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"Wow, thanks Yanjun!" Yuzhu smiled, holding the giraffe her boyfriend won for her.

"Anything for my girl," Yanjun said, kissing her temple.

"Ew," Dinghao muttered, almost dropping his cotton candy. "Why did you guys dragged me here anyway? I said I hate being a third wheel,"

"But you're not a third wheel," Yuzhu replied softly. "My cousin's here,"

"Yeah but Xinchun has been following that guy ever since we came here!"

Dinghao pointed at the guy with long hair. Yuzhu and Yanjun followed his direction but all they saw was someone who look like a fairy with his make up on.

Yanjun squinted his eyes, "Are you sure that's a boy?"

"Do you think I'm lying?"

"Wait," Yuzhu put a hand on Dinghao's shoulder, "I think I know who that is,"

Xinchun suddenly walked back to them after talking to the guy with long hair, "He told me to go away and stop bothering him."

Yuzhu laughed, "Zhou Rui hates being bothered. You should know that by now,"

Xinchun sighed, crying into Dinghao's arms. "There, there minion. Let's get you some water so I can spit - I mean so you won't be dehydrated."

Yuzhu was about to pull Yanjun when he stopped in his tracks, "What's wrong baby?"

Yanjun looked around, waiting for something or someone with wings to pop out. But nothing, "Nevermind. I guess he's not in the mood to hang out."

"Who is?" Yuzhu asked, looking up at Yanjun.

"Just a friend," Yanjun smiled before grabbing her hand. "Let's go?"

.·:*¨¨*:·. .·:*¨¨*:·.


You didn't go out with them?" Chaoze asked as soon as he appeared inside Yanjun's apartment.

"No. Yanjun left first," Zhangpang muttered, searching for a movie to watch.

Chaoze furrowed his eyebrows, "Zhangpang do you feel anything weird? I mean like - are you glitching or something?"

Zhangpang dropped the cds he was holding and looked at Chaoze, "H-how did you -?"

"I knew it," Chaoze flew over to him and grabbed his hand. "We're going,"

Chaoze and Zhangpang arrived at the amusement park only to find Yanjun, Yuzhu, Dinghao and Xinchun surrounded by crows.

"What the hell?" Chaoze looked around at the crowd who was running their way out.

Zhangpang started to shake and quickly rushed to Yanjun's side, "What happened here?"

"Zhangpang! I'm so glad you're here!" Yanjun exclaimed, looking up.

The crows were eyeing Yuzhu. Chaoze appeared again, "We need to go. Now."

"What are these?!" Yanjun questions and notices that the three were quiet. "And what did you do to them?!"

"I cast a protection spell and a freezing one," Chaoze explained, trying to shoo the crows away. "It's best if we don't let them interfere with us."

Zhangpang bit his nail, looking at Yuzhu and Dinghao, "They'll be okay, right?"

"Of course," Chaoze replied. "I just need to alter their memory thinking that they went home because it was already night."

Yanjun glared at them, "You can't do that to my girlfriend! And my bestfriend!"

"I had no other choice!"

"Yes you do! You're a fairy! Do something about it without getting them hurt!"

"Yanjun, they're going to be okay -"

"What do you know?!" Yanjun screamed, making Zhangpang flinched. This was the first time he saw Yanjun so angry. "You don't have any friends, you don't know what it feels like to have a family!"

A single tear came out of Zhangpang's eyes.


I wonder...

Did I have one once?

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