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This one's also a continuation of A Slip of Fate, not that it matters.  I might even use these characters in other chapters, too, 'cause why not?   If you don't know what that entails, it just means Harry's a doctor and he and Louis don't live together, but they're dating, and Louis's in college.   

Words: 3,511

Harry stood at the sink, washing his hands for the millionth time that day. They were getting dry and chapped, and he would have to apply a good dose of lotion to them once he got home. He had just treated six people that day with the flu. The bad thing about being a doctor is that he was always around patients who were coughing and sneezing, and sometimes (like today) right in his face. He hadn't even expected it.

He was holding the stethoscope to the young boy's chest, when without warning, the boy took a deep breath and sneezed three times. After saying "bless you," Harry hoped he didn't breathe in any of the germs. He hadn't gotten sick with anything more than a cold in three years, and he was hoping to continue his lucky streak of health.

That evening, as Harry was getting ready for bed, he knew he was feeling a little differently, maybe even a bit feverish. He hoped he could just sleep whatever it was off and be better in the morning. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. He woke up at 5am with the chills, and his nose was congested, making it hard to breathe. Shivering, he pulled forward the blankets, snuggling into their warmth. He slept uneasily for the next two hours and he realized that he wasn't feeling well enough to go to work.

He texted one of his secretaries and the nurse practitioner that he wouldn't be coming in. She was the one who always subbed for him in times like these. Before trying to fall back to sleep again, which he knew was probably not going to happen anyway, he texted Louis to tell him not to wait up for him after his classes because he wasn't feeling well.

"Aw, Harry. I'm sorry. I hope you feel better soon!" Louis texted back. Louis found it funny that Harry would get sick, since he had never seen him sick the whole time he'd known him, which actually wasn't that long, though. They'd been going out for about two months now. Louis had recently just healed from his appendectomy two weeks ago, and he was getting stronger and feeling much better lately. Harry had taken care of him very well, and it looked like it was his turn to return the favor.

Instead of going to his classes that day, Louis would surprise Harry at his house, hoping to help him feel better. At 8:00am, Louis drove up to Harry's house and parked in his driveway. He guessed it would be fine to park there since he didn't think Harry would be going anywhere anytime soon. He knocked on the door, and because he hated making Harry get up (from bed, which was pretty likely), he wiggled the doorknob, and fortunately, the door was unlocked. He'd have to admonish Harry about that sometime, but for right now, it was a perfect mishap.

"Harry! It's me!" Louis yelled, walking towards his bedroom when he didn't see him in the living room. He knocked on Harry's bedroom door as Harry yelled for him to come in.

"What are you doing here?" Harry asked, noticing that he now had a sore throat to accompany everything else. "I thought you had class," he said with a smile, his head still laying on the pillow. He was really glad to see him.

"I do, but I decided to skip it to take care of you." Louis sat on the edge of Harry's bed. "How are you feeling?" he asked, brushing some hair back from Harry's forehead. "You don't look so good, and you feel warm."

"Not, too—" Harry said, and began coughing. "Not too good, actually."

Louis had an idea. "Hang on a sec and I'll be right back." Louis left his room to find what he was looking for. He went to Harry's extra room that he called his office and went to the bookshelf on the right side of the wall. He grabbed it when he spotted it, and then made his way back to Harry.

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