy, Robin raised an eyebrow. "I know because he's my ex" said Poppy as she laughed. "But, are you guys cool?" Asked Robin. "Yep, its hard to say, but yes" she said. Then they changed the subject, "so Davis is your brother?" Asked Poppy. Robin nodded. "Yeah,his older than me" she said. Poppy giggled. "And I can tell that Odalie and Tal are your friends, right?" She asked. Robin nodded with a smile. "Sooooo, what about Westlake?" Asked Poppy with a grin. Robin nearly chocked, "I'm sorry, but what about him?" She asked. "Oh nothing, I know that you two have something going on" Poppy wiggled her eyebrows. Robin laughed nervously. "Honestly, We're just friends *Poppy raised an eyebrow* that has a date tomorrow.." she mumbled the last part. "You know that I heard that right?" Asked Poppy with a grin. "Okay, you got me, I don't know what the heck we are" said Robin truthfully. "You guys will figure it out." Said Poppy with a smile. Robin smiled back. I hope so. Robin thought. Then Poppy frowned at something and points behind Robin, "is that Westlake, over there?". Robin turned around slowly. Her eyes widened, it is Anthony. Talking to a blonde girl. Smiling. Laughing. Touching each other's hands. "Who's that?" Asked Robin. "Hmm, that's Aubrey, has pretty sweet looks, pretty sweet, pretty fake, pretty much a slut, also dance like a slut" said Poppy. Robin looked at her confused. "What?- it's true trust me..she's one of the reasons why me and Rigo broke up" said Poppy as she looks at her nails. Robin bit her lip and looked back at Anthony. "She's really beautiful..." said Robin. "Girl, Don't tell lies, the true meaning of beautiful is you and of course, Poppy Martinez" Poppy joked. Robin chuckled. He looks pretty happy. She looks back where Poppy is, "oh girl, don't look now but your man is coming now" said Poppy in a soft voice. "Hey! Robin!" They heard Anthony called her. Robin took a deep breath. Then Anthony came and sat beside her, "oh hi Poppy" he greeted Poppy. "Hey Anthony," she greeted back. Robin remained silent. Anthony noticed her, "are you okay? Why are you so quiet?" He asked, "No, I'm not" she said and did a fake smile. Poppy look at them awkwardly, "O think someone's looking for me, I should probably go....bye guys!" said Poppy as she left. It became quiet. "Wait, where's Davis? And Odalie?" He asked. "Practicing" She answered shortly. Anthony became concern, I wonder what's wrong with her, he thought. Anthony and Aubrey. Wow, they match. Unlike me and him, I know when people heard 'Robin and Anthony' the first thing will probably pop on their heads are two boys, having a gay relationship. Wait, what the hell—I'm not jealous..wait- am I? She thought. She just shook of the feeling.
- - - -
"Odalie, we should stop *breathes*" said Davis as he panted while he's on the floor. Odalie giggled and went to him. She leaned down and kissed him. Davis stood up. "That, we can't stop" he joked as he kissed her again. Odalie laughed. "Whatever, Let's just take a break and I think Robin's already there waiting for us." Said Odalie as she took her bag and left the room, Davis followed her and luckily he catched up. "Don't leave me like that.." said Davis with a smile. Odalie rolled her eyes playfully. And they finally arrived, where Robin is. "Oh there's Anthony" said Odalie as she points where he is. Davis looked where Odalie is pointing, then he noticed her sister, I wonder what's wrong with her, her face is like someone ate her food or something. he thought. "Finally we've been waiting for you two for 15 minutes!" Exclaimed Anthony. "13 actually" corrected Robin. "Are you okay? Asked Odalie with concern as she put a hand on Robin's shoulder. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be anyway? It's not like I'm upset or jealous about something, right?" said Robin with a bored tone, then she quickly covered her mouth. Everyone looked at her in confusion. "Forget what I said" she said as she looked away from them. It became quiet, "So, uhm, Robin, Would you look after Justin on Friday night" said Davis. She looked at him with a questionable look. "I have a date with Odalie" said Davis. Anthony wiggled his brows at him and Odalie. Odalie blushed as she put a strand of hair behind her ear. Robin nodded and continued being quiet. "Why are you so quiet today?" Asked Davis with a grin. "I don't know," she shrugged. "Are you on your period?" Asked her brother jokingly. "What the hell? No!" exclaimed Robin. "I'm just...not in the mood" she added. Then she stood up, "I'm gonna go and practice guys, *looks at Anthony* just catch up when your done eating, *then to all of them* I'll see you guys later" she said as waves and left with her backpack. Everyone waved back. "What happened to her?" Asked Odalie. "I don't know, I wasn't with her when she got here, I was talking to someone else" said Anthony. "Who was she with?" Asked Odalie. "Poppy, but I can see that they had a great conversation." Said Anthony. "Then, who are you with?" Asked Davis as he crossed his arms. "I bumped into someone and had a short conversation with her before I got here" explained Anthony. Odalie raised an eyebrow, "Her?" She asked. Anthony nodded. "Hmm, do you even know she likes you?" asked Odalie. Davis' eyes widens, Anthony nearly chocked. "Yep, I know, she told me," she said. "Why?" Asked Davis. "We're girls duh" said Odalie. "No, I mean, why does she 'likes' him, I know my sister, she never had a crush?" Said Davis. "Wow, I thought I was the only one who has feelings between us" Said Anthony. "Maybe she saw you, with the 'her' you're talking about?" Said Odalie. Davis looked at Anthony. "I don't know! Maybe.." Said Anthony. Minutes later, Anthony went where Robin is.

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