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D a v i s
When I got home. The door was locked same with Robin's apartment. Where did they go? Then I heard a cough. When I turn around, it was Robin, she has a very serious face while holding some paper bags, Justin is holding one too, Anthony is too, and he's also holding Robin's bag. "Where have you been?" I asked, "where have you been?" She asked. "She shots back.." Justin teasingly whispered. I began to laugh sheepishly.

"Where the hell have you been?!" yelled my sister. Here she goes again, acting like a Mom. I thought I was the one— "Are you even listening to me?!" She yelled. I jumped a little. I heard Anthony snickered. I gave him an annoyed look. "I didn't sleep because of you! I was worried sick! I've been calling & texting you!", "I'm sorry okay! I was...with Odalie.." I whispered. "What?" I think She didn't heard me. "I said! I spend the night with Odalie..." I whispered. "Why the hell are you whispering?! I can't hear a damn thing" she said. Geez, is she in her period or something? "I spend the night at Odalie's!" I yelled. Her jaw dropped. It became quiet,

When suddenly, she squealed. "Why?" She asked excitedly. Then she became happy, yep. She is on her period. "Why the fck are you squealing?" I asked. "Pfft, just fan girling that's all" she said. "And I can't believe I'm going to be an aunt at 21–" I cut her off, "we didn't smashed!" I said in embarrassment. She rolled her eyes and smirked. "That's what he said" then she left. "Wait....- Are we cool!?" I yelled. "YES!" she answered. I sighed in relief. Then Anthony sat beside me, "So what happened to you guys?" He asked as he wiggles his brows.
"I told you, we did not SMASHED-", "woah, I know, your not that kind of dude, but I know something else happened" he said then smirked. I stayed quiet.

"Oh my- you really are the man!" He joked. "You guys made out didn't ya!?" He asked. I stayed quiet and looked at him. "I'm proud of you bro" he said. I chuckled. Then we did our handshake. "Whatever bro" I said with a smile.

I went to my room. Jumped on bed. Stared at the ceiling. Remembering what happened last night. It was, the most fun I have in years.

O d a l i e
"..so, how are you?" I asked. I'm talking to Mom.

"I'm fine dear, the cafe is still great..let's talk about you" she said.

"There's nothing much to talk about, but...I'm finally in High Water."

"Yeah, that's great dear-oh my God.. Congratulations! I know you can do it!" she squealed. I laughed at her reaction.

"Thanks Mom.." I smiled.

"Let's talk about you more honey! Do you have a boyfriend?" She asked.

I almost chocked. "Uhm, no-I mean, yes, I-I really dont know" I stuttered. Honestly though, I can't describe it and I don't really know what are we.

"Oh sweetie, you'll figure it out...who's the lucky guy?" She joked. I laughed, "oh Mom, you're so weird, but I better go, got some dishes to do." I said. She giggled, "okay okay, bye my little sweet" I hang up. Then I started to do the dishes.


This is it. First day  as a HW student. This is like a dream come true!

I was so busy with my thoughts when suddenly, I accidentally bumped into someone.. "Daaaamn, baby girl, watch your step." It was Rigo. "Sorry" I said shortly as I was about to leave. "Wait, hold up" he said. I stopped as I rolled my eyes. I don't know why, but I hate his guts. "Congratulations" he said with a smile. "Thanks" I said, "Congratulations, that your talking to the best dancer here in High Water" he said. Wow. I rolled my eyes and tried to walk away, but he blocked my way. "Wait a minute—sorry for that" he said. I just sighed. "Tell you what, you are amazing, no doubt. I can see that you danced effortlessly and with swag- and I was thinking...." I just listen to him bragging. "...how about you, left your crew or your so-called friends..and join my crew" he said. I looked at him with an annoyed face. "Thanks for the offer, but I'd rather stay with them.." I said as I gave him a fake smile. As I walk away, he quickly grabbed my wrist. It was tight. "Hmp, now listen here you fine-ass bitch..No one, I mean no one rejects me..and if they do, they better leave their asses here in High Water" he whispered. I stared at him with my eyes wide. "If you don't, I'll broke into your home, like I did to your hot-ass friend...". I became confused, what is he talking about? Then my mind clicked. Is he talking about Ro- "Hey!" When I looked at my left. It was Davis, he looks mad. I can tell by his face. He went up to Rigo and grabbed on his shirt. He breathed heavily. "Let her go, you little Putà" he said. Rigo let go of me. "Davis" I called. "If you touch her ever again-" he was cut off by Rigo. "You'll what Baldhead?!" yelled Rigo. Everyone's eyes are now on us and they started whispering. I put my hand on Davis' shoulder to calm him down. He sighed and he pushed Rigo. They gave each other death glares. I put my hand on his chest. He looked at me, then he began to looked completely calmed. Then we left the jerk. I didn't dare to look at him.

Then me and Davis went to our first class.

D a v i s
Before we went inside, we stopped. "Did he hurt you or—Are you alright?" I asked as I put both of my hands on her shoulders. "I'm fine, really, he's just a jerk" she said as she opens the door. Then we went inside. Then it revealed my sister, Tal and Anthony. Then she punched me on the arm. "Ow?!". "Where have you been? I thought you said you already left while I was taking a shower" she said. "I did, I just.." I looked at Odalie, she looked at me too. "..I just did something" I said as I look back at my sister. She just looked at me like, 'I know you're lying'. I just shrugged it off and went to sit next to Tal and Anthony. "I have to deal with some asshole named Rigo.." I whispered to them. Anthony's eyes widened. "What happened?" Asked Tal, a bit concerned. "He was...with Odalie, holding her wrist, and I saw that it was tight" I said, getting a bit pissed. "Dang." Said Tal. Then Anthony spoke, "Yeah, about him...the other day when me and Robin-" I quickly looked at him with a serious face. "And your brother! Of course with your little brother! I mean— I would never go out with your sister without your permission!" He said nervously. "Just go on." said Tal boringly. "Huh? Yeah sure, uhm, *clears throat* okay, so we were at the Cafe, me and Justin were on the counter while she's waiting in the table. And when I turn to take look at her, Rigo was 'magically' there, he kept on leaning close to her and I can see that she's getting creeped out. So, I—" I cut him off. "It's a good thing I wasn't there, I might've beat him up for doing that to my sister.." I said. "Yeah, me too" Said Anthony. Tal looked at him, "so, did you?" He asked. "Did what?" Asked Anthony. "Beat him up after what he did to Robin?" Asked Tal. "Uh No. but I did came up to him and make him leave her alone" he said. Then the door opened and it revealed a man wearing a dope hat. I guess that's our teacher.

"Good morning everyone, I am your teacher for today, my name is Matt Steffanina and sorry for being late and for now...Let's do some warm ups" he said. Then we all stood up. Then I saw Rigo again. When we saw each other, we quickly gave each other some dead glares.

If I ever caught him, messing with the people I care about, he is gonna get it.

Dodalie: Let me love you (Jade Chynoweth & Carlito Olivero Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now