[22] Fell out of love

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"Woah this is kinda like deja vu." Jimin rolled his eyes taking a sip of water from a cup Jungkook handed him only moments before.

"Really? Do you have bad luck or something?" He narrowed his eyes bringing the white cup to his lips.

"N-no it wasn't for me it was for Hoseok the guy who beat Yoongi." Jimin sadly glances over at Yoongi who was being cleaned up and taken care of by the many nurses.

"Ah! What did he do fight someone who was in a gang?" Jungkook was genuinely interested in the younger's story so much that he crossed his leg setting the cup down on a table.

"Uh kinda its complicated. Anyway why were you there you know at the university?" Jimin watched as one of the nurses set down wipes covered in blood which just didn't sit well with him.

"I go there, it's complicated because I'm only 17 but since my dad's a doctor and my moms a professor at the school I kinda just go along to events. Anyway there's free booze so I can't complain too much." He giggles which to Jimin was so new and different a giggle he never heard before it was cute and silent.

"Uh so what happened with you and your boyfriend?" All Jimin could think about was the park and what happened after he left.

"What? Oh yeah uh we kinda got into a heated fight and it ended with me moving back home." He swirled the water in the cup feeling defeated as he told someone he just met really about his love life and his living situation.

"I'm sorry I guess we can relate kinda I think." Jimin just shook his head leaning back in his seat ever so often looking over at Yoongi through the window as he was almost done getting healed.

"How So? Is he your boyfriend?" Jungkook pointed through the glass in which Jimin shook his head almost bursting out into laughter at the thought.

"It's complicated really because the guy I like who says he's straight just beat the shit out of Yoongi because I guess we were standing and dancing so close." Jimin didn't really understand why Hoseok did it and he sure as hell didn't want to go home to face him right after something like this happened.

"You l-like the guy who beat the shit out of someone." Jungkook's tone was something of confusion like Jimin was dumb to like someone like him.

The door to Yoongi's room opened revealing a tall male wearing his doctor attire black shiny hair and almost looked just like Jungkook.

"He will be okay obviously he is cute in many places had to get stitches under his left eye along with a black eye, split lip. We are going to give him pain killers then you guys can be on your way. As for you Jungkook you are to be seen at home by 9:30 if you are late say goodbye to your living space." Quickly Jungkook bowed sighing a yes sir before walking away quickly seeing that he only had thirty minutes.

"Sorry about him he's delusional." Dr. Jeon chuckled before holding the door open so that Jimin could walk in to see Yoongi.

Something didn't sit right with the way Jungkook's dad treats him he should go live with his boyfriend even though he had no idea what happened but knew he needed to go back.

He shook off his thoughts seeing Yoongi stitched and bandaged up around his rib area. Jimin felt bad for the way Hoseok treated him and wanted to do something good for his Hyung.

"Yoongi Hyung?" Jimin made sure not to startle the older as he walked in to see his face badly beaten as he put on his shoes.

A loud hiss could be heard when Yoongi tried to reach down and tie his shoe which Jimin ran up stopping him.

"Don't...let me." He held his hand on Yoongi's chest pushing him up to a sitting position.

Yoongi blushes watching the fluff of pink go down to tie his shoe which was so innocent he wanted to squeal.

"T-there." He stood up falling a bit forward making him rest his hands on both sides of Yoongi's hips pressing into the hospital bed.

Jimin quickly stood up once he noticed how thier noses brushed up against each other sending a shiver go through his spine. He didn't feel his heart face, he didn't feel like he couldn't breath the way Hoseok makes him. What was different with Hoseok and why wasn't he feeling it with Yoongi.

Back in high school he was in love or maybe he just told himself he was in love because he was really just resting his sexuality at that point. He wanted to date right away not caring if he had feelings for the person he's starting to think he's not in love with Yoongi as he is with Hoseok.

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