Chapter 8 - The Lesser of Two Evils

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Check out the linked video! I made a trailer for this story and I'm pretty proud of it :) (it's also linked in the teaser chapter)

"Give me a shot to remember and you can take all the pain away from me. A kiss and I will surrender. The sharpest lives are the deadliest to lead! A light to burn all the empires, so bright the sun is ashamed to rise and be. In love with all of these vampires so you can leave like the sane abandoned me." ~ The Sharpest Lives


We left the motel a few days later. Party explained to me that they had only been staying there so that if we were pursued, BLI still wouldn't know our true hideout. Plus, we didn't really want everyone knowing where we were staying at, in case a few people decided to run back to BLI with info on the Killjoys.

I was still trying to wrap my head around everything that seemed to be happening so fast. Every time I woke up, I had to convince myself that I hadn't been dreaming, that the guys were really alive, that I was actually free from that horrid facility. It felt like a dream, one that only the most desperate and insane minds could conjure up. A dream that one let get out of hand to the point where they truly believed it was reality. One that consumes your mind and every ounce of sanity as you force yourself to believe in it because perhaps reality is too harsh to comprehend. Or perhaps you just don't want to live in the real world anymore.

"Star," A voice pulled me back to the real world, the one where I was sitting in the back of our old Trans Am, staring out the window as the desert flew by on the Getaway Mile. I turned to the voice, finding Fun Ghoul looking at me concernedly as he sat beside me. "Are you okay?"

I gave a small smile. "Yeah, I'm alright. Just thinking."

"What about?" He asked as he fiddled with his Frankenstein mask that sat in his lap.

"I keep trying to convince myself that this is real."

He smiled warmly at me. "I guarantee this is real. All of it."

"But what if it isn't?" I asked quietly. "What if this is some distorted reality I created for myself? Or what if this is some mind trick BLI is playing on me?" I began to trail off, realizing that I was definitely sounding crazy and was worrying the guys.

"Star," Kobra spoke from the front seat. "I am 100% positive that I am real, and so is Party, so is Ghoul, so is Jet, and so are you. This isn't a dream. You're too smart to be duped by BLI's drugs and you are anything but insane. This is real." He turned in his seat to face me before smiling slightly. "I promise."

Ghoul wrapped an arm around me with a smile. "Don't worry so much. It's not good for you," He chuckled.

I sighed as Party tuned the radio to hear Dr. D's voice on the radio.

"Look alive, sunshine. This is Dr. Death Defying here with your two minute morning static. There are several reports of a multiple Draculoid units with some S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W chaperones patrolling Zone 1, and a few stray Vamps in Zones 2 and 3. If any of you Killjoys are in those Zones, keep your boots tight and your guns close. In other news, the Fab Five and I have officially moved locations to our hideout in Zone 4. If you need to contact us, you know how to get ahold of me. This is Dr. Death Defying signing off."

Party switched the radio off as he turned down the dirt road to the dinner. I smiled as it came into view, realizing that it had been nearly 5 months since I'd left it behind. It still looked the same as ever, faded paint and a few boarded up windows. But it seems the guys had taken to some more painting as I noticed several more spray paintings scattered about. They had done the same to the Trans Am, and it looked amazing. Apparently it was the work of Party and Jet.

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