☆Chapter 24☆

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Chapter 24

More Work!

Third Person P.O.V

When the girls got home they started to bake, which reminded them when they were in college and went to each other's dorms and watched Cake Wars or Cupcake Wars.

Then something lingered in Madeline's brain...

has it been more than a year since college?

So then she had to ask

"Has it been over a year after college?"

"OMG! It has!" said Christina

"Guys we need to get focused! the mirror cake has to be made by tomorrow!" said Scarlett.

Cat looked at Madeline and Christina with a smirk on her face when she said: "Working from home doesn't mean that you don't work at all ya know."

Then Cat leaned against the fridge.

"Well look who's talking. The person that's not doing anything." chuckled Madeline.

"Just followin' the crowd's example." said Cat.

Madeline got triggered. She HATED getting roasted. she was about to say something when Scarlett cut her off

"Stop being silly you two, if we don't finish it we'll be very sorry when the person getting the cake will rate us 0 stars. Then we'll definitely NOT be the top star bakery." 

Madeline shoved Cat out of the way so she could get to the fridge.

But that doesn't mean that Cat wasn't angry at her.

"Oookay. Ya know you could have said 'Excuse me' or somethin' right?" yelled Cat

Madeline just ignored her and continued to look for the cake

"Saltyyyyyy" Cat muttered

Madeline noticed, but didn't point out anything

"OOOOOOOKAY so here is the cake. You guys finish this and we work on the pet cookies order, okay?"

Everyone else nodded, with Cat kinda mad


Madeline realized the mistake she was about to make and stopped herself.


"Nevermind... just get to work already..."

So everyone worked on orders all night until they were too tired, and Cat stayed to sleep over in the guest room again. Regardless of how short the small argument between Cat and Madeline was, the salty aura remained in the air, so the girls didn't talk until morning.

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Well, that was intense! sorry for the short chapter! this one was written mainly by Madeline but I uploaded it to wattpad and made some edits. also sorry we took so long to write some stuff! we've been kinda busy recently with the top star bakery board, end-of-the-year tests, and all that stuff, but I have good news! we are going to make a real-life Choco-Tortoise!

(by we I mean me... the girls can't come and we don't have much time left so it's just gonna be me ;-;)

anyways, I'm currently working on chapter 25 for you and I promise you that as soon as class ends for us, we'll be mass-producing these chapters, and even finish the first book!

thank you all for your patience!


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