Chapter 18

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*Text Conversation*

Z: Hey, whats up?

E: hey nm hby?

Z: the usual. bored got nothing to do. wanna hang out today?

E: not today im not feeling good

Z: oh ok. what about tomorow?

E: um sure where?

Z: at the park behind the school?

E: sure see you there

Z: k bye

*Conversation over*

That was so random. Why would he want to hang out with me? we literally havent talked in 2 years. I guess it wouldnt hurt tho so why not.

Sometimes i wish we were still friends so i could talk to him about guys and get his advice on it but i would feel really uncomfertable asking him now.

I dont know what to think about Jack. I really like him but hes acting like a dick. first he ignores me and pretends im not there and then he makes out with Lily the day after we kissed. I really dont know what to do.

The best thng to do is to just get over him but the problem with that is that ive liked him for so long i cant just not like him. ugh i wish i could just forget about him.

If that whole situation thing happened with Zak he would never go around kissing other girls. Wait what? Why am i even thinking about that with Zak. I swear i dont like him.


So that's that haha. I really hope you guys like this and please vote and comment. There's gonna be a lot of drama coming soon I'll try updating again thus week but no promises. Omg jack and jack are coming to the city I'm living in and if I get tickets I will be the happiest person ever because johnson is bae. haha love you guys and keep reading!

The Shy Girl (Jack Johnson FanFiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon