☆Chapter 27☆

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The Enemy Attacks! Our RIVALS..!

Madeline's P.O.V.

I woke up to my phone ringing. Again.

Except this time, it was a unknown number. We get these a lot because we put down all of our phone numbers under the contact list. But mine was first... So I got most of the calls.

But we never get unknown number. I picked up the phone anyways.

"Hello? Top Star Bakery on the Phone here. How can we be at your service?"

"Hello! This is Delilah from Delilah's Delicious Delights~! I've called to ask you about your recent popularity decline."

"Oh. You must be the bakery a few stores down from us! You've been getting... quite the amount of customers... I've noticed a few of our customers down at your store. I assume they were just trying something new..!"

"Oh! Is Carol one of them? She visits us every day now for her morning donuts!"

Wait! Carol visited OUR shop every day for her morning donuts! Don't tell me we're losing customers to these people! No way...

"Hold on Ma'am, I need to check something real quickly." I put the phone on hold and ran over to the computer. I pulled up our website and checked our recent ratings.

Less customers. I haven't seen Amy, Skylar, or Kasey that often anymore... They always come at least once a week! This must mean...

Delilah's Delicious Delights is stealing our customers.

Oh no. I ran back over to the phone and pick it up.

"Happy talking with you Delilah! I've got to go though..! I'm in quite the pickle here with all of our orders! Eheh..!" I hang up and run into the living room and yell... "SCARLETT, CHRISTINA, CAT! We're losing our customers to Delilah's Delicious Delights!! This can't happen guys we've got to up our game!"

I brought them all to the computer and show them our ratings.

They all gasped and I ran into my bedroom to put on some proper clothes.

"Everyone get dressed! We're going to work EXTRA early today!"

We all got dressed, hopped into the SUV, and drove to work.

Opening the back door we immediately got to work.

I pulled down a list of our orders from the whiteboard on the wall.


Alan P. - Raspberry Swirl Pound Cake

Averi T. - Victoria Sponge Cake

Hailey S.- Constellation Cake

Brian H. - Neapolitan Mochi Bites


That was all of the orders for now. We first started working on the order for Alan P. One of our newer recipes, the Raspberry Swirl Pound Cake.

To start off we took out all of the ingredients. Scarlett pureed the raspberries in a bowl with 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar until it was smooth, then she set it aside.

I then whisked together flour, salt, and baking powder. Scarlett took a large bowl while I was doing that. She mixed up butter and 1 and ¼ cups of granulated sugar until it became pale and fluffy. She then added 2 eggs and vanilla extract then mixed. After adding a few more ingredients she added mini chocolate chips and mixed it until it was finally combined.

After all of that was done I buttered up a loaf pan and put parchment paper into the pan and buttered up the nt paper as well. We poured half the mixture into the loaf pan with half of the raspberry puree. We put in the rest of the batter on top with the remaining raspberry puree. After that's done I swirl together the puree and the batter to make a marble effect.

Cat put the Pound Cake into the oven and let it bake for an hour and 15 minutes and let it cool in the pan for 30 minutes. She turn the pan over and... Voila!

One. Order. Done.


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Now.. for the Victoria Sponge Cake for Averi. That name.. Sounds so familiar! Hmm... Whatever. Better get started onto the baking.

I preheat the oven to 350°F and take out two round cake pans, placing parchment paper inside of them and buttering it up.

I mix up butter and sugar until it turns fluffy. Next I add 4 eggs.

In a separate bowl, I whisk together flour, baking powder and salt.

Cat divides the cake batter between the two pans and puts them into the oven to bake for 20 minutes. She then took the cakes out and let them cool for 10 minutes.

After that she mashed up the remaining raspberries into raspberry jam. Turning one of the cooled cakes over she covers it in the raspberry mixture. She takes the other cake and covers the base in whipped cream, and places that on top of the raspberry-covered cake. Once that's done Christina dusts powdered sugar over the top of the cake and place fresh raspberries on top.

 Once that's done Christina dusts powdered sugar over the top of the cake and place fresh raspberries on top

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Two orders down, Two more to go..!

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