The Pool Incident-Louis

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This was a request from pastelxlou. Enjoy!

Words: 1,106

Louis's plane was finally landing. It had been an exhausting 20-hour flight and he was tired of sitting around. This had been one of several over 10 hour flights he'd had this month because of his touring and promoting his album, and he was ready to come back to Harry in London.

"I've missed you, babe!" Harry said once he reached baggage claim. He kissed his cheek and brought Louis into a tight hug. Harry was not only his husband but was also a doctor at the local hospital.

"Me, too," Louis said. "It's good to be off that plane. My leg's been cramping up on me."

"Well, now you can just relax at home. I've already got dinner made."

That evening, the boys ate together and Louis told Harry about his experiences and things he did while he was away. The next morning, Louis's calf muscle felt even worse and he complained about it to Harry.

"Well, you know what I was thinking? Why don't we go to the water park? Do some swimming? I think it'll do your muscles a lot of good."

Louis agreed and they put on their suits and headed for the city pool. When they arrived, it was crowded. Families had come with their children, but it was expected because it was summer vacation after all.

There was a small, shallow pool on one end and a big pool with a diving board on the other. They headed in that direction, maneuvering past the kids who were running, trying to dodge the oversized bucket from tipping over onto their heads, another fun attraction at the park.

Louis didn't want to admit it, but he was feeling off today. He'd bet money on the fact that he probably had a fever. He didn't feel nauseous, so he didn't say anything.

Harry dipped his foot in the pool, and deciding it felt nice, got all the way in. "Water's perfect! Get in!"

Louis lowered himself in slowly and began treading water with Harry. Harry began swimming laps around him while Louis looked on.

"Come on, Lou!" Harry yelled, spitting out a mouth load of water.

Louis smiled and began kicking his legs and pushing out with his arms. He was enjoying himself somewhat, until a pain hit him in the chest. He immediately stopped swimming and winced as he put a hand to his chest. He swam back to the edge of the pool so he could rest.

"A little out of shape are we?" Harry teased, swimming on by.

Louis gave him a look, but it only made Harry laugh harder.

He rested a couple minutes, but the pain was still there.

Harry popped up out of the water, staring at Louis. "You okay? Come on, get back out here!"

Louis decided he'd try again. He figured it'd eventually go away on its own. He pushed off the wall with his hand and started swimming again. After a few seconds, his chest roared with pain and he gasped. He started to sink, flailing his arms about himself, trying to stay afloat.

"Help!" he screamed as loudly as he could.

Harry turned to face him, and his eyes grew wide in shock. "Lou?" He swam furiously to his aid, putting his arms around his body. He brought him to the edge of the pool and Louis clung to the wall. He was breathing deeply and rapidly, trying to catch his breath, but his chest was hurting him so greatly.

"Are you okay? What happened?" Harry asked with great concern.

Louis winced. "My chest hurts really bad! I don't know what's happening."

Harry put a hand on Louis's back, his expression worried. "How long has this been going on?"

"Just the last few minutes," Louis said, scowling as he fought the pain of breathing.

"Let's get you out of the pool," Harry said. Then he hoisted Louis up by the waist and out of the pool. Louis lay on the concrete, unmoving, while Harry got out himself.

"I don't feel good, Harry," he said.

Harry took Louis's wrist and felt for his pulse. He counted out the beats for a 15 seconds and frowned. It was quite fast. "Can you tell me what else is wrong, baby? Do you feel nauseous?"

Louis shook his head. "Just lightheaded. Kinda dizzy." He clutched his chest again, applying pressure to it. "It hurts."

Harry's stomach did a flip of worry. He hoped Louis wasn't having a heart attack. It was rare for a young person to have one, but it wasn't uncommon. "Let's get you to the hospital. I'll take you to my place."

"Okay," Louis agreed softly.

He allowed Harry to help him up, and after Harry put on his t-shirt, he picked Louis up and into his arms, like a child. Harry drove him to the hospital and once Harry got him to an exam room, Louis began coughing. Each cough hurt his chest, but he couldn't help it. He started coughing up mucus, and he spat it out in the sink.

Louis scrunched up his face in confusion. "Why is it pink?"

Harry took a look in the sink to see pink, foamy spittle. "Oh, I think I have an idea now what this is. Let me run some tests first, but I don't believe it's a heart attack."

Several tests later, Harry came in with the results. "I've got some good news, Lou. The EKG showed that there's nothing wrong with your heart. The CT scan, however, showed a blood clot in your artery in your leg."

"Is that why my leg's been hurting?" Louis questioned.

Harry nodded. "Yeah, I'm afraid so. The long plane rides are likely the cause. The blood clot traveled to your lungs, hence the chest pain. What you have is something called a Pulmonary Embolism. It mimics a heart attack, but it's really just a blood clot that got to your lungs."

"So what happens now?" Louis asked.

"I'm gonna get you some medicine to take care of it, and your chest pain will go away soon after."

"Good," Louis said. "I'm glad it's that easy."

"Me, too. You don't know how relieved I am right now."

After a few doses of his new medicine, Louis started to feel better and more like himself. They celebrated one afternoon by taking another swim at the pool.

Louis felt fine this time and he loved spending the day with Harry. "Hey, Haz. I bet you five pounds that I can beat you to the other side of the pool."

Harry looked at him smugly and said, "Race ya there!"

Hope you liked it!  Hope you all have a great summer! Vote/comment and stuff!

Remember, two more days (Thursday) until I update Wrongful Attraction.  :)

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