Chapter 24 - Brokenhearted Reunion

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"'Cause even heroes get the blues, or any misery you choose. You like to watch, we like to use, and we were born to lose." - Fake Your Death


The cold breeze of the midnight air whisked past my face, tousling my dark hair lightly and carrying with it the white fog that came from my erratic breathing.  My heart was hammering so hard I swore he could hear it, beating against my ribcage like a drum, thundering in my ears.  Time stopped.

Just being in his presence was enough to make me nervous and uncertain.  It felt like he was radiating energy, and my body, already in a weak condition, was shaking under the pressure.  After so long of not being near him, of not seeing him and having given up hope of ever even speaking to him again, my senses were in overdrive, drinking in everything about him before he would be cruelly snatched from me yet again.

Despite his hair being shorter, he looked just like how I remembered him.  Smile lines in the corners of his golden hazel eyes, the faintest mark where his lip ring used to be, tattoos covering much of his skin, and his short stature slightly slumped forward with his bad posture.  His eyes were always hard for me to read, but his expression held something of concern and curiosity.

Frank.  My Frank.  He was there, in front of me for the first time in two years, and I was frozen in place.

"Are you going to say something or just stare at me?" He asked with a smile.  That smile, the one I longed to see so much, the one that haunted my nightmares, the one that used to bring me so much joy.  Now it just made my chest ache.

But finally, I managed to find my voice.

"Frank," I breathed, barely above a whisper.  Just saying his name made my heart hurt and threatened to bring tears with it, but I couldn't break down crying, not in front of him. I wasn't sure why he was here, but I had to hold my composure at least until I got him to leave.

He was in danger as long as he was around me.

"Why are you here?" I asked, voice stronger this time.

"I told you," he replied.  "I wanted to talk to you.  I saw you at the show and this is probably the only chance I'll get to actually talk to you in person, so I told the guys I was going for a walk and searched for you.  I was worried I wouldn't find you because you left the show early, but luck was apparently on my side."

I wasn't sure why he wanted to talk to me, but we didn't have time to waste. Being out in the open like this was risky for me, and with a famous rockstar nonetheless, we were bound to be seen.

"Well you need to go," I forced myself to say.  Every ounce of my being wanted me to beg him to stay, to remember who he was, who I was, and what we were to each other, but I knew that was something I couldn't burden him with, not anymore.  "I'm a wanted criminal, Frank, and you're in danger as long as you're around me.  So please, do yourself a favor, go back and pretend you never saw me."

He shook his head.  "I don't care if you're a criminal or not.  There's something I need you to tell me first."

I gazed at him.  "And what is that?"

He reached into his pocket with his tattooed hand, and I watched as he pulled out something smaller and shiny.  A necklace.

My breath caught in my chest and my hand involuntarily touched the spot on my neck that was devoid of the weight it had worn for so many years as I realized what it was he was holding.  It was my necklace, the one the guys had given to me the night before our world burned to the ground, before it all started.  I thought I'd lost it when I got brought back to civilization, but Frank had had it the whole time.

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