Chapter Three

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I wasnt expecting Grayson to hold true to his "one day only special" policy this time either, but to my surprise, he did. For the next two weeks, I didn't even catch him looking my way once. He acted like we hadn't even talked, and so even though it stung, I did too.

It wasn't that I felt romantically towards Grayson, not in the slighest, but it was nice to feel like I mattered to someone. My mood, which had inflated a bit when Grayson showed up to my house that afternoon, plummetted once again, and I felt myself waiting for each weekend desperately.

The only saving grace was that Kelly and Brayden didn't even touch or get within two feet of each other at school. They were spotted talking, but never touching, and never even being flirty. I wondered if Grayson's outburst had anything to do with it.

The next Friday, Chloe and I walked into school, me telling her about my mom finding out I dyed my hair last night.

She had walked in from her buisness trip in Venice and literally screamed, like someone was being murdered in front of her eyes.

Like, overdramatic much?

She had been obsessed with me being as pretty as she was, and she wanted me to follow her foot steps into modeling, which is something I don't and never have wanted.

I always tell her I'm too short and she insists that I can do catalouge.

Anyway, she screamed at me, asking me if I had lost my mind. When I told her that Brayden and I broke up though, she shut up and let it go.

Well actually, I may have shouted at her that her obsession with blonde hair and light eyes was remniscint of Hitler, and then she shut up.

But, details.

When I told Chloe that comparison, she burst out in hysterical laughter.

"I can't believe you said that to your mom" She grinned.

I shrugged. I'm not sorry that I said it at all.

When we walked through the hallways, I spotted a giant banner, reminding us that tonight was the big soccer game under the lights.

The friday evening home game was a big deal. Last year, Brayden used it as an opportunity to ask me out. He asked me to wear his jersey, and then asked me to be his girlfriend after they had won. I had attended every soccer game at our school, wearing that exact jersey ever since. It was still sitting somewhere in my closet, begging to be set on fire.

Chloe winced, following my gaze.

"We don't have to go to that" She insisted.

Chloe loves soccer. And she loves parties. If we win tonight, there's bound to be a giant senior party, how could I ask her to miss that?

"Don't be silly" I breathed deeply, "I still go to this school. He wont scare me away from this game"

"If you're sure" Chloe said, skeptically.

"I am. And I'm the class president, I can't just not show up to a big school event" I said, watching everyone scurry to their various classes, "Now, let's go to class"

The day passed by normally, but slowly, as does every Friday while waiting to leave school. When I got to AP Chemistry lab, I sat in my normal seat, set on ignoring Brayden like I have for the past week and a half, but he had other ideas.

"Serena" He said timidly.

"Does it have to do with the lab?" I asked him, not looking up from my paper.

"No, but-" He started.

"Then I suggest you don't say it" I said, in a matter-of-fact tone.

"I need my jersey back" He said quietly, "For Kelly to wear"

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