[28] Leading you on

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After the whole thing the night before went down everyone kinda left. Yoongi left with Namjoon who was going to bring him home since he wasn't set to drive until he healed. Hoseok made sure to not make any sound that included not listening to his music in the late night afraid to wake up Jimin. Jin made sure to sneak passed Jimin's room to go down to his own which was easy seeing as the floor didn't squeak.

Yet the morning was a bit different, it was Sunday meaning they would all have the day off anyway so that meant Jimin wouldn't have to go to work. Jin woke up around five in the morning not being able to go back to sleep so he rolled over catching a glimpse of the bottom of his door which was shinning a bright light.

'Maybe Hoseok left the light on last night just Incase he had to use the bathroom? Jin thought as he sat up rubbing his eyes until he saw clearly. He yawned stretching his whole body up before checking what was out there.

He waddled to the door hearing his ankles pop as he did so pressing his ear to the door listening to any movement that could be out there. When he heard nothing he opened the door looking down the hall to see no one. The only thing down the hall was the light which was on coming from the kitchen. He closed the door walking a ways when he heard glasses being moved around and water being heated up.

He made it down the hall to spot someone, he was short and had black hair. Jin adjusted to the bright light to find it was just Yoongi who flashed a small smile before pouring the hot water into a mug.

"W-what are you doing here do you realize how early it is?" Jin looked down at the clock on the stove seeing it was still so early.

"I know but Jimin texted me saying he wanted me to come over, he was feeling lonely." Yoongi played with the green tea bag which sunk to the bottom of the white mug.

"Oh." Jin tried to figure out why Jimin would want Yoongi over instead of Jungkook who seemingly helped him or just lied and he didn't.

"Can I ask you something?" He grabbed the mug about walk off but he needed some help.

"Of course what?" Jin made sure to sound loving but seeing that is was so early it was hard to show it.

"D-do you think J-Jimin... likes me?" His stutter was cute which made Jin want to hug him but he knew he was going to lie to Yoongi and he would be so hurt.

"I don't know r-really he's a weird child so he might I just can't give you the answer you might have to ask him yourself." Jin nodded praising himself in his head knowing he didn't just destroy Yoongi's feelings.

"Okay I will I might ask him out seeing as though he's been going trough a rough time." He walked passed Jin with the cup steaming in his hands.

"About him, has he told you anything about that." Jin wanted some reassurance that Jimin was okay and exactly what might be going on.

"No he hasn't said anything. Oh but told me Jungkook's coming over later today to talk to him. He says he's his new therapist, I just hope he can you know help him." Yoongi shrugs waving off before heading down the hallway and back into the younger's room.

In the room Jimin was sat on his bed with his knees tucked to his chest hiding his upper half in a large sweatshirt he found in his closet. He also just wore boxers that were black with nothing on it. His sweatshirt covered them though so Yoongi could see them.

"Here baby." Yoongi closed the door as he spoke not paying much mind to the pet name that he let slip passed his lips.

He handed the nice and warm mug over to Jimin who seemed to not notice the pet name as he was too busy in his own thoughts. There was silence in the room as Yoongi sat on the edge of the bed playing with the sheets that had creases on them.

"Can I a-ask you something?" He looked up to see that Jimin was already looking at him, both of his small hands wrapped around the mug holding tight while he blew on the hot liquid.

"So like I've known you since high school, I remember that you had a crush on me. Do you still have those feelings, it's okay if you don't or do I don't care." He held back a smile as the younger squinted his eyes as the hot tea entered his mouth.

"Uh....I don't know I haven't really thought about my feelings that much." He lied he knew he thought about his feelings all day but never once thought about liking Yoongi. He might like him since he did kiss him on the lips that one time but maybe Jimin wanted to do it just once to see how his feelings stood.

"Well can you think about it?" Jimin was surprised by the answer he got back. He sighed setting the mug down on a small table and brought Yoongi's hands into his own playing with the rings Yoongi loved to put on.

"Well...I might because when I went to your house I kissed you didn't I It would only make since if I liked you to do that." Jimin tried so hard to make his heart think differently. He tried to replace Hoseok's face with Yoongi's in hopes to change his feelings.

To change ones thought on love is hard especially when the person doesn't know they are in love. Jimin is truly in love but he isn't in love with Yoongi in fact he's in love with his roommate Hoseok yet he will never listen to his heart.

"So does that mean I can take you on a date, maybe at the cafe after your shift tomorrow?" Yoongi asked his heart beating fast knowing a guy who's actually attractive might say yes.

"Why not it will be fun." The door to his room opened right when Jimin leaned in pressing a gently kiss on the older's cheek.

They both smile faces close together before they looked over their shoulders to see who was at the door. There stood Jungkook in his white t-shirt and loose joggers which by now everyone knew was his style.

"Oh Jungkook hey well Yoongi I think you should go now." Yoongi smiled giving Jimin a kiss on his soft lips before walking out Jungkook closing the door behind him.

The taller man let out a huff knowing what Jimin was trying to do. He knew what was going on is if Jimin was going to deny it.

"What was that?" Jimin got a arm crossed glared expression knowing he did something wrong.

"What do you mean?" He asked innocently but truly confused, maybe Jungkook didn't want him to be happy after all.

"I know you love Hoseok now you're trying to be all lovey with Yoongi you know what you're doing right?" Jungkook crosses his arms glaring at Jimin which was honestly freaking him out a little.

"I like him maybe I do still like Hoseok but I have to realize that won't happen." He leaned over grabbing the mug of tea as by now it had cooled off a bit.

"You're leading him on! Okay so if Hoseok came in here right now and said he was gay would you flirt and ask him out?" He uncrossed his arms sitting on a chair across from Jimin like a full therapy session.

"Of course." Jimin was starting to get the picture he was getting how wrong this was. To play with Yoongi's feelings like that were so wrong.

"Let's say he asked you out right now, you would get excited. Then you go on the date and realize he liked the waiter the whole time and that's why he asked you out just to go to that restaurant to see his crush." That's when Jimin got the full picture of what he was doing. This was wrong and Jimin needed to stop what he was doing before it was too late.

"You're right I haven't really thought about it like that. Ugh I'm a idiot why did I lead him on like that now I'm breaking his heart." Jimin leaned forward pressing the palms of his hands on the temples wishing so hard that he could go back just moments before and change everything.

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