[30] Let it all go

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Yoongi starts to find suspicion when Jungkook spends more time with Jimin also Jimin has been acting really weird around him ever since the date.

Jimin made it to the apartment rushing inside praying no one was there which to his relief no one was. He took a deep breath throwing his keys on the table next to the door closing and locking the door behind him. He was glad he got out of the date but knew some people wouldn't be so happy with how he ended things.

Yoongi stood in the cafe in a sort of shock that Jimin had to leave so fast. Jimin did say it was his mother for the text but Yoongi noticed how he instantly said it was his mother even though he didn't look at the texters name. Instead of worrying so much over it he just left without even saying a goodbye to Namjoon.

Jimin rushes to his room climbing into bed of course taking off his clothing throwing them across the room set on picking them up later. He brought up His phone to his face climbing under the covers of his blankets a little.

He dialed Jungkook's number and waited. He knew he was busy with Taehyung when the call went to voicemail. Jimin sighed a relief knowing that was kinda buying him time to tell Yoongi he might not think the whole dating thing was the right idea. He tossed his phone to the nearest chair before turning to face the wall.

It wasn't too late meaning his light in his room was off but the sun had not yet fully went down so it was shining inside his small room. This made it hard for him to fall asleep so he spent most of the time thinking. Mostly about his future and how college would be starting soon and he won't get any time to really breath as the homework and nights of studying are already stressing him out.

With his new found stress he swung his legs up and over his bed noticing he's already been laying down for about an hour as the sun was down completely leaving his room extremely dark.

He made his way over to his room tripping in the process making him screech out a cute little hiss trying hard not to make a loud noise. He sat down on his cold floor holding onto his toe as a burning stinging sensation was making his whole body tingle.

Before he knew it his bedroom door was being open to reveal a very sleepy Hoseok.

"Shut up you aren't dead now please excuse me while I try to go back to sleep." Hoseok was a lot more grumpy and Jimin didn't believe his small little noise woke him up.

Jimin rolled his eyes at Hoseok's sudden bad mood which he assumed was the lack of sleep. Hoseok knew why he was pissed, Jimin went out on a date with Yoongi. Hoseok wanted the younger to like him and not some idiot who can only rap. His thoughts and emotions were building up to the point he would only cuss out Jimin or even ignore him completely.


There was a knock on the front door so Jin was the first to get it. He was in the kitchen making a protein drink when he heard the door. He started shaking the bottle as he went to the door swinging it open to reveal Yoongi in his normal attire. A pair of black skinny jeans and a black top which he seemed to have a closet full.

"Yoongi! Did Jimin ask you to come again?" He was confused because last time he checked Jimin was suppose to cut ties with Yoongi so seeing him in the door frame was kinda odd.

"No actually he left from our date because of family and I wanted to see if he was okay." Jin knew that Yoongi knew Jimin could be lying. It was present on the younger's face that Yoongi could see through Jimin's lies.

"Well at this current moment he is sleeping and in about two hours Jungkook's coming over." Jin looked at his watch for the time.

"Doesn't he have work though he can't miss work to hang out with Jungkook?" Yoongi was now suspicious of Jungkook and why he was stealing Jimin away from him.

"Namjoon let him have a day off seeing as there has been a lot of stuff going on lately." Jin nodded trying to get rid of Yoongi.

"Well then I'll just leave." They both nodded and Jin closed the door letting out a huff of annoyance. Jin was frustrated because Jimin lied just to leave the date and to not break thing off with him.

Jin stormed to Jimin's room setting down his shaken bottle of protein before banging on his door. The door rattled as he did so causing Jimin to jump at the sudden action. He was currently laying in bed propped up on his elbow from getting scared from the knocking.

"Open up you little scared bitch." Jin has never used those words in his entire life so when Jimin heard those words he knew shit was about to get real.

"Fucking little nice bitch who leads guys on." Instantly Jimin knew what was happening and for Hoseok who was in the room right next to them he was in shock.

"Jimin!" He yelled again still banging on the door to the point his arm was getting tired.

Soon Jimin jumped up out of bed and locked the door quickly before Jin could figure out it was unlocked. He jumped back into his warm comfy bed looking at the time.

"Two hours then Jungkook will be here I can do this." Of course Jimin was terrified he thought if he answered his Hyung then he would get the shit kicked out of him.

Hoseok didn't care about Jimin as Jimin moved on to Yoongi which pissed Hoseok off just for the fact the younger doesn't like him anymore. Sure Hoseok wouldn't admit he had feelings for the younger but he wanted Jimin to have feelings for him. He threw the blankets over his body with a huff storming over to the door swinging it open and scaring Jin who in all honesty was terrified of Hoseok. He got into more fights and was just more scary.

"You either shut the yell up and leave poor Jimin alone or I beat your ass one of the two pick one." He kept his voice quiet than Jin's but still stern and scary.

"You just say that because you like Jimin." He snapped back crossing his arms feeling his heart beating out of his chest.

"It doesn't matter who I like he is a friend and he has been going through a lot and I've been through it so I know that yelling at him won't work." He was leaning out from his room but he ended up stepping out into the hallway crossing his arms looking a lot meaner than Jin.

All that was heard from Jin was a huff throwing his arms in defeat then he just stormed away. Hoseok sighed looking at Jimin's room knowing he just had to hear all of that go down. He walked over and placed a very gently knock on his door making sure not to scare him.

"Don't worry Jimin I will protect you no matter what okay, I'm here for you." His sentence was true he would do anything for the younger even if Jimin doesn't like him. Hoseok was also starting to accept his feelings for Jimin but he thought they were just friend feelings.

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