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Tyler grabbed Josh's arm and jolted him out of his stunned state. The television put a photo of a very young looking Tyler up, along with some of Josh's military photos. They both looked like criminals.

"If we play our cards right, we can make it to Canada by nightfall," he said, letting him go.

Josh followed Tyler to the first floor, seeing a board of police cars already up front. Tyler pulled a gun out of fucking nowhere and held it to Josh's head. "Just go along with it."

They walked out, and immediately every cop had a gun pointed at Tyler.

"Let me go, or he gets a bullet," Tyler warned.

"You know I'm being framed too, right?" Josh huffed under his breath.

From a distance, he could see Dallon roll his eyes, nodding his head to their right. Josh tapped Tyler's right thigh, hoping he'd get the message.

"It was smart move, luring us to Bangladesh," Tyler mumbled, subtly walking them to the right. "I didn't even catch on. No alibi and inexplicable bullet wound. It all points to me, and I'm sure none of these officers would hesitate to put me in handcuffs. Genius, even for me."

"How about you quiet down your nerd boner and get us out of this mess?" Josh hissed.

Tyler squeezed Josh's bicep. "Run."

They bolted down the alleyway next to Tyler's building and immediately ran into a chain link fence. Josh hopped on top of a dumpster and helped Tyler up, and they both managed to get over the fence just as the cops ran into the alley.

Tyler ran backwards, waving the gun like a madman. He turned and ran beside Josh, who held his hand out for Tyler to grab.

They kept running- Tyler was mostly dragging Josh through the nooks and crannies of this part of the city he had never seen before- and they didn't stop until Tyler was convinced they weren't being followed anymore.

Josh collapsed against the metal door of some brick building and slid to the ground, trying to catch his breath. "Jesus, I am so out of shape."

Tyler laughed and held his hand out to help Josh up. "We can't stop now. I'm sure they've already announced me as a fugitive."

"Half the city will be looking for us," Josh said.

He followed Tyler into an abandoned building. The thick layers of dust on the high ceiling windows filtered the light into a dull grey, and most of the cabinets inside looked like they could give them tetanus just by looking in their general vicinity.

Tyler walked Josh straight through it and out the other end. They just kept walking and walking until Josh realized that Tyler didn't actually have a plan.

"Where are we going?" Josh asked, stopping them behind a Subway restaurant.

Tyler started to talk about an elaborate plan to escape to Greenland and live out the rest of their days as sheep herders, but Josh tell he was bullshitting his way to a real plan.

"You don't know what to do, do you?" Josh asked.

He opened his mouth, then closed it. "No."

"Great. That's just great." Josh kicked a wall, exhaustion hitting him hard. "Lucky for you, I think I have one."

Tyler raised his eyebrows skeptically. "You do?"

Josh nodded, pulling Tyler close and kissing him swiftly. "Do you trust me?"

"I trust you about as far as I can throw you," Tyler drawled. Then he smiled hollowly and kissed Josh's cheek. "Lucky for you, I'm an excellent thrower."

Josh guided Tyler to the house of his only other friend- if Tyler could be qualified as his other friend- and hid him underneath her minivan while he rang the doorbell.

He hadn't seen Debby in months, but she didn't change all that much since they retired. Her hair was honey colored with the hints of gray hair pepper at her temples. She had faint smile lines around her lips, with her stretched into a warm grin at the sight of Josh.

"Well, look what the cat dragged in," she quipped, balancing a baby on her hip.

"Oh," Josh said, making eye contact with wondrous brown eyes. "Baby."

Debby rolled her eyes. "I have a husband, Josh."

"Is he home?"

She grinned and side-hugged him with her free arm. "It's been quite a while. You should visit more often, stranger."

"I know," he said, pulling back.

When he didn't move to enter, Debby's brows furrowed and she looked him over once, then twice. "What did you do?"

"It's more like what I do."

Tyler appeared behind Josh, slinging an arm over his shoulder. Debby visibly ruffled, the softness leaving her face and being replaced by a fierce caution.

"Debby, this is my friend Tyler," Josh said. He quickly added, "I can explain."

She pulled Josh close so she could whisper in his ear. "You don't recognize him, do you?"

"What are you talking about?" Josh asked.

"You don't. "Debby pulled back and shook her head, waving them in. "I guess we both have some explaining to do."

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