Chapter 25

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A/N : Hey guys! Sorry that it has been sooooo long. Sorry to keep you guys waiting. I have been so busy lately but hopefully I can have more time for this. :) I now this chapter may be crappy as heck.....but I promise if you guys stay with me til the end, you will not regret it. I have great things planned. :) Also I want to point out that when I last updated, the views were at about 1.1k but about three months later there is 1.6k THAT IS FRICKING AMAZING!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH!! I am glad that I have the best readers in the world! Love you guys and I hope you will stay til the end and more.

Adam POV

Finally it's time for some down time. We were allowed to have a small break before the last concert of the tour. It's hard to know that the last one is in sight already. It's going to be over and then they will put me back into the studio for another album. Then who knows where this all will lead me. I just hope that I will always have Tommy by my side.

With everyone packed and ready to go home, we all headed off to the airport to catch our flight. Tommy stayed close to me. He now feels more comfortable about the relationship now that everyone knows. I am glad that we got him out of that little shell of his. Its nice to see him like this. While walking through the airport, he decided to slip his hand into mine. Of course all the paparrazzi wanted pictures of that. He just stayed close and never really left my side. When we got to the waiting area, we had about 15 minutes before they started boarding us. I sat down as Tommy sat right next to me.

"How are you doing?" I ask him placing my hand on his thigh. His head layed on top of my shoulder as he watched people walk around the airport.

"Fine. It's going to be nice to have a little free time before the concert. It seems like we haven't had much of that lately." Nodding in agreement I begin to lay my head onto his. Tommy than started to fall asleep.

"Baby you need to stay awake for a little more. We are going to get on the plane in just a few. You can sleep on the way home, okay?" He nods slightly as he tries to keep himself awake. Finally it was time to board the plane and we were off to L.A.


We landed and everyone decided to go their own ways. I invited Ashley to stay with us but she said that we should have our alone time. So I let her go on her way home. Then I took Tommy's hand and headed to the car that was waiting for us. Opening up the trunk I place our luggage inside and then shut it close. He already got into the car as I slip in right next to him. The car then began to move towards our destination. Tommy cuddles up to my side as I look out the window at all the scenery passing by. I kind of missed L.A. While traveling you get to see all these differnet places but then once you go back home, it seems that you have missed it. When the car stoppped in front of my house, I helped Tommy out of the car and got our luggage. Scrambling around I found my keys so that we could actually get into the house. Once through the door I just felt like falling over and not getting up.

"Well make yourself at home. The bedroom is upstairs on the last right." He nodded and zombie walked up the stairs. After I watched him climb the stairs and make it to the top floor I made my way over to the kitchen. I was pretty hungry.

"Hey Tommy, would you like anything to eat?" I waited for his reply. Usually when he hears anything to do with food he is on it. But I got nothing back from him.

"Tommy?" I look up to see if he was slowly walking down but he wasn't. I started to walk up there and get myself to our bedroom. When I got to the doorway I saw a passed out Tommy laying on the bed. Shoes were already off and thrown next to his suitcase. Just standing in the doorway I stare at all the perfect features that my boyfriend has. Which concludes to be everything. Slowly I walk to the bed and lay right next to him. Moving some pieces of hair out of his face I see the the beauty hidden behind it. I run my hand down his soft skin down to his chin. He starts waking up and begins to roll over.

"Hey I was looking at your beautiful face." Groans were heard from the other side. My body comes up behind him and cuddles up to him. I could feel him get closer to me. I just love having him in my arms. Just knowing that he is not in harms way as long he stays here with me. I don't want anything more to happen to him, he has already been through enough. Hopefully he will always be mine forever.

"Do you just want to have a lazy day today? You know, it's our first day back from tour. We could use some time to just settle down." Lightly nodding his head he curls more into my body. Rubbing his back lightly, I could feel his muscles begin to relax.

In his surprise I slipped my arms underneath him bringing his body close to mine as I pick him up. Beginning to carry him down the stairs down to the living room. He curled into my chest, bringing the coldness of his body against mine. Finally getting to the bottom of the stairwell, I make my way towards the couch. Softly plopping down Tommy I move towards the closet to grab some blankets. Grabbing the fluffiest ones that I could find.

Tommy POV

As I watched Adam walk towards the closet, my thoughts began to wonder off a little. I start to think about how much has happened through the time that Adam and I have been dating. I love him so much. No doubt about it. We have gone through so much together. And I wouldnt know what to do with myself if I didnt have him. He helped me so much with my..."problem". It has been about 3 weeks since my last incident. Still getting nightmares, not as bad as before but still got them.

All the sudden the whole room goes pitch black as a fuzzy blanket is thrown onto my head. Quickly I draw the blanket away to find a grining Adam holding many blankets in his arms.

"Really Adam?" He chuckled as he shuts the door to the closet, carrying all the blankets he could find back to the couch.

"Why did you give me this one?" Looking over at him with a joking look.

"Well I thought you would have liked the fluffiest one out of all of them, but if you don't want it, I will gladly take it back." I shake my head violently back and forth.

"No! My blanket." I grab the blanket tightly and hold it close to my body. Adam looks down at me with a smile. As I curl into a ball with my fluffy blanket, Adam sits down with all the blankets that he grabbed. Making the couch into the comfiest thing ever, he goes over to the shelf with all the millions of movies that he owns. He randomly picks one and puts it in. Getting a running start Adam jumps into the ocean of fluffy blankets. Without drowning, he makes his way over to me. Holding me in a strong embrace that I did not want to let go.

Within a couple of minutes I began to feel Adam's breathes get slower, knowing that he has fallen asleep. Usually I am the one to fall asleep first but we are so exuasted from everything that has been happening.

I start to play with his hair as he sleeps on my chest. While doing so I begin to feel my own eyes start to grow heavy. In the next minutes, Adam and I are asleep on the couch at 5 p.m.


When my little ended, I felt a coldness on my chest where there once was a warmth that laid there. Opening up my eyes I realize that the thing that was missing was Adam. Looking around the big, empty living room I try to spot him. Without getting up to look, I stretch my neck to look over the back of the couch. While I try to listen for any give aways I hear a loud thud on the stairs. I almost jumped straight off of the couch. Staring in the direction of where the sound came from I hear another loud thud. With curiosity I wrap myself in a blanket then make my way over to the stairs as the thuds continued. To my surprise, Adam is coming down the stairs dragging luggage.

"Adam...what the heck are you doing?" He attempts to speak but waits until he got to the bottom of the stairs.

"I've got a plan." Giving me a smirk as he drops the luggage onto the floor. All I can do is just give him a confused look. What is he up to?

"Adam, what is going on?"

"You have to just trust me, okay? Go get dressed real quick." While confusion is still stuck on my mind I decide to listen to him and go upstairs to get dressed.

Once I got that done I came down the stairs to find Adam waiting for me. Holding out his hand he reaches for mine.

"Ready?" Slipping my hand into his butterflies begn to grow inside of me.

"Yeah." I give him a smile as he leads me to the car, opening the car door for me. And then we were off to wherever Adam was taking us. Who knows where we will end up.

There He Goes... ~Adommy~ (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now