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The barren room Josh woke up in had lights bright enough to temporarily blind him the moment he opened his eyes. Tyler was curled up across from him, shirtless and shaking intensely. His knees were tucked into his chest, and even in the dim light, Josh could see the gleam in his eyes.

"How long was I out?" Josh asked, sitting up and groaning at the soreness throughout his body.

Tyler shrugged, wrapping his arms closer around his legs. His foot kept tapping impatiently on the concrete. "Time is a social construct created by humans in order for us to feel like we have a grasp on the inevitable march to our deaths."

Josh raised and eyebrow. Tyler grinned in response.

"I'd estimate about three hours."

Josh's hands were uncuffed, but he could see the beginnings of bruises around his wrists. Tyler must've noticed because he uncurled himself and scooted over so he sat across him, gently taking Josh's hands in his.

"I'm sorry," Tyler whispered.

"Don't be," Josh said. "Given both of our pasts that neither of us can't remember, it seems like this was bound to happen."

Tyler scooted closer and kissed Josh gently, softly, like he was scared to hurt him if he pushed. Josh kissed him back a lot rougher than intended.

When they pulled apart, Tyler just stared at Josh for a moment, before kissing him again, still gentle but more needy.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Tyler kept saying, to which Josh would reply, "it's okay."

Josh had never see Tyler as exposed as he was in that moment- eyes downcast, fidgety, hushed. This vulnerability was obviously new for Tyler too, because he wouldn't meet Josh's eyes.

Tyler rested his head on Josh's shoulder, lacing their fingers together and kissing his knuckles almost affectionately. His hands were still shaking, so Josh tightened his grip. "This is the weirdest way to become attached to someone."

"Yeah, no shit," Josh drawled, vaguely remembering what Gerard had said about his loyalty and Tyler's affection. "What is this, exactly? You're the genius, tell me how this happened. Because I don't have a damn clue."

"Hell if I knew. I'd like to say it's a cause of the mere exposure effect- the more around someone, the more attractive this person- but love and lust and all things in that spectrum are foreign to me. I've never... been attracted to someone before. Though I know it involves kissing, dates, romantic outings, sex-"

Josh put his free hand over Tyler's mouth to shut him up, feeling Tyler grin. "Hold on there, pal. We're not there yet."

When he removed his hand, Tyler smiled softly and kissed Josh again. Josh noticed that his left leg wouldn't stop shaking, so he put his hand on his knee to steady him.

"Are you okay?"

Tyler's teeth grazed Josh's jawline. "Never better. Just got kidnapped by my morally corrupt mentors and dragged my very first crush along for the ride."

Josh laughed, then paused. "What about Debby and Dallon? Do you think they're here too?"

"I doubt it. They wanted us, not them," Tyler mumbled, pulling away.

"But why me?" Josh asked. "You, I understand, but I've never done anything to them."

Tyler clicked his tongue. "Nothing you remember."

"Alright, genius. How did they find us?" Josh asked.

"Still working on that part."

"Then get us out of here so I can hunt them down and ask them myself," Josh said.

Tyler stood and brushed himself off, which was when Josh noticed the tattoos on his back. A long straight black line traced Tyler's spine, starting at the nape of his neck and stopping near his tail bone. Near his shoulders, the line crossed with another that ran down his biceps and to both of his wrists. Between his collarbones was a small x where the two lines met, almost like a compass.

"I didn't take you for a tattoo man," Josh said, watching the tension ripple through Tyler's body.

"I'm not."

Tyler walked over to metal door across from the window, yanking on it a couple times. The door shook, but didn't open. He started walking in circles, his hands scratching absently at his palms.

"What's wrong?" Josh asked.

Tyler shook his head, his footsteps echoing through the room. "I've barley had any sugar in at least 36 hours and it's disrupting my focus."

"I swear I saw you eat at least three Twizzlers when we were at Debby's."

"That's not enough!" Tyler started to alternate between scratching his palms and the back of his neck. "I need peaks, spikes, some sort of indulgence or else I'll start to lose my mind."

Josh snorted. "You sound like an addict. A weird, sugary addict. I'm surprised you don't have diabetes or hypoglycemia like me."

Tyler shot daggers his way, and Josh held his hands up in defense.


"Why what?" Tyler didn't turn around.

"I mean, why do you like me? What did you see in my that made you want to take down a cult with me? Why did you kiss me and not even tell me you're gay or bi or whatever the hell you are?"

Tyler shrugged, though Josh could tell there was much more to it than he was saying. "I don't know, really. I've been with men, and I've been with women, but with you, it's different. You're different compared from what I'm accustomed to."

"But good different, right?"

Josh couldn't see his face, but he could hear the smile in his voice. "Don't flatter yourself too much."

They fell into a comfortable silence, as comfortable as they could get being trapped in a brightly lit cell with little to no chance of escape.

"The door is impenetrable," Tyler said. "Reinforced metal, locks and bars on the other side. There's two guards outside. One's a six foot accountant who lives alone with his two- no, three- Scottish terriers and has a bad smoking addiction. The other is a Russian trained mercenary in her early twenties and- huh. She's pregnant. Interesting."

Josh made a confused noise. "Pregnant? How could you tell all of that through a metal door?"

"I'm not quite sure. Must be the edge. I guess I picked it up without realizing." Tyler tried to speak casually, but he sounded proud.

"Yeah, that's not off putting at all."

Tyler knocked on the door experimentally, and jumped back when it swung open. Just as he'd predicted, the two guards- one tall man and the other a blue haired girl with the beginnings of a belly coming on- stood in the doorway, guns aimed at the two.

"Gerard wants to see you."

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