Chapter 22 - Delusional

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"But don't stop if I fall, and don't look back.  Oh baby don't stop, bury me, and fade to black." ~ Hang 'Em High


My body felt heavy. The kind of heavy where it feels like you've slept for two years. My eyes were still closed, seemingly glued shit, but I became very aware of the steady beep of a heart rate monitor and the light weight of a blanket lying over me.  I was on a soft mattress and the air smelled strongly of cleaner and... something else that I couldn't place but I knew I'd smelled before.

I twitched my fingers and realized there was a pressed weight on one of them, a fact that startled me so much that my eyes shot open, immediately blinding me as harsh white light shone down on me.  I squinted, frowning slightly as I heard my heart rate monitor speed up momentarily.

It took me a second after my eyes adjusted to fully realize where I was.  Medical machines, charts and diagrams, and the pristine white walls were foreign to me, something I hadn't seen in almost 9 years.

I was in a hospital.

I sat up, realizing the pressure on my finger was in fact the heart rate monitor, and I was hooked up to an IV of saline.  I also realized that I was no longer in my clothes, rather a thin hospital gown that made me feel a little more vulnerable than I liked.  I figured I had been taken to Bat City, although why they'd have me in a civilian hospital rather than locked up at the Scarecrow HQ, I didn't know.  I didn't really care either.  I had to get out and find the guys.

After removing the monitor on my finger, I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and plopped them down on the cold tile floor.  My feet were sensitive to the sensation, seeing as everything they'd touched out in the desert for the last 9 years had been warm or hot.  Cold was a new ideal.

I heard footsteps begin walking down the hall towards my direction, and with my blaster no where in sight, I did the next best thing and swiftly pulled the IV needle from the crease of my elbow, cringing slightly at the stinging sensation and the blood that began to drip down my arm.  I stepped to the side of the doorway, holding the small needle out in front of me.  It wasn't much, but perhaps a stab to the eye would be enough to put whatever Drac was around the corner at bay long enough for me to get the hell out.

A figure rounded the corner, and before I had the chance to fully register who it was, I advanced on them, pushing them against the wall with the needle pointed to their face.  Only when I heard the startled shout did I realize that it wasn't a Draculoid.  It was a nurse.

She was young, probably younger than myself, in her early 20s with dark hair pulled up in a ponytail.  She wore purple scrubs with a little heart pinned over the chest, and she stared at me with wide eyes.  I didn't let up on her though.  She could still be working for BLI.

"Who are you?" I demanded.

"Alex," she stuttered.  "I'm y-your nurse."

"Are we in the city?"  She stared at me.  "Are we in Battery City?" I questioned again, pushing my hand into her shoulder a little harder than necessary.

"N-no," She grimaced.  "We're at the Arizona Air Force Base."

"Bullshit," I spat.  "Arizona is blown off the map."

She opened her mouth to reply, but stopped short when her eyes landed on my arm, which surprisingly still hadn't stopped bleeding.  "You're bleeding," she stated.

"Doesn't matter.  Tell me the truth."

She looked up at me with kind eyes, a look I hadn't seen from strangers in a long time.  "You're safe," She said.  "I understand you're confused, and probably very frightened, but let me patch you up and I'll explain everything, okay?"

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