This is exactly where you want me.

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Chapter 4

I couldn't believe this. Were my eyes deceiving  me? Should I be mad or happy or scared? I don't know how to feel about my dad reappearing in my life after 8 years. Jennifer was a creation of a random hook-up with my mother and him. Once she came, he left. I hated him for that and so much more..

"Wha- What? Why? How?" All these words kind of fell out of mouth instead of being said.

"Uh, can I come in? We all need to talk?" 

We all? What was he saying? I can't have Jenni know about this. She doesn't even know about.. 

"Jenni doesn't know."

"Jenni?..." He says and gives me the most confused look I think I've ever seen on a grown man. 

"Short for Jennifer.... You're kidding, right?" He's expressionless at this point. "Your daughter. The one you left."

"Oh! Sorry... I forgot I had another one of-"

"Another what? Problem? Issue? What do you want?" I spit out the harsh words, rushing my sentence so he would leave before she got home and wondered.

"No. I never said that, Julie!" 

"Oh? Then what were you saying? i think you should leave, now!" I scream getting in his face, even though he was easily twice my size.

"You know what, Julie! You are exactly like your mother!"

Those words. I felt everything happen again. I could feel the tears filling into my eyes as I let out a little whimper. I look into his eyes, he looks like Jenni more than my mother. 

"I didn't mean that," he says scratching the back of his head and letting out a large sigh, "I didn't come her to fight with you. I came here to talk to you about what's been going on."

"You did mean it, what do you want? I'm seventeen, I can take care of myself. And Jenni can't come with you because she doesn't know you the slightest, and because she doesn't know about mom. Okay? Is that all?"

"Look, You're seventeen. Exactly my point. How are you going to feed, clothe, and keep a roof over not only your but Jackie's head as well."

"Her name is Jennifer. Not Jackie!" I yell at him, louder and weaker than before. 

"okay, I apologize. That doesn't change the facts. You both need an adult and you're not going be 18 until next July. Therefore, I have a proposal."

"Oh, I would love to hear this." I scoff, holding back the tears. This was so surreal. 

"You and Jac-... Jennifer come live with me and my family for this year, after that you decide what to do with both of your lives. It will be out of my hands at that point."

"Frankly, it's out of your hands at this point. You aren't fit to be a real father. Okay? So as a response to your 'proposal', no. Fair enough? Goodbye." I say trying to shut the door. 

"No! It's not 'okay'. You are so pigheaded."

"Just like mom, huh? How about me and Jenni live here for a year and in that time, if I can't handle her," I pause for a moment, "You take her. She'll be yours."

"Julie..." He trails off, "You're not going to budge on this are you?"

"No. I'm not. I think the deal I have made with you would be best for everyone in this situation. Especially Jennifer. She's all I care about. So, before she gets home, leave."

"Okay. I mean it though, you are going to be careful and watch your back, I'll have eyes everywhere."

Was he seriously threatening me? What a joke. I shut the door, well, I slam the door, and walk away recalling what exactly just happened.

Another thud on the door awakens me from my thinking.

"What the fuck are you still doing here?" I yell at the door, walking to open it.

"Didn't I tell you to leave?" I shout, not realizing that it is just my little sister, looking confused and terrified. 

"Oh not you! Haha, I'm sorry!" I give her a quick smile and usher her inside, shutting the door behind me.

"Who were you yelling at Julie?"

"Erm... The girl scouts. They sell those cookies too much."

"Oh, okay!" She smiles bigger this time. 

"Yeah, but We're going to go to bed a lot earlier tonight. It's 5 right now, so at six we're going to sleep. Okay? No issues tonight."

"What about dinner?" She gives me this look of innocence. Dammit, I forgot about groceries.. 

"We have to go to the store. I forgot."

Before I can find her she appears in front of me shoes on and ready to go. I'm still a mess though.

I chuckle, "You're ready aren't you? Look at me, Jenni, I'm a mess! Five minutes okay with you?" I laugh pointing two thumbs up at myself.

"Ugh! Fine, sissy. I'm counting!"

I run and throw on some pants and a t-shirt. I don't even feel like caring right now. I snatch Jenni up and run to the car, out of breath.

"Was that five minutes?" I laugh, buckling up and turning the keys to make the car turn on. 

"Nope! Six, you loose!" She giggles, did I mention how cute that was? 

We reach the store and Grab a cart, Jenni jumps in and make a cute noise that tells me that she's having a wonderful time. 

"What would you like for dinner?"


This time I'm the one giggling. "How about pasta?"

"Hmph.. Fine." She pouts. 

I look through the isle and get the pasta and I accidentally drop it. Shit. As I lean down to reach it my head collides with someone else's.

"Dammit! Ouch!" I yelp, stumbling backwards.

"I'm so sorry Julie! Are you okay?" This very masculine, deep voice says to me as he is grabbing my shoulders trying to keep me upright. I finally get a good look at him.

Camden. James. 

"Oh, no. It's- uh, fine!" I say, awkwardly. 

"Oh? You recognize me, don't you?" he says with a smirk while watching me stutter and look around awkwardly.

"What? Why do you say that?"

"The way you're acting, it certainly is flattering the way you're fawning over me." 

Fawning? Seriously? Ego check. I mean, it's true, but he shouldn't say it!

"I was never fawning over someone like you." I say with a sting, looking him directly in his deep chocolate brown, almost black, eyes. 

"Ouch. That one stung."

"It was supposed to," I retort before even thinking about what I am saying and who I am saying it to, "I mean... Sorry?" 

Nice save, Julie. I turn on my heel and begin walking away, trying to leave as soon as I can. I grab the sauce and walk to the register.

Luckily, I make it out alive.

For now.


So, this was really short but, do you guys like this Camden? He's setting me up for a lot. (: I'm excited for this story and am going to be writing on it all day, thanks !(:

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