Chapter 17

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Lucy's POV

"Wait Sky Maiden? As in fairytails Wendy Marvell?" I asked trying to keep my cool and act as natural as possible.

This is bad, this is so so bad. I can't believe this is happening, I have such a bad feeling about this.

"Yeah that one" Kal confirmed my worst fears by saying those very few words. "Well anyway, while they were finishing up their job, Sammy over there," he paused while pointing at a girl with long brown hair standing off to the right side of the crowd.

"She used her sleeping magic knocking them unconscious, then we injected them with a poison called 'Gin Tala' which kills the person who was injected in a few month time span" Skully took over for kal.

"But there is a much bigger picture here, you see. The ancient army of Galicta rests here and with the power of the Sky Maiden we can revive them" The old man said in a voice full of strength and power, "Since the Galicta army once had control over this world and they all climbed up from the deep depths of hell, you can guess how they ruled. With fear." As he said all this is remained silent as a sense of deep dread came over me.

"Anyone who they thought would challenge them in any sort of way would dissappear. Every couple of weeks they would go on a mass murder hunt where they would trap about 2000 innocent people and transport them somewhere, just for the army to hunt and kill them like animals" Somebody else piped up, interrupting the old man, who's name I still don't know.

"We will use the Sky Maidens power to revive them and walk among the revived army as gods" The old man, god I really need to find out his name, continued.

"We know she won't comply with us but we have the only cure to the poison and we know for a fact she's not going to let that little cat die" Skully said with a smirk on his face.

I felt sick to my stomach at what Skully just said. If they find out who me and Mira really are then there's a big chance they might destroy the cure.

I gave Mira a side glance and she looked at me before changing her facial expression and moving her eyebrows up in silent communication. I knew what she meant though: 'We need to talk right now'.

"We need to be careful though, she has a new team and apparently they are pretty powerful. They're called Team J.M.X or something like that" Some random brunette guy who looked pretty short said as he looked at the sky looking like he was trying for remember something.

"Pshhh as if" Kal said with a snigger that made me want to throttle him, "So the whole jist is, when we get her to revive the Galicta Army then we take over the world and I've put the cure in a magic safe where if anyone breaks into it and gives the Sky Maiden or the little cat the injection before the army has been raised then the army will raise" A middle aged lady with long ginger hair who's stood next to the master of the dark knights-the old man whos name I don't know- told us with a stone face.

I stood there silent not knowing what to say, what to think, what to feel.
"But isn't she just a kid" I blurted out not meaning to but all eyes landed upon my still form.

"Yes but who cares just cause she's a kid doesn't mean we can't do this, who the hell cares anyway. WE'RE GOING TO BE ONTOP OF THE WORLD!" Kal shouted gleefully as he threw his left arm up in the air and everyone around him shouted their own just as happy opinions before spreading out into groups and opening beer cans.

I just stood there not being able to move at the thought of something happening to Charla and Wendy.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Mira beckon me to her before she disappeared into the darling surroundings of the forest.

When I got to her the first thing she did was pull me into a hug, when we pulled apart she let her facade drop and she looked just as hurt and confused as I felt.

"What are we supposed to do?" I asked desperately with my voice cracking.

"I-i don't know" I heard Mira say in a voice mimicking my own, "It's either the world o-r-r our little sis-ters" She said with her head down.

"God no please don't let this happen...please".



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