Chapter 19

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I don't know if I already said this but homecoming is coming up soon and I always thought I would go all 4 years and that it would be so fun but I doubt anyone is gonna ask me so I guess that's good too cause less money spending.

The next day is school again and I hate having to get up and go because literally nothing is going right. I barely talk to my best friend, jack is a dick, I have to see Zak after school and with all of this I can't focus on school. I would so much rather do online school but my parents would never let me.

Class after class after class. Lesson after lessons after lessons. and pages of homework. and this is just half of the day so far. half of the day meaning it's time for math.

I always go in early i dont even know why tho. As i was getting my assignment out i realize that jack just sat down next to me. i wasn't gonna say anything so i pretended not to see him.

"hey, long time no talk huh?" He says with a chuckle.

I just turn my head to him and give him a blank stare. then look back at my work.

"hey what's wrong are you ok?" he asks.

"No jack I am not okay if you haven't noticed" I answer back.

"Why what happened" he asks.

"Like you don't know. I don't want to talk to you about this right now." I say

"Why? Did I do something?" he questions.

" yes you did I don't wanna talk about this right now. People are looking at us" I say getting a little embarrassed because I think people can hear us.

"fine" he mumbles.

After class he stops me in the hallway.

" do you want to tell me now?" he asks

"Jack, we kissed back there in the hospital. I thought it was something special and then the next day I see you making out with Lily. how am i supposed to feel about that? I liked you a lot and now I don't even know. " I said


Sorry that I didn't update in a while busy im busy with personal stuff. btw i got general admission for the jack and jack tour cause vip sold out too fast. love you guys so much and thanks for reading.

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