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Josh squeezed, feeling Mikey's throat being crushed under his grip. He didn't stop until he heard a loud snap and Mikey's writhing stopped underneath him, his eyes turning dull. With a sharp tug, Mikey's throat was in Josh's closed fist, soaking his whole forearm in blood.

His hands were shaking when he dropped his remains and stood, the world turning blurry for a moment. A hand turned him around, and Josh swore whoever was touching him was also talking, but he could only hear buzzing.

This is what it felt like to kill without an empty conscious. The people he killed in the facility didn't count; he wasps pumped full of steroids most of his time when he fought that he couldn't even remember who or what he was fighting. He wasn't coherent then, but he was now. And he was furious.

As a soldier you don't think twice about the kills you make, especially as a sniper. All you need to know is where you're going, who the target is, and when you're getting to go home.

Josh never left the war. He just brought it home.

Because killing Mikey- killing up close and personal with his bare hands instead of a hundred feet away with a semi-automatic- unlocked something vicious lurking inside him.

It didn't occur to him until later that Mikey's final words- or word, rather- was one of his trigger words, and that was why he felt the way he felt. Though in the moment, it felt like Josh had it coming- karma was a bitch, after all. And Josh hadn't exactly been a saint as of late.

He felt like his conscience was slipping from his grasp, his mind losing control of his body as he sluggishly followed whoever was yanking him around like a puppet with no strings.

Josh felt bad for being angry with Tyler when he attacked him while under the Templar's control, because he was straining and failing to hold onto his consciousness. With all his effort, he still couldn't stop the harsh static in his ears.

Pete was yelling now, Josh recognizing the muffled voice above the buzzing. He kept tugging on his arm, leading him somewhere. Jenna was on his other side, carrying Tyler. Josh's vision began to turn sharp with focus when Tyler called out his name.

"-Josh, so don't lose your mind just yet. At least wait until we're in the van when I'm not slowly and quite painfully dying in my fiancée's arms."

Josh blinked and broke out of his trance, seeing Jenna's arm hooked under Tyler's arms, holding him up. He ran to his other side to help her.

"My saving grace," Tyler said in a tone that was too light for a man who was dying.

Josh wanted to be angry, but his rage had melted into worry. "You're an idiot, you know that, right?"

Tyler laughed, coughing a little. "Ah, don't fret. You know you love me," he smiled.

Before Josh could respond, Pete stopped in front of them, holding a fist to tell them to hold. He poked a head through a window of the double doors they approached, swearing under his breath.

"What?" Josh whispered.

"Gerard's in there, with dozens of Templar people. If they see us, we won't stand a chance."

Pete unhooked the radio attached to his hip, holding it to his mouth.

"Foxtrot, this is Alpha Two. Entrance is compromised, over."

"Alpha Two, this is Foxtrot," Dallon's voice buzzed through the small speaker. "We've been compromised. Gerard and Hayley have taken out several of our cars, and even more of our soldiers."

"And Patrick?"

"We don't know yet, but I'm not going to assume the worst. As for finding an exit, talk to Red Wolf. He will know what to do. Over and-"

The feed suddenly cut out and Pete closed his eyes, taking a long, deep breath before hooking the radio back to his belt.

"I'm touched," Tyler said.

"There's got to be another way out, right?" Jenna asked, letting Josh take Tyler's full weight. She was almost completely healed, just a small slit in her torso where the shard of glass was. Tyler's stab to the chest wasn't healing. In fact, it looked worse.

Pete shook his head, his face solemn. "Our mission was to leave only one exit, which now that I think about it, is a stupid ass decision on our part."

"You think?" Josh scoffed. "Now we're trapped."

"No, we're not. I know a few secret paths in and out of this place," Tyler said.

Jenna rolled her eyes. "And you didn't think of telling us that before?"

Tyler shrugged, then grimaced and gently touched the now steaming hole in his chest. Josh steadied Tyler on his feet, putting a hand on each one of his shoulders. Then, he kissed him.

"Lead the way, Holmes."

Jenna raised an eyebrow but smirked rather than giving them the disgusted look Josh was expecting from her. "Jesus, it's about time. I could practically feel the sexual tension in the air."

"Uh, no," Josh said, while Tyler laughed.

Pete rolled his eyes. "Just show us how to get out."

Tyler saluted him and began to walk on his own, only to fall immediately on his face.

"Okay, can someone carry me?"

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