"You Choose"-Harry Falls Down Stairs After Argument

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**Guys, 1storywriter is selling HARRY STYLES concert tickets (TWO of them) for a show in Chicago on June 30.  Please message her for details if you're interested in buying from her!!***

Thanks to everyone that gave their suggestions.  I didn't actually sit and tally everything up this time.  I think Louis was going to win again, but it seemed only fair to make it be Harry.  

There was a lot of liking for this prompt from paige_originalzz1D : "He is accidentally hurt while the two are arguing. While he tries to push past harry he trips and falls down the stairs (or something like that)." So this is what I went with. I just changed it to be a hurt Harry rather than Louis, and chose injuries that the majority voted on.

Words: 2,072

Harry slammed his fork on his empty plate. "I'm gonna go to the store," he announced, since they were almost out of toilet paper. He shoved his chair under the table and put his dishes in the dishwasher.

The whole evening was ruined, spoiled by a lousy day at work that Louis had at the hospital, followed by a lecture that Louis gave Harry for not cleaning the bathroom. The meal was spent mostly arguing and chewing and silence. They could feel the tension in the air. Maybe it was best that Harry went out for a moment. It would give them both time to clear their heads.

After Harry left, Louis cleared his own dishes from the table and wiped down the mess Harry made while cooking, adding it to the mental list of things he hated that day. Harry wasn't usually messy, but he wasn't perfect, either.

Cleaning up Harry's messes was only part of his agitation. Louis's job as a doctor was stressful and sometimes he took it out on Harry. Most of the time, he tried to not let his rude patients bother him, not wanting to bring thoughts of work in his homelife, but sometimes angry feelings stayed with him a while.

Louis went upstairs to take care of a few things when he found a brand new smartphone on their dresser. He let out a huff in exasperation. When is Harry going to learn to stop spending money? First two new cars, a huge TV, hundreds of money on shoes, and now this? They were celebrities and had lots of money, sure... but they couldn't spend all their money as if it were never-ending, because it wasn't.

Louis heard the front door open and close and up came the pitter-patter of Harry's shoes on the stairs. When he reached the top, Louis confronted him about it, holding up the phone. "Harry, what's this?"

Harry glanced at the phone before his eyes darted to the wall behind Louis. "Um, I was going to tell you about it later." He dropped the package of toilet paper at his feet on the landing.

"Harry, you know we can't keep blowing our money! We still have another million to pay off this house, plus the utilities and everything else."

Harry snatched the phone back from Louis angrily. "I know that! It's not like a new phone is that expensive!" He turned to their bedroom and placed the phone back on the dresser. Was it horrible that he liked to have new things?

"How much was it?" Louis put his hands on his hips, waiting for a response- something ridiculous he suspected.

"I don't know, like $400 I guess," Harry said, turning back to the stairs, but Louis was blocking his way. He pushed past him as Louis sighed, but his foot caught on the toilet paper he had forgotten to put away, and he tumbled, flying headfirst down the stairs.

Harry's stomach lurched as he gasped, and his hands came forward to try to find purchase. In the blink of an eye, Harry's body hit the bottom of the stairs in a sickening thud, jarring his bones. His head hit the wooden floor below with a crack. His feet were spread out in front of him, with one hanging through the bars of the railing.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2018 ⏰

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