Both Doctors-Louis Food Poisoning

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Three people wanted almost the same request, so I'm combining them. I'm thinking of telling y'all the prompt in addition to the word length from now on.  onedirectionsickfics rapid34 once_upon_a_larrie . (If you ever want to remain anonymous when you make a request, just let me know).

Prompt: They're both doctors. Louis gets sick with food poisoning and is throwing up a lot and hates it. Harry takes care of him.

Words: 1,946

Louis waited for Harry to sit in the passenger seat as he held the car door open for him. They were both surgeons at the hospital and since they got off work at the same time, they drove home together as well.

"How was your day, love?" Louis asked as he got in himself. He started the car and put it in reverse.

"Good, but tiring. I did three surgeries today, and one tonsillectomy on a six-year-old. I felt really bad for her."

"Yeah, that is really young to handle such a thing." Louis took a left turn as they entered their neighborhood.

"How was yours?" Harry asked, turning to look at him.

"Fine. Wasn't too bad. Just one knee surgery and the rest were follow-ups." He turned into their garage and shut off the engine.

Once inside, they changed from their doctor scrubs and into their skinny jeans and t-shirts.

"Do we have anything planned for dinner, Hazza?" Louis looked in the fridge and frowned.

"Well, I had something in mind but I'm just really too tired to cook right now. Wanna go out instead?" Harry suggested.

"Sure, why not?"

The boys had a nice meal in a sit-down restaurant and stuffed themselves until they could eat no more. Afterwards, they returned home and put on Netflix.

Louis was cuddled up against Harry when the nausea hit. He closed his eyes against the feeling, hoping it would pass. He adjusted his body so he was in a more lying-down position, and Harry began to rub his shoulder and back.

The extra attention wasn't helping anything. He bit his lower lip and his breathing became more labored. Without thinking, he grabbed Harry's thigh and squeezed it rather tightly.

Harry looked down to find Louis distraught. "Louis, what's the matter? Are you okay?"

Louis shook his head slightly. "I think I might be sick."

Harry gasped, his face worried. "Let's get you to the bathroom."

They ran quickly, Harry following right behind him. Harry lifted the toilet lid and Louis immediately vomited promptly into the clean water. As Louis threw up, Harry rubbed his back gently. When Louis had only a few dry heaves left and had calmed down, Harry helped steady him as he rinsed out his mouth and cleaned himself up.

"You feel better now, babe?" Harry asked as they walked back to the couch.

"Yeah," Louis said, carefully sitting himself back down. "I don't know what happened. I was fine until a minute ago."

"You know what? I think it's food poisoning," Harry said. He then felt Louis's forehead. "Yeah, I think you might have a slight fever."

"You're probably right," Louis said. "Leave it to me to get sick."

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