Chapter 26 - Home

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"That's if you've still got one that's left inside that cave you call a chest.  And after seeing what we saw, can we still reclaim our innocence?  And if the world needs something better, let's give them one more reason now." ~ Skylines and Turnstiles


I pulled Gerard into a hug, tears of joy springing to my eyes.  "It's okay, Gee.  It's okay.  You weren't in control, it wasn't really you."

"But what if I'd actually done it?  I was really trying to shoot you."

"It doesn't matter because you didn't," I assured him.  He pulled away from my embrace and looked at me, emotional distress obvious in his features, but despite that, he smiled.

"I'm glad to have you back."

I smiled, looking at the guys while we were seated on the floor.  It'd been two long years since I'd been able to have them in my life, two long years of being the only person who remembered the truth, but now that was over.  They remembered me; we had won, against all odds.

"It's good to be back," I said, another tear falling down my face.

Frank smiled.  "Group hug!" he exclaimed, and I laughed through the tears as they all grabbed hold of me, squishing me between their bodies as they held me.


After our reunion, we all sat down to talk about our circumstances and for me to tell the others what had happened in the two years they had been away.  Frank heated up a few slices of left over pizza and gave them to me, saying that I needed to eat something, and I thanked him as I scarfed down the cheesy slices, hungrier than I realized.

"So the government is in league with BLI?" Gerard asked in astonishment.  I nodded.

"Seems like it," I replied.  "It's the only thing that makes sense, really."

"Why would they do that?" Ray asked. 

"I don't know..." I admitted.  Although it seemed very obvious that BLI and the US government were working together at this point, there wasn't an obvious reason that explained why they would do that.  Why would they let thousands of people waste away in Battery City or in the Zones?  Why would they let someone like Korse do that to innocent people?  No matter how much closer we were to the truth, we still didn't understand any of it.

"I'm sure that knowing all this didn't make it any easier on you these last couple years," Mikey commented.

I shrugged.  "Label me as a criminal and undermine my image.  That's all they really had to do to derail the whole thing.  That and I knew that any problems I caused would put you guys in danger.  They kept my quiet, that's for sure."

"Until now, of course," Frank said.  "Now you've got us to back you up."

"Are we gonna come forward with this?" Gerard asked, folding his hands on the table in front of him.  "Now there's five of us with the same story.  They can't ignore it now."

"I don't think it'll do any good." I said, shaking my head.  "They went to extensive lengths to shut me up, and I don't think adding more voices will do much when BLI is still at large.  If Korse finds out that you guys got your memories back, who's to say that he won't just finish what he started and kill us?"

"Well we can't just do nothing.  BLI is abusing and brainwashing innocent people, murdering anyone who opposes them, and the government is covering it up.  We have to call them out for it, bring it to the world's attention," Gerard replied.

"But they've already undermined my image, Gee.  I'm a wanted terrorist, and if you suddenly come out supporting me, they'll just throw you guys right into the same boat.  They'll destroy your image in a heartbeat.  As long as they are in power, we won't be able to do anything."

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