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"Please Mom, this is my dream.."

"Sweety, I love you, but I don't know if you can handle yourself in Atlanta.."

"Mom, trust me, I can...Please"

"*sighs* okay.."

Odalie jumped in joy and hugged her mother tightly. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I love you!". The mother laughs. "I love you too, but promise me, take care of yourself there okay?" said the mother sweetly. Odalie nodded and hugged her again.

O d a l i e

Can't believe I'm going to Atlanta for the High Water's auditions! By the way, High Water is Atlanta's most cutthroat performing arts school but it's more on dancing. And I totally love dancing. Dancing is not just what I'm doing, it's who I am. I've been dancing all my life and I always dreamed to be a famous dancer. They say, 'High Water is a lifetime opportunity', which is damn true.

My flight to Atlanta is going to be...tomorrow. I'm extremely excited. I decided to pack the things I need like clothes, shoes, underwear (duh) and other stuffs. Then I heard a knock. When I turn around, it was my mom, smiling. I smiled back. "Can't believes my baby girl is leaving..." she said. "Mom, I'll be back..I just don't know when. And besides, I'm not leaving for good Mom, you're too precious to me" I said. She smiled and went to hug me. "..you will always be my baby girl" she whispered. "yeah of course, even though I'm already 23" I said as I let out a soft chuckle. I heard my Mom laugh a bit. "I love you" she said. "Love you more Mom"I said, she kissed my forehead. "Should I tell your brothers or.." I cut her off. "Maybe not yet Mom, you know them.."

My brothers, are like Dads. If you're going to ask where my Dad is, please, don't. I don't want to talk about it. We're happy without him. My brothers got a great job and their salary is more than enough, they sometimes give us half of their money. They're the best brothers you would ever have and they're already married. While me and my mom live together, we own a famous Cafe here, in LA. We're not poor but we're not too rich..okay,we're kinda rich. But I'm not like those other rich people, who's all bratty and stuff.

- - - - -

"Be safe, & call me when you land" Said Odalie's Mom. Odalie nodded and hugged her mother tightly. "I love you Mom". "Aww, I love you too sweety" said the mother. Odalie let go and waved goodbye to her mother as she went to her flight. "GOODBYE MY ADORABLE BABY GIRL, MAKE GOOD CHOICES AND ALWAYS USE PROTECTION!" yelled Odalie's mom. Then everyone in the airport turn their heads to her. "MOM!" yelled Odalie in embarrassment. 'Sorry' mouthed her mother. Odalie laughed and left. She was lucky, she came on time. The plane was about to leave. As Odalie sat, she let out a sighed. She was nervous and excited at the same time. 'Atlanta, here I come' she thought. Her flight to Atlanta is just 4 hours and 10 or 20 minutes. She pulled her earphones and phone out, to listen some music. The a flight attendant offered her some food, she quickly accepted it.

Then time flies...(😂)

When Odalie is finally in Atlanta, she quickly called her Mom then asked her where should she rent an apartment. "...oh right! I forgot to tell you! I reserved you an apartment online...it's already paid for 5 months? I think..", "Mom, you don't have to do that-" she was cut off. "Nonsense Odalie, by the way honey, the building is a four story kind, its gray and it has a number stuck on it near their entrance..it's 1251, Hudgens Street." (I made all that up) said the Mom. "Okay Mom, thanks, bye, love you" said Odalie then she hang up.

She called a taxi amd told the driver what her Mom told her where to go. The taxi driver nodded. Minutes later, she finally got there. The taxi driver helped her with her stuffs, she thanked and paid him. Then she went inside saw a woman that is wearing a formal attire. Odalie took a deep breath and approached her.

"Hello and good afternoon Ma'am, are you still looking for an apartment or you're just here for a reservation?" asked the receptionist. "Uhm, actually, my Mom already did a reservation and she said it's already paid before I got here" said Odalie a bit shy. "Oh, where did she did a reservation?" asked the receptionist. "Uhm, she said in online,", "Name please?" Damn, she sure likes to butt in. She thought. "Odalie Jade Allen". "Okay Ma'am, please take a sit while I'll check if there's already an apartment reserved for you.." she said sweetly. Odalie nodded and did what she was told. This place is neat. She thought, then the receptionist called her. She quickly stood up, with her two big luggages. "Ma'am, Shurene Allen reserved an apartment for you?", "uhm, yeah, that's my Mom" said Odalie. The receptionist smiled sweetly. "Okay Ma'am, room 209, 3rd floor, here's the keys, there are two identical ones for the main door, one for your bedroom and one to your bathroom. And it says here that...it's already paid for 5 months, you can expand your stay here by paying $1600 per month.." she said as she hands the keys to Odalie. "..Thank you for choosing 1251 Apartments! enjoy your stay here!". Odalie smiled. "Thank you" she said as she went to the elevator.

When she got to ther 3rd floor, she quickly finds a door that has 203 on it. Seconds later, she did. She unlocked it and went in. She looked around and admired the place. The walls are very white and the place is so clean. I thought this is an apartment, this place looks like a five star hotel. She thought. Then she remembers that she has to organize her stuffs, especially her clothes, she has a lot of clothes in her luggage. She groaned lazily.

"Great, just great."

Dodalie: Let me love you (Jade Chynoweth & Carlito Olivero Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now