[4] Moving nerves.

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Jimin was sat there under the sun which was peeking its was through the clouds. He laid there waiting for Jin to come get him. His mother was inside making tea sad about her son leaving even though he wasn't moving very far. As for his dad, he was working on his car due to his day off he got from faking sick. 

"Chim Chim come in here and help me with lunch before you leave." He took a deep breath sitting up looking towards the kitchen door excited and nervous to move away.

He got up dusting off his pants from the dirt that came with him. He stumbled his way over to his mother who was done making lemonade and moved on to making sandwiches.

"It looks like you got it." He chuckled sitting down at the table in front of a glass filled with ice ready for the lemonade to mix in. 

"I know but you can't be outside away from me before you leave." She began to spread the strawberry jelly not jam but jelly onto the bread. Jimin shook his head reaching for the pitcher filled with lemonade pouring it into the glass.

"Why can't we ever have jam?" Jimin questioned knowing the answer but he wanted to here it again lifting the glass to his mouth.

"Because sweetie you got no jams." She laughed hard moving onto the peanut butter, the crunchy kind. It's the only good kind really.

"Ugh mom once I move I will consume all the jams." He joked watching his mother finish off three sandwiches. Laughing almost chocking on the sip of lemonade.

"Okay whatever you say now eat as I get your father." She set down the sandwiches down on the table brushing her hands off on her apron then left.

"Okay darling I'll miss you, remember to call me." Jimin was getting help by his father carrying the few boxes he had down the stairs to Jin's car.

"Mom I'm not going that far I'll be fine don't worry about me." He stopped before exciting the house to see his moms face.

He walked down the way stuffing the older's car with his stuff.

"It's been forever since I've seen you." Jin announced looking down at the younger with a smile.

"I know I feel like high school drama had some play in it, you and Namjoon both floated away but me and Namjoon made up after the fight." The last box was placed in the back Jin closing the trunk.

"Oh right you guys did have a fight, what was it even about." Jin crosses his arms leaning on the car.

"You know I was stupid trying to force his sexuality on him because he kept saying he had a crush on a boy but saying he was straight. Something stupid." Jimin shook his head mad at himself for the way he treated his good friend. Turning back around to say his last goodbyes to his parents.

"I'm not moving far away so you can visit or I can visit." He smiles bringing them both into a group hug. His dad trying to escape the strong grip the two had.

"We know be safe Chimmy." She said resting her hand on his shoulder. Finally pulling away from the hug so his dad could breathe.

"I'm not going to lie I'm kinda nervous to move." Jimin readjusted the seat belt so it wasn't twisted up.

"Everyone gets nervous it's okay." He glanced over starting the car. Watching Jimin look out the window to wave one last time to his parents.

"Anyway Hoseok my other roommate is going to be home late he texted this morning that after the recording sesh he's going to the club." Jin told disapprovingly.

"Is he a singer?" Jimin questioned.

"No he raps, he does it with Namjoon and Yoongi." Jin was trying to focus while making the left turn.

"Really, Namjoon never really talks about his dreams that much ever since high school when someone told him he sucks." Just thinking about it makes Jin's blood boil that they would be mean to Namjoon.

"How dare they because he's good all of them are, they did the same thing with my singing career." Jin's voice turned into a whisper while he pulled into the apartment complex.

"You're good I'm sad that you stopped." Jimin unbuckled as Jin threw the car into park turning the car off.

"It's okay let's just get you moved in." He smile towards Jimin upset that people were so mean to Namjoon one of his best friends."

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