t w e n t y f o u r

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i have a two week break from
school now so why not invest it
writing fanfiction instead of
studying ammirite


jimin woke up from his dreams at approximately ten am, by the sound of his alarm. he always scheduled the later classes since he wasn't a morning person at all, even ten am like now was still a bit early, but he had to catch his class.

the younger rolled over, expecting te see yoongi and wake him with dozens of kisses and sweet words, but all he found was a pillow and a blanket which had been used, leaving marks that there was a person indeed. but, he did find a pink note elegantly laying on the night stand, with a glass of water and an apple next to it.

had to leave early for work, sorry minnie!
i had a lotta fun last night, really hope we could do it again sometime
- x yoongi

jimin couldn't help but smile, and stroked the pink paper with his thumb, rethink every perfect second from the night before while sipping his water. after a while he unplugged his phone from the charger and checked his messages.

kookie 🥠


does that taehyung guy work today

i wanna flirt

and i'm hungry so breakfast doesn't sound bad lmao



be at ur apartment at 10:45! make sure you're dressed. or don't. i don't care

lmao see u then

hoe-seok 🤠



did yoongi dick you down good?

he seems like a good top


we didn't have sex pervert, it's only the second date

not like ur genitals start working after after a selected amount of dates 🤔

get yo ass outta here, i'll see you tonight at practice

namjoon 😎😎

waddup bitch

rumors spread like wildfire, how was yoongi?

could say the same thing to you

how was seokjin hyung?

well since you're asking


he felt very good, did you know his moans sound like heaven? ugh i could fuck him all day if he asked me too.


b l o c k e d


yoons 💓

hi! i miss you!

i miss you too! are you going to watch practice tonight? hoseok said you used to do that a lot

if you're gonna be there so will i

great! see u tonight

or in a minute, jungkook wants to talk to taehyung

lmao taehyung doesn't shut up about him. see you in a minute then!

the clock ticked to ten forty-five, and he heard the knocking of jungkooks fist in the door. jimin opened it, still rolling up the sleeves of his sweater, allowing jungkook inside.

"hurry up! i want to see taetae," jungkook whined, tugging jimins sleeve, who now, while making direct eye contact, really slowly put his books in the over used backpack, making jungkook a bit pissed. but, they left in a minute, barely giving jimin time to close the door behind him. jungkook really was like a little kid whenever he had a crush on someone, and taehyung was no different.

they arrived at the little restaurant, yoongis eyes lighting up at the sight of jimin, who had the same thing going on.

"good morning," he smiled stupidly, letting his arms rest on the counter, head cupped in his hands, not breaking eye contact with yoongi, who leaned over, kissing jimin sweetly, smiling into the kiss.

"good morning, baby,"

jimin melted to a puddle heating that nickname leave yoongis lips. he was at an all time high, when he heard jungkook making barfing sounds in the background.

"ew, love," he joked, pushing jimin slightly, who took his order by yoongi. there wasn't a line behind them, so they chatted a bit, jungkook talked to taehyung, you could conclude their first conversation was rather awkward, but somehow, taehyung gave jungkook his number.

when the tea was brewed, jungkook and jimin sat down in a booth, sipping their tea and coffee while discussing their following classes. after a while yoongi walked up to them, when he saw that their beverages where empty.

"it's on the house," he laughed, "cause i love making out with you so much," he smiled, letting jimin leave flustered, as he walked away to another customer.


bit of a filler chap lol

qotd; how did you wake
up this morning?

lmao i actually woke up cause
my crush called me lmao

- maria

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