Ch. 7

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Ross's P.O.V:

I can't take this anymore

I was punching the punching bag that my mom got me for Christmas.

I can't get hurt anymore

I continued punching the bag...until it broke.

"I hate my life!" I yelled at the door and flopped on the bed.

Riker came in and locked the door behind him

He sat on the edge of my looking at me. Like the way you look at a wordsearch, trying to figure it out.

"Tell me everything Ross," He started.

"What?" I demanded.

"No more lies, no more denial, just the flat out truth, and I want everything. We're sick and tired of seeing you like this....", He looked closely into my eyes.

"Laura." He whispered.

My eyes started to welled with tears as he said her name.

So I told him about my love for Laura, about kissing her, and about her breaking my heart for not kissing back.

Stop it Ross

But it was to late, I started to cry, and cry, and cry.

"Whyyy!" I bailed as I buried my face in Riker's shoulders.

"Shhh, it's ok... big brother's here." He said patting me on the back and playfully cradling me.

It felt awkward but it was nice.

"Aww.." He cooed at me," There's that face."

"What face?" I asked.

"That face you used to make when you were 5, after you finish crying you would make that face." He laughed.

I playfully pouted and pushed him away.

"So what's should I do?" I asked Riker seriously now.

"Move on". He said simply.

I froze.

Move on?

"But.." I stuttered.

"Ross, go find somebody else. I know you like Laura-"

More like love

"But there are other girls out there, find some."

He turned and headed to the door.

"Oh and we're going to McDonald's." He said

"Coming!" I said back.

He shrugged and walked out the door.

I sat on my bed and started thinking about what Riker said.

Move on?

Should I?

Could I ?

Maybe he's right...

I stood up and put on my pink converse and headed out the door

Operation Finding a New Girlfriend is a go.

Cause all I need

Is a beauty and a beat

Who can make my life complete

Sorry, Busy Busy Busy! More soon!

×0×- Rachel ♡

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