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The flight to Bangladesh was a straight flight with no stops that lasted over an entire day. Josh never got motion sickness, but after being stuck in a small flying metal box, he was ecstatic when they touched the ground.

Josh laughed in relief while he and Tyler walked to baggage claim. "Thank god. I was about to lose my mind sitting down for a whole day."

"You could've moved around instead of watching the Harry Potter series in one go, you know," Tyler said. He had a laptop bag strapped across his chest and a travel pillow wrapped around his neck. "There was space to walk."

"Says the one who slept the whole time. By the way, how the hell can you sleep twenty four hours?"

Tyler pulled out two of their suitcases at the same time and nearly fell over if Josh hadn't caught him. "I was catching up on some well deserved sleep."

Josh snorted and pulled out his backpack. "Do you have a regular sleeping schedule or do you just rely on all that sugar you eat to keep you going?"

"Mostly the latter." Tyler grabbed the last suitcase and propped it on its wheels. He looked back at Josh and grinned. "Ready to go? I'm starving."

They wheeled their stuff outside, where the heat nearly knocked Josh. He scrunched up his face, a layer of sweat instantly covering his body.

Tyler laughed as Josh shrugged off his two jackets and scarf. "It's monsoon season here."

"It's fucking November," Josh muttered, stuffing the extra clothes in the crook of his arm. "I'm sweating bullets and we haven't even been outside for five minutes."

"You get used to this kind of crazy weather when you travel a lot for work." Tyler slipped on a pair of sunglasses he got from God knows where and waved down a taxi.

They somehow organized their luggage into the trunk with just enough space to close it and then climbed into the backseat.

*PSA: for anyone who's from Bangladesh, sorry I'm butchering your language. I'm using google translate for this*

"কোথায়?" The driver said.

Josh froze, realizing he flew to a foreign country that he didn't know the language of. What did they even speak in Bangladesh? Chinese? Indian? He was fucking clueless.

He looked to Tyler, who replied without a trace of an English accent. "লি মরিডেন ঢাকা হোটেল দয়া করে."

The man began to drive to what Josh hoped was a hotel or else he was screwed.

"You speak... Chinese?"

"Bengali," Tyler corrected. "And yes, I do. I'm fluent in seventeen different languages. Close your mouth, it's really not that surprising."

The drive was about thirty minutes consisting of Tyler and Josh arguing over what their first plan of action should be. They had no police backup because they left without telling Dallon, and they had no idea where Jenna would even be.

"I'm telling you, we start with the kingpin and we work our way up," Tyler insisted.

Josh scoffed. "Or we could just find one of your assassin buddies and get them to help us."

"What assassin buddies? I have no friends."

"Not surprised. Bet you can't even make friends."

Tyler smirked at him. "Yet you're in a different country with me."

Josh rolled his eyes and fell back into his seat. "I am too tired to be dealing with you right now. Do we have to share a suite?"

Tyler crossed his arms and huffed. "It's cheaper."

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