[8] Jealous

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Jimin made sure to leave extra early the next morning to avoid conversations with Jin. He had time to walk more around the town glancing into store windows. He crossed his arms for warmth as the wind became stronger as the sun started to rise over the horizon. Most of the stores were closed due to the early morning so he couldn't go into any of them.

He had about an hour to spare so he started to walk across town to the cafe. He kicked the pebbles under him watching the pools of people who started to pour into the streets. He walked a bit until he got to the cafe seeing Namjoon once again the same time as yesterday unlocking the door.

Back at the apartment Jin woke up as usual but this time Jimin wasn't in his room he was no where. He carried on his way into the kitchen when he heard noises, he ran in hoping it would be Jimin yet he was shocked to see Hoseok grabbing a protein shake from the fridge.

"H-hey." Hoseok smiles nervously like he got caught with something.

"Why are you up? You realize how early it is." Jin laughed crossing his arms like he caught his child doing something wrong.

"Uh well last night Namjoon texted me saying to go to the cafe to work on lyrics." He smiled again knowing Jin would feel kinda jealous.

"Oh well then I hope you have fun." He nodded past Hoseok to grab a water bottle.

"Don't get jealous it's just me and you know I don't like him, I like Jenny." He walked to grab his keys walking out leaving Jin feeling a little jealous.

Namjoon grabbed a black beat up notebook along with a pastel pink pen. He grabbed two stools up to a table in the back room.

"What are you doing?" Jimin asked once he took a look at what Namjoon was doing.

"Well I'm having Hoseok come in so we can work on lyrics." Just at those words Jimin started to blush a little at the thought of him entering the cafe.

"Is something wrong." There was a confused tone in the older's voice as Jimin started to act a bit weird.

"Uh n-nothing." He quickly turned around walking back out into the main cafe where Ms. Kim was setting out the baked pastries out on display.

"Oh Jimin can you clean off the tables over in section A I just don't have the time right now." She smile nicely, Jimin gladly agreed grabbing the towel.

As soon as he started on the first table he heard the door ring signaling someone came into the cafe. Jimin thought nothing of it seeing that it is a cafe people come in and out.

"Ah Hoseok." Jimin froze right when he heard who it was walking through the door yet he didn't dare to turn around he stayed still.

"Hey Joonie." He heard them walk back into the back room is when Jimin relaxed cleaning off the rest of the tables sighing at how awkward he is.

The day went by slow, no customers in a couple hour periods. It gave Jimin time to go back into the back room to see what Namjoon and Hoseok were doing.

"Jiminie!" Namjoon shouted making Jimin jump.

"H-hey." Jimin clasped his hands in the front of him looking at his small hands.

"What's up with you? Is it about last night?" Jimin shot his head up remembering the events of last night.

"Woah what happened last night?" Namjoon budded in with a teasing tone of voice.

"Nothing like that you pervert." Hoseok playfully pushed him over almost making him fall off the chair.

"N-no it's just idk my high school life wasn't that great is all." Jimin tilted his head down once again playing with his fingers.

"Anyway I've got a date with Jenny, I gotta go." Hoseok got up grabbing his jacket in hand.

"Ooo I remember Jenny you guys are finally going out?" Namjoon playfully hit his arm laughing.

Yet Jimin just stood there listening to a guy he was starting to like more than a friend talk about going on a date with a girl. Jimin sighed walking over to the front where the cafe was coming to a close. Ms. Kim was starting to pack away everything from the not so busy day. Jimin kept quiet as he got his stuff afraid to cry in front of everyone.

He had weird emotions he knew he could already like a guy he just met but maybe he was. It was hard for him to explain but he felt jealous of the girl he was going on the date with. He was scared of these feelings so on his walk home he scrolled through his dating apps. He got a couple matches but none were really catching his eye. He felt his finger cramp from swiping so he gave up continuing the not so long walk back to the apartment. He was ready to ask Jin for help seeing that he is the older one.

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