n i n e t e e n

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"i'll let you be, chim," seokjin said, parting the youngers shoulder as he looked at the wall in front of him. he nodded looking at the numerous notes stuck agains it, looking where he'd start to read, his eyes flattering to a note that he'd put up as one of the first;

jimin it's not what you think i swear

- yoongi

jimin gulped. he probably should've read these earlier but he couldn't make himself.

hey i know you're like ignoring me but do you wanna hang out tomorrow? i could explain about joona, cause i'd rather do that in person.

i'll meet you at starbucks, 1pm.

- yoongi

you didn't show up, i get it though

- yoongi

jimin gulped. he felt like shit for letting yoongi down like that. he probably waited for him in the coffee shop, maybe he'd even order a drink for the younger, but jimin couldn't know, cause he didn't show up.

hoseok said you haven't been going to practice lately. i didn't see you in class either. are you okay?

- yoongi

well, he wasn't. in the entire process of getting used to the idea of not being with yoongi again. of course he wasn't okay.

i miss you, chim

- yoongi


at this point jimin started to realize that yoongi too, was sad.

jimin please text or call me, i'm sad.
i know you're reading this, you have to be

- yoongi

jimin was so filled in self pity, he didn't think about yoongis hurt.

why the fuck didn't he think about yoongi? of course he was hurt too, there was a connection between them, of course the older was hurt too.

roses are red
violets are blue
i'm hiding my sadness with comedy
how are you?

- yoongi

jimin giggled at that one. even though they were both utterly sad, he still managed to make jimin laugh.

i was horny as fuck yesterday so i beat my meat to ur insta pics lol. sorry not sorry couldn't help it!

- yoongay


he ignored the blood rushing downward, and picked up the following note.

i tried calling you dozens of times, and you aren't responding to my notes so here's a poem that makes me think of you (turn the page)

as instructed, jimin turned the pale colored paper scribbled in sharpie

i'd be lying if i said
you make me speechless
the truth is you make my
tongue so weak it forgets
what language to speak in
- rupi kaur

that was so cliche i'm so sorry - yoongi

"oh look at that," jimin giggled "i'm crying," a tear falling on the paper, which he put away in a special place to reread later.

his eyes went to the paper placed in the middle of the tiled wall

i think i'm gonna break up with joona. it'll be a big step, but you're worth it jimin, you really are.

- yoongi

jimins eyes shot open. how old was this note? did he already do this? he read through all the other notes in a quick pace, trying to find the follow up of this one, he even ripped a couple from the white surface trying to get a clearer vision.

a note fell down, it had a couple rips from jimins rough actions.

it caught his attention.

hi minnie
this'll probably be my last note, you're obviously not reading these.
just wanted to let you know i broke up with joona, she was not too happy about it, but anything for you baby boy. please call me or even visit my dorm when you read this

- yoongi

he broke up with her for me

for me

without hesitation jimin jumped up, slipping on his vans and buckling his belt while running out of the door, not even bothering to close it.

he panted while sprinting, quickly apologizing to the people he hit in the way.

"yoongi!" he said, knocking the door. it was hard to catch his breath, and the pain in his side wasn't pleasing either, but he didn't care anymore.

he jumped up when the doorknob twisted, and he greeted eyes with yoongi, who gave him a sad smile. jimin handed him the note he took with, giving yoongi time to reread the note he'd probably gave him weeks ago.

"you came," he said bewildered, turning his sad smile into a rather happy one.

"i did,"


thissss was actual shit! sorry
for the long time between
updates, life's been treating me
not that good so i wasn't really
motivated, but i still managed
to write a chapter for my
3 readers 😤✊🏻

qotd: what's y'alls otp, mine
s either yoonmin or namjin

- maria

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