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Dallon clicked his pen against the pad of paper in front of him.


Josh shrugged. "As ready as I'll ever be."

Dallon reached to the middle of the table and clicked the recorder on. He cleared his throat and began to read off one of his papers.

"What is your name?"

"Joshua William Dun."

"How old are you?"

"Twenty two years old."

"You live alone in apartment 317, that's correct?"

Josh nodded. "That's correct."

"The apartment that was previously preoccupied by Miss Jenna Black."

Tyler, who had been absently picking at chips in the table, tensed in the chair beside Josh.

"I'm not sure who lived there before me, actually. It's possible."

Dallon hummed low in his throat. "At 2:13 am, on the night of the 23rd, two men broke into your apartment through the fire escape, which was what woke you up md made you call the police?"

"Yes sir."

"Can you tell me what happened after that? What you saw and did?"

Josh cleared his throat and shifted in his seat nervously.

"Uh- I went downstairs with a baseball bat because there are usually lots of break-ins in my neighborhood, so I thought it was just two kids trying to rob me. But when I told them to scram, one of the guys- he was wearing a suit and had a heavy accent- started shooting at me from the end of the hall. I dropped my bat and hid. When I looked back, the other man had attacked the suit guy in self defense with the bat I'd dropped, whacking him over the head several times."

"Can you describe this second man?"

Josh glanced over at Tyler, who raised an eyebrow and smirked. Dallon already gave Josh a rundown of who Tyler really was- an international Sherlock Holmes who was already banned from several European countries, and was on the cusp of being banned from Canada and Nigeria. Why, Josh wasn't told, but it couldn't be anything good.

But just as Tyler had powerful enemies, his allies were even stronger. Josh wasn't to expose Tyler's involvement in the assassination of the Russian spies- he still couldn't believe that this scrawny manchild was the same person who helped take out three of the strongest gang leaders in the world and kill four of the most deadliest assassin- or else he could be sent to prison. Or worse, but Josh didn't want to think about what they meant by worse.

Josh cleared his throat and looked back down at his hands. "I didn't see his face. It was covered by a bag, and he was gone before the cops arrived."

Dallon clicked off the recorder and Tyler patted Josh on the back, grinning.

"Knew you'd pull through," He said.

Josh shrugged Tyler's hand off of him. "It's not like I had a choice. It was either that or I'd probably end up like poor Ivan or whatever the hell that guy's name was in my apartment."

Tyler grinned menacingly. "Not probably, my dear friend. Definitely. Anyone up for lunch?" He stood up on the chair and made a beeline for the door.

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