Mirrors never lie.

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This is my first story so, don't be too harsh, but I want your criticism. c: kthanks,(: Comment on it or really, anything. I strive for critisism. <3 Please? And share with everyone. (:


Chaper 1

We were just there, not living.. Just existing. I was standing in my bedroom. Staring at the mirror, trying to see what others see. The beautiful, the thin. I have never been one to show my body off and I will not start now. I weigh 120 pounds today. Way more than the average, but I am the average. The average fat kid. I will never, nor have I ever seen anything beautiful about myself. But others do. I don't understand. I'm going to be starting school in a few moments, and it's a new school, I couldn't be more terrified.

"Julie! Get downstairs and give your mother a kiss before I leave for work!" My mother is a sweet, yet oblivious, lady. I have been loosing weight on and off for years, just not the way most people should, or would, do it. The way I do it is.. petered, vile. It's called purging. Purging, you might ask, is something that people do when they want to loose weight and they stick something down their throat and they vomit. Yes, disgusting, I know. Also, it is just horrible for you, but what can I say? I want it more than anything. As I ran down stairs I almost tripped, oh what a klutz i am. "Love you sweetheart, eat something for breakfast! and make some for your sister, too. Bye!" Ha. Yeah, like I'll be eating the shit she prepares. Calories galore. I would never say that though, I give her a quick wave and practically slam the boor behind her.

"Julie?" I almost scream at the sound. I didn't even realize anyone was in here with me.

"Oh, yes baby? You must be famished." i said while sweeping her off her tiny feet and placing her gently on the counter top.

Her giggle is so adorable, so innocent.

"Can you make us both pancakes?" Jennifer says to me. I quickly avoid the option of me eating.

"Uh, the bus will be here any minute. Would you be okay with just some cereal?"

"Fine," she giggles and tries to jump off the counter but fails and does something that is between a fall and a jump, "ahh! Juliee!" I run over to her and examine her battle wound. "Oh, Jenn. Here, here's a band aid and there's the bus! take an apple and eat when you get to the school." I give her a quick kiss on her forehead before she runs out the door.

Here comes the hard part. Disguising it so it looks like I ate a well balanced meal, without actually doing it.

Oh! Here is a muffin, and hmm... an apple. Now, I just cut the apple(100) up and put them into the garbage disposal along with this muffin (120).

I'll leave the wrapper out, I might get yelled at for leaving my garbage around, but at least they won't ask me about my eating.

Time for school.


Just an average fattieWhere stories live. Discover now