School, and other tragedies.

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Okay, it's been a very long time for an update. I apologize, just a lot going on. This chapter should be good, but that is just my opinion. Comment, rate, fan it up.(: This is a sad chapter, I almost cried writing it.<3


 Chapter 2

Okay, maybe I was a little dramatic about school, but nobody understands the anxiety ... the terror. Just getting dressed in the morning was a difficulty, but here goes nothing. 

Every. Single. Thing. I look so fat.

I hate this part, more than anything. Let's just throw a jacket on and call it a day.

Buses were definitely not made for big people. At least I get to stare at the major hottie, Camden James. Ah, if I could I would just sit next to him in that barren seat. Oh I could imagine the things we would talk about. "Oh Camden, you're so smart!" 

Mid-daydream the bus driver awakens me from this wonderful daze I've been in to for too long. 

"Are you gonna leave, or what?" the overweight frankly terrifying bus driver screams into my face.

"Uh, yeah. Sorry." I say, wiping the drool from the side of my mouth.

I really need to watch where I daydream. As I get off of the bus I bump into a large, unfamiliar figure.

 "Watch where you're going, fat ass."

I cringe at the word.


They all know how that gets to me. I try to brush it off before first period. I just want to make it through a whole day without crying, maybe today was that day.

"Good morning class! Hope you all had an enjoyable summer." Mrs. Green says over the annoying noises my peers were making. 

Mrs. Green sighed as the group of freshman made an annoyed sound. This teacher was very thin. Probably bulimic at one point in her life, you know how you can tell? Her jaw. Very defined. Muscular. Thin. She is very skinny, and very quiet. 

I made it through my first 3 periods without a major issue. Now comes lunch, or lack there of.

Skipped lunch successfully. And actually made it home to my surprise without any upperclassman harassing me.


"Mom?" ... no answer. It wasn't like mom to not be home when We arrived from school. "Mom! Hello? Is anyone even here?" I hear a moan from the basement. I proceed downstairs very slowly not wanting to walk in on any acts of ... lust. 

"Mom!" I shriek in fear. There she was, barely even breathing. Laying there. Without any glimmer in her piercing blue eyes. 

"What is going on? Mom, are you okay? I'm going to call the police. Don't worry, stay with me, mom."

I scramble to find my cell phone lodged in the bottom of my bag. Not even thinking about the missed calls I immediately dial 911.

"Hello, 911. What is your-"

"She's dying! Help me." I cut her off before she completes her monotonous phrase I've only ever heard in the movies.

"Who is dying? What is your address? Do you know what happened?" I let her finish this time.

"My mother. 114 Lovebird Lane. I don't know, I came home from school and found her at the bottom of the stairs, I'm scared. she's barely breathing."

By this time I'm trying to keep my mother from slipping into the inevitable comatose. She lets out a loud, rouge moan.

"We have dispatched an ambulance. Stay on the phone with me. Are there any visible wou-"

"Oh god. Her wrists! Her fucking wrists!" I yell at the sight.

"What is wrong with them, dear?"

"She cut them. There is blood everywhere.. Help her!" Right as I say this, as if on cue, the ambulance barges through the door.

"We're down here! Help her!" I yell practically throwing my phone across the room and moving to my half dead mothers face with tears not only in my eyes. but in hers as well.

"I'm so sorry.." She says in the most pitiful voice I have ever heard.

"You don't have to explain anything, mom. There will be time for that later. We'll go to Boston, you'd like that?" She nods slowly closing her eyes. "Mom, no. Keep your eyes open. We'll get a new start, so nobody knows our names. You, me, and Jenn."

"I love you, Julie." She says, weaker than before. The guys who have bandaged her pick up her almost limp body and place her on the stretcher. As she enters the ambulance I continue the conversation, attempting to keep her alive.

"I love you too, mom.. And so does Jennifer. You'll be okay, just stay here with me. Mom, she can't grow up without you. She's too young for you to leave. Just hold on, mom. It's not your fault.'  

"There are angels like you where I am going, Baby. I love you, and I love your sister make sure she knows that."

"No! You can tell her your self! I won't let you go!" I yell, as we reach the hospital. 

"Excuse me, miss, you can't go in there yet." This nurse tells me as they take my mother into a room. People are swarming by me, running into me. 

"She's my mom! I need to be there!" I yell, barging through the clean white doors. I grab her hand.

"I'm sorry, tell your sister I love her. I love you, Ju-..."

"Mom! No! You cannot, you will not- mom.. Mom!" I yell as this big man in a blue scrub outfit pulls me away as the doctor uses one of those shocker things on my own mother. 

"Let me go! I need her! She needs me!" 

That long beep. He releases me, just as everyone gets quiet.

"Call it. 4:27 pm." The doctor says pulling the pristine white sheet over my mothers cold, pale body. 

"Get her kid out of here. She doesn't need to see this." Says the nurse who tried to keep me out in the first place.

I fall to my knees. Completely in shock of what just occurred right in front of me. The man comes and tries to gently grab my shoulder, "Get away from me!" I yell, jumping up and crawling into bed with my lifeless mother. 

I let out a single tear before I drift into, what I hope would be a comatose. 

"I love you," I whisper into her ear, "I hope you knew that, mom."

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