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Laura's P.O.V

I leaned against the door and started singing making sure they heard me.

"And I-I-I-Im thinking what the hell."

Ross was stumbling, "Laura, I-I can explain,"

I held my hand in front of his face.

"Save it".

You thought I was gonna run away crying right?


I walk up to Maia and slammed her into the closest locker.

"Listen Queen Barbie, you almost killed Ross the first time, so I thought that was warning enough for you to stay away from him, but I guess you couldn't get the hint to fuck off so here's another one. "

I held my elbow up to Maia's collar bone and pressed down. Hard.

Maia started to cough and choke.

"L-Laura please, your gonna break my-"

"Stay away from my boyfriend, " She cringed when I said 'boyfriend' and I loved it, "or I will break you ."

I got off of her and the color started returning back to her face.

Once she was able to talk, the bitch had a nerve to say," You were bluffing."

I chuckled. I kicked her hard in the stomach and slammed her chest into the wall, I pressed on her back and push her against the wall. I whispered in her ear," It's your funeral. "

I backed off of her and she ran away without a second glance.

I turned to look at Ross and he was shaking at what he just saw.

"L-L-Laura I swear,"

"She kissed you, right?"

"Y-Yess ma'am. "

"Good, cause that would have been you if it was the other way around."

He nodded weakly and said, " Laura I love you."

"Mmhm.. "

I pulled him into a kiss.

He broke away after a while and said," Thanks for believing me."

I held a finger up," Hold on there pretty boy, your not off the hook."

Ross groaned and I chuckled.

"Im taking you to the gym. Your gonna lift some weights. "


"To throw Maia or any other girl to South America if they touch you."

Ross chuckled, " Your soo jealous. "

I turned serious," I don't want to lose you."

Ross held up my chin so that I would look in his eyes, " Laura, I love you and only you, your my end and my beginning, even when I lose I'm winning."

My heart fluttered, " Your so corny Ross."

Ross chuckled, " I know."

With that, we intertwined our hands and walked to class.

Ooo, stuff was about to go down for a second!  *^▁^*

More soon!

×0×-Rachel ♡

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