10: Drinked To Much

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(3 hours later)

Jay pov

i walked into my house and the smell of liqour and vodka hit my nose. i walked into the kitchen and seen Jaiiy.

she had her head on the counter wit three empty bottles around her. i ran over to her liften her as her body went limp in my arms.

i reached in my pocket quickly callin the ambulance as tears rushed down my face.

i heard sirens comin closer as i held Jaiiy in my arms cryin. the people busted into the house takin Jaiiy out my hands puttin her in the ambulance. i jumped in the back ridin wit them.

i held her hand as they put a mask over her mouth and nose. i called Chris, Jamie and our parents sense they wasnt on a work trip.

they rushed her in a room handing me papers to sign. i sat in the waiting room signing papers. Christina and Jamie came in huggin me when i gave the lady at the front desk the papers.

we sat down. "wat happened?" Jamie asked as her face damp from her tears. "idk i came in the house and she had her head on the counter wit 3 empty bottles around her, i tried wake her but she didnt wake up"

Christina put her arms around me comfortin me.

(4 hours later)

my parents were here. they got here 3 hours ago. Chris was still holdin me as Jamie head was on Chris lap she was sleep.

"Ms. Williams family" the doctor called. we all stood up walkin towards him.

"ok so Ms. Williams is fine but we are waitin for her to wake up, shes lucky if she drunk more her kidney wouldve been gone" he explained

"how long do u think it will take for her to wake?" Jamie asked

"a month or two if she makes it" he said

"excuse me? make it? u just said she was fine" i said through gritted teeth. Christina rubbed my back makin me calm down alittle.

"shes fine for now we just have to run some more tests" he explained "can we see her?" my dad asked and the doctor nodded. we all followed him.

we walked in to see her skin alittle pale. she had a tube down her throat. that made me cry more. Jamie went and took her hand makin her cry harder.

i took a look at Jamie to see shes turin alittle pale herself. i didnt pay that much attention to that doe all i was thinkin about was Jaiiy. is she goin to make it?



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