[32] With this shit again

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That was the last straw for Jin. Knowing Jimin loves someone yet he would date other people. He had know idea what the truth was and In his head he couldn't help but think they were doing nasty things. Of course he didn't want to walk in on them in they were having sex but him wanted to prove a point.

He finished eating of course got to get those greens in. He washed up then silently walked over to Jimin's door pressing his ear gently to the door first to maybe catch them kissing or something. He stayed there for what seemed like forever but was only a couple minutes. He heard mumbles which was enough for Jin to open the door.

He did so with a force making the pair in the room jump at the sudden action. What he walked in on was something other than what he was expecting. Jimin was huddled in the younger's lap not for sexual purposes but sobbing into his chest as Jungkook rubbed circles on his back but now glaring at him for ruining their conversation.

"It's okay it's just Jin being a stalker." He emphasized the word stalker so Jin would know he was doing something wrong.

"Jiminie baby what wrong?" Jin was now concerned on why he was crying. He left the door to the room open as he made his way towards the bed where the two were sat.

"Don't worry about it it's none of your business." Jungkook reached out a hand to push the older way knowing Jimin wasn't in the right head space.

"I came here to say that Yoongi was getting suspicious on why you left the date early then when I told him Jungkook was coming over he got mad saying that he loved you and he thinks there's something going on between the two of you." He kinda lied about the whole Yoongi loving him just so he remembers to break things off with him.

"Nothing is going on between us." Jimin finally speaks up leaning away from Jungkook's chest showing the amount of dried tears that are present on his face.

"Then what's going on because this whole situation is weird." He pointed at them from walking in on them hugging or more like cuddling with no explanation.

"Well ever since that night I yelled at Hoseok he came to help me. Which became him coming over every so often to kinda be my therapist." He said the last part of the answer really softly kinda embarrassed that he has to be admitting it.

"Well why could you have just told us earlier Yoongi and I were getting really suspicious telling us would have been better then what we came up with." He crosses his arms in a non scary mad way but in a confused way along with a shoulder shrug.

"I don't want to admit I have problems I guess....oh and about Yoongi I'm sorry I just couldn't break things off." Jimin didn't know whether to say breaking up seeing as tho they only went on one date which lasted ten minutes.

"You better break things off with him before he starts acting out because he will come here to fight Jungkook if you guys aren't careful." He pointed cautiously towards the two.

"He hasn't changed hasn't he." He giggled picking up His phone about to text Yoongi a time and place to meet to discuss this whole situation.

"What are you doing?" Jin watched as he picked up his phone while drying the remaining tears off on his sleeve.

"Texting Yoongi so we can meet and just clear everything up if I don't do it now I will never do it." He was right if he let it go any longer than he would just end up dating Yoongi and have a horrible time not being with someone he truly loves.

"Please do it this time and have you guys meet tomorrow at the cafe so Namjoon can watch and make sure you guys break things off." Jimin remembers how Namjoon ruined things the last time by scaring the shit out of him to the point he ran away. No way he was doing that again but in all honesty he needs to do this.

"Um anyway Jungkook you should probably go same as you Jin." They both silently nod Jin leaving the room first walking into the living room, Jungkook stayed a little hugging Jimin  making sure he was okay before leaving the room.

Of course Hoseok heard all of that. He pressed his ear to the wall to hear every word, he was heartbroken to learn that Jimin was crying which made him want to cry. He listened in more hearing the situation which made he mad that he was still 'dating' Yoongi. He didn't know if they were dating or not but he did know that he started to have feelings for the cute pink haired fluff ball but he would never admit that.

The night came and went Hoseok and Jimin didn't leave their rooms as Jin stayed in the living room hoping one of them would waffle out and spend time with him but why would they, they were both mad at him so that meant he was to be alone forever.

When it got to morning though Jimin woke up with a killer headache. He grabbed onto his head as he sat up wondering if he drank the night before or not. It felt like a hangover but he didn't drink so he just had a really bad head ache. He felt butterflies in his stomach as well which meant he was just nervous about today.

Jimin made sure to have Yoongi come to the cafe earlier then at the end of the day just to get it over with. He walked out into the hall way to see Hoseok going in for his shower but with him being in pain he kinda ran into him not really noticing.

"Watch where you're going." Hoseok slapped Jimin with the towel he had in his hands until he noticed Jimin was hunched over in pain. He of course thought he hurt him until he noticed him grabbing on his head.

"Chim what's wrong?" They stayed in the hall and Jimin couldn't help but smile at the nickname that Hoseok would call him all the time before all this happened.

"I don't know I woke up with a killer headache." He rubbed his temples with his fingers. Hoseok wanted to hug the shit out of him but knew he shouldn't he just had a soft spot for Jimin in his heart.

"Come on the warm steam will help you." Jimin couldn't believe his ears. Hoseok was telling him to be in the same room as him once again as he takes a shower.

All Jimin could do was nod walking with his crush into the bathroom which he hoped this would be a forever thing. He noticed Hobi going to the cabinet after setting his towel down grabbing out a naproxen bottle for pain.

"Here take just one this is Jin's but it helps with pain." He smiled making the younger melt taking one of the pills swallowing it with the help of water he got from the sink.

Hoseok turned on the shower walking over to Jimin playfully grabbing his waist and pulling him closer.

"Now turn around." He said in his sexy low hoarse voice kissing Jimin on the forehead softly right after making him blush like crazy.

'This is going to be one hell of a day.'

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