t h i r t y s i x

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it was around nine pm, and the two boys were upstairs for some more alone time. they'd spend a big part of the evening downstairs, eating dinner and planning christmas day with the family. they decided on a simple planning of spending christmas morning together, opening the gifts (at strickly eleven pm), then giving the rest off the family some alone time, and ending the day with a dinner somewhere in town. so far jimin had enjoyed most of his stay in daegu, except for some parts which included joona. the family was nice and welcoming, which was perfect for jimin, who was rather shy meeting new people, let alone an entire family.

they had all decided to spend the night watching a movie, how the grinch stole christmas, and huddle up on the couch around a big bowl of popcorn, however, as much as jimin wanted to join, yoongi and him decided to make up an excuse about wanting some 'boy time' and just spending the rest of the night cuddled up in bed, watching a movie on their own, probably. the family was okay with that, luckily. they did receive a nasty look from joona, mouthing something about how it was unacceptable, but they ignored and went upstairs anyway.


jimin looked up from the laptop screen placed on his lap, he was really deep in to the movie.

"i have something for you,"

yoongi grinned while messing with the sheets, pulling a little box wrapped in green and gold christmas paper away from it. it was a terrible hiding spot, yet jimin was completely shocked.

"i though we decided on not getting any presents? i don't have anything for you," he seemed happily surprised yet sad at the thought of yoongi spending a lot of money on him. he hoped it was something like a macaroni necklace, arts and craft kinda thing they'd make in the first grade, but he had enough common sense to know that it probably wasn't.

of course. of - fucking - course.

the box had a little pink note stuck too it. it was to be expected honestly, knowing yoongi, that's probably a thing he'd keep doing forever. pink notes.

"you can read the note, but don't open the present yet. christmas is tomorrow,"

with a pout, jimin unfolded the paper. he wanted to know what the box held so, so bad. but it was only fair, christmas indeed was tomorrow. so, jimin allowed his eyes to focus on the letters written over the paper. concentrating on the letters was a bit hard, cause he still needed to watch the movie, which he was too lazy to pause, and his eyes where getting a bit tired too, but he managed.

merry christmas, minnie. i wish
you'd knew how much i loved you,
but words can only express thus
much. so just believe me in my word;
i love you, and i hope your christmas
is amazing so far.

lots of kisses,

it was a simple, yet perfect note. it was so damn cliche and lovey-dovey but he loved it so much. it had been long since he had felt this loved by someone, and being happy about it was an understatement.

"i love you too, yoons," jimin said, wrapping his arms around yoongis neck, still leaving place to hide his face in the crook. yoongi pulled the brunette into his lap, trapping him in a tight hug, not thinking about letting go any time soon.

after a while of sitting there, listening too
the text of the movie in the background, yoongi felt jimins breathing get heavier and concluded he had fallen asleep. the blonde tucked him and took care of making the room bed ready. he turned off the macbook, and closed the slides, leaving the room in complete darkness, only the light of the moon peeping through the blinds. yoongi took place next too his boyfriend, also dropping into sleep as he listened to the calming sound of his breathing.


this is rlly short i know, but
like, it's better then what i
posted yesterday lmao.

anyways, i'm hyped for the
next chap. it'll conclude off
little actual story and a lotta
pics :)

anyways, i kinda have an idea
for a next fic? so lemme know
if youd read another one of my
au's if you've finished this one :)

- maria

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